Now I know that there are other ways to do this, but this has been bugging me since the first time i've seen it.
How do you use
           unit action action
to "weapon" and/or reload ("magazine") a weapon. In lustypooh's "Unofficial Operation Flashpoint Command Reference Manual" it says that "weapon" and "magazine" (weapons a weapon and reloads a weapon respectively) are action types.
In the newest OPF scripting referemce it tells you:
unit action action
Operand types:
  unit: Object
  action: Array
Type of returned value:
  Make unit to peform action. Format of action may be [type, target, param1, param2, param3]. Only type is required, target defaults to unit, param1, param2, param3 are type specific.
  soldierOne action ["eject", vehicle soldierOne]
What do i do to make a unit weapon a weapon using the action command?Â
this has really been bugging me and i've looked everywhere for answers. I would really appreciate it if anyone can help me out and put my mind at ease.