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Everything posted by novatekk

  1. novatekk

    SFP4 - MekBat video

    Just watched the video and all I can say is WOW Those units look absolutely amazing!! Also I see some really neat effects. Looking forward to this one for sure
  2. novatekk

    T-90 and T-80U RELEASED!!!

    Those are the most sexy tanks i've ever seen in Ofp!! Beautiful models (T-80 looks so gorgeous), excellent machinegun sounds and amazing details like the thing at the back of the turret that opens after firing a round! Great work to anyone involved in making these beauties!
  3. Hi everyone, I was wondering if anyone ever made one of those as an addon or if any person or mod team is working on it. I've searched for it everywhere but could not find anything. It seems as if almost every weapon from the original OFP has been re-done sometime by some addon maker (some more than others) except for the strela launcher. This is by no means a request for an addon...i'm just wondering if anyone ever started working on it or even released it. Thanks, Arthur
  4. novatekk

    Igla or Strela missile launcher

    Man that is just so totally awesome to hear! I don't know where to start First of all I like the slightly longer loading time, it makes it more realistic and afterall that's what makes OFP such a great game. Second, i'm really curious about the new sounds and smoke effects. As long as they replace the original ones i'm all happy  About the new missile models, excellent I always enjoy taking a screenie a second before impact  Well theres just too much to mention here but i'm really really looking forward to your AA pack...especially to the folded version of the Stinger and to what you've done to the SA-7 and SA-14  Keep up the great work! Cheers
  5. novatekk

    Igla or Strela missile launcher

    Man that is some seriously good news! Really looking forward to a future release of your AA pack KyleSarnik! I'm curious about the new configs and scripts...could you perhaps give some more information about that? Anyway really great news! @The Cobra I know we have one in the original OFP mate I was talking about an addon that would replace the original one. Cheers
  6. novatekk

    SPETSNAZ MOD Ural-375D

    Very very nice addon by Spetsnaz Mod! Â Excellent textures...especially inside! Also love the random explosions after the vehicle is destroyed. Great work Spetsnaz Mod!
  7. novatekk

    Mi-8/17 Pack - Beta 2

    You can download it from his site Lol noticed the same thing
  8. novatekk


    Nice work on the cat there Desert-Rat! Perhaps some more work on the textures and it would be a great addition to the existing animals in OFP. Cheers
  9. novatekk


    man that is one awesome looking boat ramboofp! ofp could definately use more of these addons keep it up!
  10. novatekk

    Smart Roadster Coupe

    wow it looks very good! i really like the textures! looking forward to the release
  11. novatekk

    Smart Roadster Coupe

    wow it looks very good! i really like the textures! looking forward to the release
  12. novatekk

    On which OFP island would you spend your holiday ?

    Exactly my thoughts! It's definately the most beautiful place in OFP! Also I just love the atmosphere on that whole island.
  13. novatekk

    FN Five-seven

    very nice and clean addon great work syphboy!