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About nissesracing

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  1. nissesracing

    Multiplayer NOT WORKING

    Now its look like thise Imple=Sockets, Adress Internet, No password Im runing 1.96, but it is still not working , do you still have some help for, shoud i install the hole game from start ?? Im runing other games that is runing under gameside and it is No problems. Thanks for helping me Henric from Sweden
  2. nissesracing

    Multiplayer NOT WORKING

    Looks ok When i hit the button to multiplayer its take very long time before it open upps. Imemplation=Direct Play, Internet and so , is this ok??
  3. nissesracing

    Multiplayer NOT WORKING

    How can i check if its blocked
  4. nissesracing

    Multiplayer NOT WORKING

    HI Iam not coming out on the servers too play, iam geting the first side gamespade arcade logg, every things looks ok iam been able to play before. WHAT IS THE PROBLEM PLEASE HELP THANKS
  5. nissesracing

    missing addons

    Hi I been playing FP for sometime, offen i get missing addons ore can not load. when i play on-line. Where do i get this missing files, and how do i down load them. Thanks for some help, do this nr 1 game.
  6. nissesracing

    cant load mission missing addons

    HI Well maybe its an old question, but iam a biginer. Sometimes when i try to join on line its , cant load mission and missing addons . How do i join locked games. Thanks anyway to the best online game Henric