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Everything posted by nikki191

  1. nikki191

    Us colonial marines

    Damn I go away fro a few days and the mod im desperately waiting for releases an absolutely jaw dropping video. Well done. just had a quick couple of questions about the Marines you are creating from a curious fan of you guys, were you making them with just one camo uniform or different types? and is a pressure suit on the drawing boards at all?
  2. nikki191

    Us colonial marines

    all i can say is oh my these look good i just wish i had the talent to help amazing work
  3. nikki191

    Wasteland RELEASED!! wOOT!

    was looking for large empty desolate wasteland for a mission to represent another planet and now ive found it thanks
  4. nikki191

    Us colonial marines

    hmm so they bite, stab, use their mouth, punch and spray acid just like the movies...hmm personal note to self dont forget portable nuke launcher from starship troopers mod...or running away really fast
  5. nikki191

    Some c&c stuff

    whoa!!!!! Looking good
  6. nikki191

    Need help!

    this is cool a wing commander mod.. wish i could help as these look very good keep up the good work and i hope you find some help
  7. nikki191

    Us colonial marines

    sounds really good.. hmm they could possibly double as rebelling colonists too
  8. nikki191

    Us colonial marines

    great work on this mod and i cant wait for it to be released. i was just wondering if you had decided to include or were working on any OPFOR other than the aliens?
  9. nikki191

    Unified zombie pack release imminent

    Do we want to see the textures of your new zombie? is that a trick question LOL I love this mod and it still amazes me how much OFP has come with breaking engine limit boundaries and the creativity of mod makers like you guys. Keep up the amazing work, we all apreciate the time and passion you guys put into this work thank you
  10. nikki191


    weird i got the pcsailor with the carrier addon. great work by the way i love it
  11. nikki191

    Hawk's nimitz class aircraft carrier

    c-130...an-124, the c5 man you guys are a carrier captains worst nightmare
  12. Miles release it as is... call it an historical "what if.." mission
  13. doh, put all the addons in my res/addons folder thats why they kept going prone..oops love the island. Definitely need groups in the next update
  14. they don't go prone? weird mine do... hmmm might be some sort of clash with the FDF mod i open flashpoint with.. Great mod, im really enjoying it, and havent noticed any lag with lots of squads either... *happy dance
  15. nikki191

    Operation Farmland Mod

    Hmm I have some pics of US military NBC gear but I can't figure out how to post them.. anyway you might find what you need here: http://www.fas.org/man/dod-101/sys/land/jslist.htm http://www.globalsecurity.org/org/news/2003/030220-mopp01.htm http://www.army.mil/fact_files_site/m40/ The full suit is called a MOPP suit (Multiple Operations Protective Posture) and the latest MOPP suit is the JSLIST (Joint Service Lightweight Integrated Suit Technology) and the gas mask is the M40/m42 field mask Hope that helps. Nicole
  16. nikki191

    Operation Farmland Mod

    In reference to the flamethrower question the British pack from WWIIEC had a working version for the red devil's british Airborne that worked really well. Hope that helps. Nicole