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About ncpiment

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    Private First Class
  1. ncpiment

    5 things i hate about AA

    Hi, I been playing AA for the last couple of weeks and I can’t believe how bad the game is compared to resistance. Instead of improving on a great game they made it worst. Don’t get me wrong, it is an amazing game on its own but, compared to previous games, it only looks good and as some new features. 1. Handling. It’s incredible hard to control chopper or the harrier. Especial if you want to land the chopper on a roof. The new patch made it so crazy to control and made it unrealistic. 2. Almost impossible to select targets on using the chopper or the harrier 3. Shooting when lying down on the floor. The grass doesn’t let you see anything. 4. The physics are just as good as resistance. In one of the missions, I shot a tank that went flying through the air like a missile. 5. Enemies that see you from miles way. They can even shot at you through trees. Also, what wore they thinking when they wrote the story, it’s not that interesting at all. One thing I down understand is that, a game like Far Cry as some amazing graphics and runs really well on low end computers, why doesn’t AA do the same. I have a p4 2.8, ATi 9800pro, and 3gb on memory. Why do I need to set everything at low and even then runs really slow?  I’m sure you guys can point out more crazy bugs that AA as. It’s a shame that they let a really good game go down the toilet. I just hope they can improve the game. To Flashpoint standards.
  2. ncpiment

    OFP2 and "armed assault" - what's up?

  3. ncpiment

    Boiling Point: Road to Hell

    Hi, Have you guys heard of this game called Boiling Point: Road to Hell Official . Its like OFP but with some really good graphics. http://www.gamespot.com/pc/action/xenus/index.html
  4. Hi, Have you guys heard of this game called Boiling Point: Road to Hell Official . Its like OFP but with some really good graphics. http://www.gamespot.com/pc/action/xenus/index.html
  5. ncpiment

    dirt on armor

    I love that ideia to. It Would look really good.
  6. If they use SM 3.0 and vetex shaders 3.0 that would be amazing, also with HDRI. I will defiantly upgrade my pc for that.
  7. ncpiment

    Need some help!!!

    I did what you said and it didnt work for some reason. Im not sure why this is happening. Nelson
  8. ncpiment

    Need some help!!!

    Well about 690. I want to put more in but when i go to 660 it loads fine. i have 1gb of ram and my swapfile is 500mb. Is it possible to load more than 690mb of addons, and no need to do that mod loading thing? Thanks for th reply. Nelson
  9. ncpiment

    Need some help!!!

    Thanks both of you. Its a shame that you cant load all addons at the same time. Will try that if thats the only way. Thanks again Nelson
  10. ncpiment

    Need some help!!!

    Thanks for the reply theavonlady, Im not sure how u do the first one. Is there any other way of doing it with out the need to make the mod folders
  11. ncpiment

    Need some help!!!

    Hi there, My problem is that when my addons folder get to 680mb Ofp wont load for some reaspn. Does any one add this problem before and how do you fix it. Thanks Nelson
  12. ncpiment

    Feature In next months PCGamer

    Is there any news on this???
  13. ncpiment

    Do SOMETHING about it!!!

    somebloke sounds like you like cheating man.
  14. ncpiment

    Ofp crashing when being shot with a shilka

    Hi, Thank you very very much. Now ofp work ok thank you. Nelson
  15. hi, my problem is that for example when im in a chopper and a shilka shots at me, the sound goes way and i cant move the mouse and then it restarts my computer. any ideas!!!! i updated all my drivers and unistalled OFP so many time that i think my CD us fading any help would be great. nelson