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Everything posted by nopulse

  1. nopulse

    Enough is enough

    Tex [uSMC], Actually contrarily to what you stated, I did actually read all the posts.  But what I’m saying was that the posts got way out of context after everyone started slinging mud. You don’t’ start a post with a known member of the OPF communities name in the subject.  That just invokes a fight, period.  I agree everyone is entitled to his or her opinion.  But when the context of the post gets way out of hand by people pulling every dirty thing they can think of to say about that person is not needed. What did the posts solve?  Was that particular person the post was about relieved from his or her admin privileges?  No.  It’s that owner of the server(s) right to say who can be an Admin and who can’t, nothing anyone says will change his or her mind.  It’s their server. But you are missing the point.  If someone has a beef about that Admin on a server, email the owner of the server, or the person directly.  There is no need to air dirty laundry out into a public form.  There was no need to start a 2nd post since the first post got way out of context and nothing (in my opinion) was achieved.  Plus 9 times out of 10 it back fires and makes the person that started the nasty post about someone look worse.  Its childish….. Hypothetically speaking, say you overheard something about your neighbor being impotent or something embarrassing to that nature, do you tell all your other neighbors about your neighbors embarrassing secret?  I wouldn’t.  Its not in my place to do so, or is it anyone else’s.  You see my point?  The whole thread got way out of hand.  People starting pulling out garbage left and right adding fuel to the fire. But like I said if I had problems with an Admin on any server and I didn’t like the way  they particularly admin’d I would simply stop going to that server.  Did anyone read what Placebo wrote at the end of the 2nd post after he locked it? placebo posted: Mar. 03 2002,15:11 </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Do NOT bring personal squabble onto this forum, if you have a problem between yourselves then how bout you try resolving it like grown ups? Bringing on here will only result in the people involved no longer being allowed on the forums. If a complaint arises between people that originated on this forum then PM a moderator about it, don't hang your dirty washing out in public for all to see, try to show a modicum of class. <span id='postcolor'> 5thSFG.No_Pulse
  2. nopulse

    Enough is enough

    Hmmmm I never thought about that. I guess your right I'm just stating that enough is enough in hopes that people will get the msg about airing dirty laundry on public forums. Maybe OPF will be made into a successfull soap opera 5thSFG.No_Pulse
  3. nopulse

    How flaky is this game anyway

    I agree this game is really bugy. I've reinstalled OPF so many times I've lost count and the game still has issues. I've even went as far as reinstalling my OS and everything else. Personally I think that the 1.45 patch needed to be overlooked a little more before it was released. Seems people have been getting the "modified config" msg even though they haven't done anything to modify the config file. And the bug about not being able to land the heli's if you use the keyboard is frustrating. I just hope that BIS really looks at all the problems that OPF has and fixes all these kinds of issues before they release OPF 2 or Independence Lost 5thSFG.No_Pulse
  4. nopulse

    Possessed Head?

    Has anyone experience the bug where your head keeps constantly turning to the left or the right? It won't center.
  5. I think some top secret missions would be cool for OPF. Missions about Black Helicopters, Aurora project... those funky triangular UFOs etc.... Or a mod for Area 51.. Ya I know i've seen too may X-Files but there are some very top secret aircrafts that the government is developing through reverse engineering.... The Stealh Fighter and Bomber were top secret for years before they were "declassified"....
  6. nopulse


    Ok, I'm probably asking a dumb question, but what's the deal with Fade? I have a legit copy of OPF. But while playing Multiplayer in OPF, I see the msg " remember: original copies do not fade" or something along those lines....can't remember the exact msg.... Does everyone get this msg? And what is FADE? What does it actually do? And what are the signs of it? Also does running a "trainner" enduce FADE? I will admit that I'm not the most "skilled" player in the world and YES I sometimes need help so I use "trainners" to cheat ONLY in single player (I'm not those punks that use "trainners" in MP to cheat, I'm not immoral). If "trainners" enduce fade, how? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
  7. nopulse


    I don't know if this topic has been discussed yet and I apologize if it has. But does OPF only support up to 256mb of memory? I have 1gb of SDRAM on my system. If I go into OPF Preferences it recognizes that I do indeed have 1gb of memory. But if you click on the "advanced" tag in OPF Preferences and then click the "performance" tag it only shows that the the total memory is 256mb and the bar is moved all they way to the max. setting. So does OPF only support up to 256mb of memory?
  8. nopulse


    Major Fubar Posted on Feb. 17 2002,04:05 </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">I'm starting to miss the days of games that came on floppy disc, you just installed once, and then could play whenever.<span id='postcolor'> I miss those days too Major Fubar. I liked the fact that everything loaded and played from the HD, and you didn't have to keep the CD in the drive. I liked the old method of copy protection where a huge book came with the game and you had to look for a word on page 23, paragraph 2, 3rd line in the paragraph. Sure it may seem too simple now of days, but it still was effective. Hell who really wants to photo-copy a huge a$$ book? Also I liked the pin wheel copy protection too, where the game gave you this pin wheel thingy and you had to line up all the wheels in the giving order to find a certain word or area on the map. I remember Cineware's Rocket Ranger used that type of copy protection. Try making an exact copy of the pin wheel... sure it may seem easy... Oh the good olds days....
  9. nopulse

    When are we going to see anything new?

    Whats this Oxygen I keep hearing about?
  10. nopulse


    SpaceAlex Posted on Feb. 16 2002,11:44 </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Or maybee Bill Gates will be dead by then. who'll replace him?<span id='postcolor'> Maybe he will clone himself....
  11. nopulse


    Rogue2020 Posted on Feb. 16 2002,04:52 </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">It wouldn't work since people would hack the retinal registration......it will be 50 years before the first quantum computer comes out though.....I will be long dead.<span id='postcolor'> Maybe before the next 50 years Microsoft will develope software that will be able to save your brain by downloading it into a huge mainframe and then download it into a new host/body when it is available Who knows what evil things Microsoft is cooking up these days
  12. nopulse


    Rogue2020 Posted on Feb. 15 2002,19:57 </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Eh in the future you'll have to have a retinal scanner hooked up to your quantum computer....then when you buy a game you'll have to register it to a user and you'll only be allowed to do it once....then when running the game instead of putting in the CD you'll have the retinal scan.... <span id='postcolor'> I believe Microsoft is already developing that lol
  13. nopulse

    Cheats for Multiplayer

    Correct me if I'm wrong, but most "trainners" and cheat codes will ONLY work in single player of just about any game and NOT multiplayer. I.E say you want to have unlimited ammo or god mode in RTCW, it will only work in the single player missions and not in multiplayer. What i've noticed is really odd. I heard a lot about ppl cheating in multiplayer for OPF so I wanted to first hand see if you could actually cheat and what to look for if someone is cheating. So I downloaded "trainner" for OPF to test if you could use it in MP. I logged onto a server that had no one playing, started a quick game by myself and once I was in the game, I activated the "trainner". I was extremely surprised to find that the "trainner" works in multiplayer and it gives you unlimited ammo and rapid fire. What really bugs me is how easy this cheat works. I mean for most games, cheat codes and "trainners" don't work for the multiplayer version of the game, ONLY single player. Not to dis BIS or anything, but I think their game code is a tad too easy to manipulate. I mean the "trainners" work for both single player and multiplayer. A lot of game developers spend a sh*t load of time and coding to make cheating in multiplayer impossible. Maybe BIS didn't look to closely at it or it wasn't a big concern for them. But at any rate, I feel that BIS needs to do something about this and fast. Hopefully in the next patch/upgrade they can make these so called cheats and "trainners" not work in multiplayer. Or have on the screen that " so-and-so if a big fat cheater" and have it blink on everyones screen If you want to cheat in single player mode, thats fine. I mean the game can be quite challenging and the AI is quite good. And the only people your unfair to is the AI. But please don't cheat in muliplayer, it ruins the game for everyone. Maybe you have to boost your ego or your jealous of other players, or plainly you suck so bad in muliplayer that you feel you have to cheat to make yourself feel better about yourself. If this is the case then your a sore loser. Grow up and swollow your pride and face being killed. Here are the typically signs for people cheating in multiplayer for you admins: Multiple TOWs and LAWs being launched extremely rapidly without reolading. Never having to reload, TOWs and LAWs. Some people haved stated that a few people haven't had to reload their guns. But remember, in some MP maps you can carry 9 clips of ammo for a G36 or M16. Thats a lot of ammo, especially if you conserve your ammo carefully and only take shots when you know you will hit your target. Any hoo thats my two cents
  14. nopulse

    Pc Monitors

    I have a 20' inch monitor and was wondering whats the best frequency to use for the refresh rate? 75hertz? 85hertz? I heard that the higher the hertz, the better. Is this true? I've also noticed that the screen will move horizontally by itself and then I will have to re-adjust the horizontal settings again. Anyone have this happen to you? If so, do you know what caused the monitor to shift horizontally by itself? Or when I start OPF, the monitor screen shakes. (like its degaussing) But when I'm in the desktop, it doesn't shake. Could this be caused by the refresh rate frequency I'm using? Right now I'm using 85hertz.
  15. nopulse

    Pc Monitors

    jaxx, I have a NVIDIA Geforce2 MX/MX 400 Video Card.
  16. nopulse


    Major Fubar Posted on Feb. 15 2002,07:56 </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">All I want is a definitive BIS release stating what will and will not trigger FADE, and if triggered, EXACTLY what the effects will be (not just some nebulous offhand remark about "degradation"). I'm sure legit owners out there, who have put their hard earned cash into buying a copy of OFP, would like to see this release. I know I sure would. It would end this FADE debate once and for all.<span id='postcolor'> I'm with you on that one Major Fubar. Â That's all I'm asking for too. Â An "offical" statment by BIS on FADE, and what WILL and WILL NOT cause FADE. Lupus23 Posted on Feb. 15 2002,01:33 </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">The fact of the matter is for whatever reason you are a moderator of this board, and therefore you are affiliated with BIS somehow, and anything you do say can be considered dis-information. Honestly nothing personal, but as far as I know, one of the rules to being a moderator here is that you must support the FADE myth.<span id='postcolor'> Lupus23 has a point Sith. Â Since your a moderator of this board you are affiliated with BIS therefore you have to support the FADE myth. Â Its like working for a tobacco company and saying "No, smoking can't kill you". Â Or like saying that everything the government tells you is true. Â You HAVE to support the idea that FADE is real otherwise I doubt very much you would be a moderator on the board any more. Â I'm not saying your a liar or anything, I'm just saying that you can't really tell us if FADE is bogus or not.
  17. nopulse

    Cheaters we have using the ammo cheat

    RN Malboeuf Posted on Feb. 14 2002,17:49 </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">rule of thumb never give it to any one, even us <span id='postcolor'> What I meant Malboeuf was that if you wanted proof that the cheats work, I could log onto your server and show you. Â I wasn't going to give you the cheats, I was going to demostrate that they actually do work. If anything, I'm trying to thwart people using trainers/cheats.
  18. nopulse


    Sith, I apologize Sith. My bad.
  19. nopulse

    Cheats for Multiplayer

    NVReaper Posted on Feb. 14 2002,05:49 </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Nopulse, you just increased the cheating. Good work. Issues like this should be kept private and emailed directly to the developers. Not spammed over the forums so everyone will download it.<span id='postcolor'> FYI How do you think I found out about these trainers? All I did was searched on Google or AltaVista. Â I even have saw them on web sites that post cheats etc to games. Â Its very naive to think that people only find cheats in this forum. Â I bet they just do a search on the web like I have to find them. second_draw Posted on Feb. 14 2002,06:54 </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">actually, good work nopulse, there is more of a chance some1 will pick this up & it will go to the top of BIS, nopulse even thought out his/her post b4 making it & made a stance about no posting it. <span id='postcolor'> Thank you second_draw, at least you read inbetween the lines and understood what I wrote and why I wrote it. theavonlady Posted on Feb. 14 2002,09:03 </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">BIS has already commented in the past that they actively want to obtain copies of such programs so that they can attempt to thwart them in upcoming patches. Trainers will unfortunately most likely not activate FADE, IMO.<span id='postcolor'> theavonlady, Â Sure they can thwart the current trainer(s) in an upcoming patch like 1.43 or something, but once that patch is out, you can bet that there will be a trainer for version 1.43 within a week or so. Â It never fails. Â What BIS needs to do is some how make a script/code that thwart trainers in MP altogether, not matter what version of the trainer it is. Â A simple script that when you log onto a server in MP, it detects .exe trainers running in the background and boots you out of the game. Â Or notifies the admin(s) of the server that so and so is running a trainer/cheat. Â Or the best way is that it simply disables the trainer running in the background. Â But what makes these trainers so easy to use in MP is the code. Â In MOHAA or RTCW the codes or trainers ONLY work in single player, NOT MP. Â Even in CS I bet it wasn't as easy to make a MP cheat as it is in OPF. Â Its BIS's code. Â It must have been too easy to crack in order to make cheats work for both MP and SP. Â I've heard conflicting arguements about trainers causing FADE. Â A lot of people have stated that it does.
  20. nopulse


    Lupus23 Posted on Feb. 14 2002,07:03 </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">But, that's not the point of my post. The point is I went through all this trouble, use all the hacked patches and everything went fine. Â I've never had any game play issues, and the game has NEVER crashed on me. Not ever. Â OFP is easily the most stable game I own. Everything always works great. So, 1 of 3 things is happening here. #1 Fade is a myth to scare little kids away. (Which I am sure it doesn't BTW. Â The hackers would have figured out FADE is bogus in the first 48 hours after release.) #2 FADE doesn't work worth a crap. The hackers have patched it as easily as fixing the CD detection. #3 BIS lied and FADE is tied to the serial number not the exe. Â To install I used the serial number that was on the last page of the booklet that came with the game. I have yet to hear one creditable story of FADE. Everything that I have hear is just common problems that are more likely the result of non-compatable hardware or software/driver issues. <span id='postcolor'> Exactly. Well put. As I've said all along, FADE is either or both A) A spook story to deter people from making illegal copies of the game B) A scapegoat for BIS so they can blame all the problems people are having with the game on FADE. They can blame the fact that they missed something in the code on FADE and not own up to the fact that they screwed up some where in the coding. If this so-called FADE exists, then explain to me why people with legit bought copies are getting the FADE msg? Doesn't make sense if people have legit copies. Its like Microsofts illegal operation error you get in Windows. The reason why the error pops up is because Microsoft simply forgot to finish the code and the illegal operation error translated means: oppps we messed up in the coding, we didn't expect you to do that and we forgot to code that part into the OS. But what really bothers me is the fact that using trainers or add-ons can cause fade. What a joke. Whats the point of including tools to make add-ons or maps if they cause FADE. It defeats the purpose. As I've said before, what makes a game great is the fact that you can keep adding to it. Like The Sims, you can create your own people, houses, objects etc. You don't have to keep using the same boring stuff that games with the game. You can download new things. I've noticed too when someone makes a poll on what BIS should fix or include in the next patch etc. They close the poll extremely fast. Or they never comment on anything or explain why things happen. They simply ignore questions. EA, ID soft, Janes etc have all wrriten me back with solutions to some problems. Honestly why have a trouble shooting section in the forum if BIS never responds. Maybe its because they don't know the answers.
  21. nopulse


    (Sir Smokes Alot Posted on Feb. 13 2002,19:45) </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">It much better when find girl friends that like gameing.<span id='postcolor'> I agree entirely.
  22. nopulse

    Cheaters we have using the ammo cheat

    RN Malboeuf, I have tested the unlimited ammo cheat and the rapid fire cheat out personally in MP to see if it actually works. I heard people saying so and so was launching multiple LAWS/TOWS without running out and reloading so I had to try it out to see if it actually works, and believe me it does The unlimited ammo/rapid fire trainer works in single player and multiplayer If you want me to show you, I could give you a demostration if you would like I can't believe people cheat. It burns me. I mean does it make them feel better about themselves by cheating? BIS should make a script in the next patch that detects a .exe running in the background that edits or alters the game in any way and then have " ...... is a big fat cheater" across the screen for everyone to see.
  23. nopulse

    Cheats for Multiplayer

    Rogue2020, If you want the "trainners" email me and I will send you them. I don't want to post where to get them because I don't want Newbs to use them and cheat in MP. I want to deter people from cheating in MP as much as possible. Its bad enough as it is right now..... my email address is no_pulse@hotmail.com
  24. nopulse


    I agree entirely with Rogue2020, why bother playing the game again if you can't use cheats to pound the crap out of the computer. Â I haven't played the single player missions and campaign missions since I've beaten both the Cold War Crisis and Red Hammer. Â It sits on my shelve collecting dust. Personally I think it was a bad call on BIS part for having FADE activated if you use "cheat codes" or "trainers". Â I mean whats wrong if you want to cheat in single player missions only. Â Say if your stuck on a particular mission and you've tried playing the mission 100 times and you still can't beat it, you use a cheat code or trainer to get by that particular mission. Â If you can't use cheat codes or trainers to help you get past the mission, you get super frustrated and don't ever play the game again. Â Thats why games like Half Life, MOHAA, RTCW etc get good reviews because there is no FADE garbage to worry about. Â And if your struck, you can use the cheat codes that the game developers left in the game to use. Don't get me wrong, I absolutely love OPF. Â Â I think its a wicked game since you can fly jets and helicopters, drive tanks, boats and jeeps and be infantry. Â There is no other game like it. Â I think its the best game ever and I can't wait for Independence Lost to come out. Â But if it wasn't for the multiplayer option, it would be sitting on the shelve. But how do you know FADE is real? Â I'd like actual proof. Â Its like saying the government is always telling you the truth. ufo_hk made a statement that run 2 legit copies on 2 different systems and then run 2 "illegal" copies on 2 different systems and compare. Â But lets not forget that not all systems are built equally either. Â I mean a lot of people I play online with that have legit copies of them game have had a ton of problems with OPF especially running win98. Â Where as I've only had the occasional problem in Win XP. As I've said before, Personally I think FADE is a spook story like "Keyser Soze". Â Its to deter hackers from making an illegal copy of the game. Â I've bought the game an since day one, I've seen the " Remember: Original Games do not FADE". Â Explain to me why I get that msg when I have bought a legit copy of the game? I just hope that they fix a lot of problems in Independence Lost before its released. Â Especially the horrible interface for multiplayer. Â I lot of people are now calling OPF, Operation Chatpoint, or Operation Waitpoint because you practically wait like 30-60mins for a game to start because as soon as everyone is "greened up" someone else joins the server and you have wait. Â Or theres people that are AFK. Â I hope they seriously change it and make it more like RTCW or MOHAA where you can join in any game at any point. But Kudos to BIS for OPF. Â ITs a great game never the less.
  25. nopulse


    I can't see how FADE is caused by using the "internal" cheats. I find that very hard to believe. Programmers often put in "cheat" codes in games so that when the test a level, they don't have to worry about getting killed or restarting. Personally I think FADE is a spook story like "Keyser Soze" How can they code something that degrades the game from your HD? It doesn't make sense. Its like saying "hi" we implanted a virus on your machine. If you cheat or alter the code in any way, you will awake the sleeping dragon. And honestly, I think FADE could be used as an excuse for sloppy coding. Like if there is any kind of problem with the game, BIS can just reply "its caused by fade". And not the fact that they missed up somewhere in the coding. OPF is a really bugging game. Its no wonder why at least every month there is a new "patch" for it. I understand that making a game is not easy and a lot of time and effort goes into it and it won't be perfect when its released.