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About nevbin

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  1. nevbin


    This is only a brifing of my idea. Read it and comment it. The idea is: starting a online war, you know a big server whit many players on two sides fighting against each other. You would join the game by getting into army. You will get a name like for example "Privat Jones" If you are a good soldier wou will get higher ranks. You are becoming Corpral and then Sergeant and becomming a groupleader. It would be one leader that leads the whole side like PapaBear. He would plan strategic moves and try to beat the enemy. If the players ar not playing at he moment, a bot would substitute him. If the player die he have to wait a few days befor he can rejoin the server. If you are intrested in my idea and want me to tell more, mail me at mathias.sundholm@sunpoint.net