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Everything posted by nomads

  1. nomads


    as there is a copter height fly command line , '''''''''''''''this flyinheight 150''''''''''''''''''''' , i would like to know the command concerning the height of fly of plane like A10 , I want it to fly a 1000 feet to launch its bombs and i' ve read that there is a special command line for this kind of altitude !! thank you !!
  2. nomads


    i want oblige a soldier to stay crouch !! can you help me tks
  3. nomads


    i've find !!!!!!!!!!!!! 1)create a A10 LGB plane "soldier" her name is = av1 , the plane turn around the logurev isle 2)create a Black op laser "Colonel" her name is = L1 in the L1's init field put br = this addaction ["Code Bravo ","bravo.sqs"] 3) create a Trigger with condition = Bravo activation = [av1,L1] exec "rejoin.sqs" SCRIPTS rejoin.sqs ---------------------------- _player = _this select 1 _vehicule = _this select 0 [_vehicule] join _player _ Bravo.sqs ---------------- bravo=true L1 removeaction br exit Good !! the plane turn around the isle until i call it with the bravo code , you can call it when you see the targets !! It's my first script , i know it's a very little script but i'm happy
  4. nomads


    Hi all ! I'm New here and i'm french and i hope that my english will be easily understood !! I want create missions with a laser bombing !! that i want to do it s no hard ( i think ) i'm alone in the forest without teamates my name is "L1" !! there are a plane A10 LGB who is turning around the isle and her name is "av1" !in fact i want that , when i say the code "BRAVO" i m taking command on the A10 !!! it s verry ost interesting to play alone in the forest without the plane wich turn around your position , it's very irritating !! in fact i m wondering how build the script !! i ve put a trigger with the bravo condition and in the action i ve writting [Av1] join L1 , but lol in the init fiel of my player i ve put br = this addaction ["code Bravo","*.sqs"] *.sqs = the script of taking over thanks and sorry for my english
  5. nomads


    sorry i ve doing a mistakes sorry sorry sorry
  6. nomads


    I'm french , my english isn't good sorry i can help you on 2 points !! you say that the half of your soldiers dead in water when they disembark !! you must know that this ship can move out water , they move on the earth than put a wpt directly on the beach !!! you can t put more than 4 ou 5 soldiers in a ship , if you are a group of 8 soldiers and you type foreach this moveincargo boat1 than 3 will fall in the water !! i advise you to create groups with 4 mans inside !! for example i m creating a groupe of 4 men the leader's name is = L1 the name of the groupe is = G1 the ship's name = S1 type in the init fiel of the leader G1=group this; "_x moveincargo S1" foreach units G1 all the soldiers of the group are in the ship qith just one line of code bye bye
  7. nomads

    How to manage sea attacks?

    SNif i ve failing the validation button I'm french , my english isn't good sorry i can help you on 2 points !! you say that the half of your soldiers dead in water when they disembark !! you must know that this ship can move out water , they move on the earth than put a wpt directly on the beach !!! you can t put more than 4 ou 5 soldiers in a ship , if you are a group of 8 soldiers and you type foreach this moveincargo boat1 than 3 will fall in the water !! i advise you to create groups with 4 mans inside !! for example i m creating a groupe of 4 men the leader's name is = L1 the name of the groupe is = G1 the ship's name = S1 type in the init fiel of the leader G1=group this; "_x moveincargo S1" foreach units G1 all the soldiers of the group are in the ship qith just one line of code bye bye --------------------------------------------------------------------------------