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Everything posted by nSe7eN

  1. nSe7eN

    War against terror

    That visit was more than unnecessary. When someone with such history visits such place, I think he is really looking for problems! Which he successfully caused!
  2. nSe7eN


    I m not a cheater, never needed to cheat either;), though the nseven is trademark for the nseven electronics and many other companies, that’s why I removed the V and placed the 7, to help people like you to see the difference! Or go and ask the Nseven if he a registered user here or not, since you think he’s the only one out there, instead of posting this here! Google it correctly next time!
  3. nSe7eN

    OFP photography - Questions & comments

    Very nice screenshots Parvus, really nice! Each one of them is good enough to be rated!
  4. nSe7eN


    The amount of cheaters in flashpoint still less than many other games! Cheaters spoiling the fun!
  5. nSe7eN

    Linux QuestionsDVD

    You can fully access NTFS Volumes on Linux using some programs like paragon! You can also run many games that designed to work with windows using some program called (Cedega v4.3-if you can run games like HalfLife using it I think you can run flashpoint too!) you can access Linux volumes on windows based OS using programs like (Paragon Ext2FS Anywhere v3.0) and edit it too, for dual booting problems you can use programs like (Acronis OS Selector), and for partitioning converting your HD without losing data on multiple files system types you can also use Acronis Partition Expert! I think that solved many of your problems, though none of those programs free I think, so get a demo version for the applications you really need! Thanks for the info about the ATI cards der bastler, really didn’t know that, though thought they just having issues over the drivers for windows! Misspelled NTFS! You need such programs because Microsoft didn’t give that much of technical information about NTFS as file system, that’s why its not fully supported by many other OSs!
  6. nSe7eN

    War against terror

    The same terrorists that attacked many parts of the world would use the nuclear weapons or any other kind of weponas if they knew it will cause enormous destruction for their enemies, and they won’t feel sorry! If Islam is so perfect like that, why every Islamic group has its own understanding for Islam? , including some groups that belief in theirs enemies completes termination, including other groups that fighting for such reason, and other groups that fighting the whole world, and you gave an excuse for those terrorist, and that excuse was they misunderstood the Islam teachings! Exactly its dream, centuries passed without solving such problems in many other religions including Islam, that’s impossible or really hard, or just dream!
  7. nSe7eN

    War against terror

    I agree! You can’t separate religion and politics if some countries policies and actions based on religious beliefs and judgments! Keeping the argument civilized is the most important, its not war it’s just an argument, there’s no need explode in my face if I was just giving an opinion! Don’t agree with it explain why, many other forums with such open topics to debate about politics and other issues that faces this planet, but here its another story!
  8. nSe7eN

    War against terror

    Because they live under democratic system as you see, they can do things they can’t do in other places, so they used to live under democratic system and dealing with it in process, so that changed the way they look for things! o.O anyhow at least your replays gives some helpful info, but I really didn’t mean to make anyone angry, angry like that, that was a personal opinion, if you didn’t agree with things in it try to correct that person information that related to that issue, and not attacking that person! since you talking from experience it’s seems, how you can make none unified groups and they are even fighting between each other, to agree on the same bases and ideas, which is stop thinking that all world against them and stopping the wave of terror they launch against many countries out there! Also nothing in my post indicates that I hate Muslims. I didn’t say that! I just said I can’t accept seeing extremists with nuclear weapons that’s all!
  9. nSe7eN

    War against terror

    I n my opinion no religious system supposed to have nuclear weapons, or the knowledge to deploy and use them, especially the Islamic once, that just after reading the Avon replay, and tons of other lessons from history, unless that religious party was *maintained* and *forced* by democratic law and parliament and army if things goes that bad just like the system in turkey now! Because if not that party after it been elected by the people, will try to enforce its own beliefs and bases upon the system and bases they used to get in power in the first place, they will try to remove the older system so they replace it with their own ideas and bases, I meant Algeria by that sample, that’s the Islam nature, Islam don’t accept the *other* because Islam thinks it’s the only solution for everything and the other are *wrong* and an enemy too, democracy and Islam are complete opposites, religions including Islam been used as an excuse (like denoir said) by many people including the none religious people to achieve anything they ever needed by fooling the people they control and telling them they are following the god instructions, so nuclear weapons + religious system is not acceptable at all conditions in my personal opinion!
  10. nSe7eN

    Weird Problem!!!

    If that was really the problem cool he can just get a new monitors or monitor cable and that’s it, a software issue could cause that too Albert! That if the pc still there and not on the neighbor’s Backyard!
  11. nSe7eN

    Weird Problem!!!

    If you really checked if you have the latest drivers (compatible with your video card and system and supported by your Os and certified), the same for your motherboard drivers, and also the latest directX installed (and trying all the diagnosing tests), also any devices conflicting issues need to be solved, plus trying to remove your video card from your motherboard then placing it again to make sure its stable and checking the fans during that to see if your video card heat temperature is causing this or something else, and also uninstalling and reinstalling your monitor inf files incase its corrupted, and in the end your bios settings and configurations! Sorry if that’s looks funny, but I hope one of those tests and suggestions helps you! If you checked all that, then I think its one of your motherboard buses or wires or the monitor cable is unable to deliver the data efficiently or properly, or maybe electric or magnetic field around your monitor as Albert suggested. If you screwed the pins then you need a new monitor unless you can replace it if that supported!
  12. nSe7eN

    Weird Problem!!!

    Make sure you have the latest drivers from your video card manufacture, the latest DirectX installed and no conflicts between your devices, or any application that involved! Also check your video card fan if its using one and if it’s working and if your video card stable (on the motherboard), though none proper drivers usually the reason! I experienced the same problem once, I removed my video card then placed it again, also removed the fan o.O it works perfectly now! Or maybe it’s the monitor! Hope those mumbling thoughts helps!
  13. nSe7eN

    Mozilla FireFox

    It is as secure as Internet Explorer... Rofl! der bastler said the exact same opinion before me though , its seems many people sharing the same opinion here! Didn’t mean to repeat what you said but I noticed that after reading the whole topic again!
  14. nSe7eN

    Mozilla FireFox

    From the AvantBrowser.com FAQ! Saying its secure Just like IE is really funny! Its just like building your house on the sands! It looks cool though!
  15. nSe7eN

    Mozilla FireFox

    Thanks! Ill try that!
  16. nSe7eN

    Mozilla FireFox

    Used it long time ago don’t know how it looks now, ill give it a try! In the same time searching for a good server to start playing ofp MP for the first time, tons of addons needed to do so!
  17. nSe7eN

    Mozilla FireFox

    Edit! Both sources are respected, both sites is qualified to be a trusted source! Though I think the update is very damn important!
  18. nSe7eN

    Mozilla FireFox

    So secunia.com is good to begin learning security it’s for *beginners*, and not as professional as cert, so secunia.com is not trusted source for the news anymore since its good to begin only? Go and say that in your pcworld magazine and see the responses please, you not only low graded secunia but also insulted everyone that works there when you called it good to begin only! Now we know that cert is the only source for the professional news out there! Very weird way of rating a site!
  19. nSe7eN

    Mozilla FireFox

    Then Very polite indeed! Yeah using Tons of spy-ware scanning applications with firefox are not necessary, but using some of them is not a bad idea. Nothing contradicts in your opinion everything contradicts its seems! I need to repeat to endless times its seems! Did I say you don’t need antivirus and firewall or something, that phase was talking about spy-ware removers and not any other thing! Plus pcworld is not the source for such reports about vulnerabilities! The most trusted and advanced site for such things on the web is secunia.com Up there in the Middle you can see reports about firefox and many other browsers! According to the most trusted source on the web for such things, using IE <span style='color:red'>Is highly critical</span> and many unpatched vulnerabilities too, Now and before firefox users will be always safer, because Mozilla patches any discovered vulnerability very fast,Many times faster than Microsoft! All the replays I posted in this topic was not only to prove my point of view if you respect it or not, and not arguing just because I love arguing, I really believe that the users of firefox will be safer than the other people! Remember the most important thing when discovering a vulnerability what ever was the status of it criticality, is the speed of releasing the patches, as a user for firefox I really like the speed of releasing the patches by Mozilla team!
  20. nSe7eN

    Mozilla FireFox

    That what makes this forum so special! I didn’t say IE is not functional or browser what I said it’s not that safer than many other browsers out there, actually it’s not safe at all, using a antivirus and firewall not supposed to protect you while you using vulnerable system, some of those exploits can bypass any known security measures using such critical vulnerabilities, it supposed to protect you from certain things but not also patching your system! Mozilla firefox still under development, in future such things will be solved, if you compared the age of firefox and its reputation and its abilities and above all that its security with other browsers you’ll see the point! Again we were talking about the security and not the functionality in IE and firefox! You guys keep saying that you just think its settings issue! Sorry for wasting your valuable time!
  21. nSe7eN

    Mozilla FireFox

    Walker keep saying (hi all) and shooting me after that! If I ever knew that internet explorer better or more stable than firefox I will admit it, recommendation is a responsibility! In your quote for me you removed the most important thing of it, (but with firefox you avoiding allot of suffering!). Eh? And continued after that! What I meant is using tons of spy-wares scanning applications are not necessary, like when using internet explorer, but it’s needed, with the other supporting applications too! In the future it’s possible to see such codes for firefox so keeping such apps installed is needed! Yup firefox is open source that helps in its development they say!
  22. nSe7eN

    Mozilla FireFox

    No your post up there definitely shows that! Such an amazing sense of logic, so you blame the users of IE and not IE itself, in the say you said you considered IE a good tool? For the fuck sake, highly configured IE is highly critical to use now or more in the past, some vulnerabilities don’t need active x to compromise your system, IE again having and windows having a designee flow as I said, IE Engine it self is vulnerable, some vulnerabilities don’t need an active x control or poor settings to exploit and compromise your system it uses some vulnerabilities in the IE engine to do so, or by using some of the integrated windows services, don’t you get it yet! Why the hell I m supposed to install all those applications if just can install decent browser like firefox and avoid all of the malicious codes that completely designed to work with IE, isn’t it a superior tool as you said, even in Microsoft not promising so! Installing a spy-ware remover and well configured firewall and antivirus is a must in all situations f you using firefox or not, but with firefox you avoiding allot of suffering!
  23. nSe7eN

    Mozilla FireFox

    So the person who uses firefox doesn’t have a brain at all, how rude! As I see in your post you don’t think that users supposed to use other browsers than IE, sure because they have dodgy versions, if you didn’t know Microsoft releases the hot fixes and the other major updates for the all the governmental institutions before months from releasing them for corporate and home users, that shows a big amount for irresponsibility from Microsoft and that’s pretty known by the way! Also the vulnerability been patched in minimum time after discovering it, much faster than Microsoft in many occasions, that means the possibilities of using such vulnerability widely by the malicious people been terminated, Mozilla using a very qualified security team supposed to discover such things before the others do, that makes people like me trusts Mozilla and its products! Do you really think such settings will make you safe, in a system and browser having something called *designee flow*, the criticality of the vulnerabilities in Microsoft based OsS is the highest among the other operating systems, until now Microsoft failed from releasing a similar operating system for UNIX or any commercial releases of it, if we talked about security here, or even a decent Linux OS! Microsoft is not as great as you think, Microsoft don’t have the experience to deal with many threats that effects many of its products, when they noticed that, they bought *companies* to get such expertise, and now they are planning to bundle a free antivirus and spyware remover in the future releases of windows, to cover some of the designee flows in their OSS, because they really don’t trust 3rd party vendors that much! I m using a legitimate copy of Windows XP does those updates make me safer, did I get what I paid for, No! Mozilla firefox still safer than fully patched internet explorer, much stable and much faster too. Using internet explorer is highly critical still, your settings will not protect you as you think, if the application it self having other issues than the good settings!
  24. nSe7eN

    Mozilla FireFox

    Just updated too! :P At least they patch any discovered vulnerabilities in minimum time!
  25. nSe7eN

    Ask a mod

    True! Thanks thought it’s just me! Most of the images I posted hosted there so! Sorry helfish6!