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Everything posted by nopulse

  1. nopulse

    Illuminati and the government?

    here's one on a conspiracy about 911 911 Conspiracy
  2. nopulse

    The Iraq Thread

    LMAO *in tears* I love that picture
  3. nopulse

    The Iraq Thread

    If the U.S cares so much about its soldiers, why is it that a McDonald employee thats min wage makes more an hour than a PFC? Â They did a comparison on tv the other day about it. Â Apparently the soldiers are not too happy with their pay (can't blame them). Compared to what they soldiers make in the private sector, the U.S army doesn't pay them shit! I understand they get health, dental etc out the wazzoo, and if they decide to live on base, then housing and food is paid for. Â But IMHO they are not paid enough to risk their lives for others. Â It should be soldiers that earn 6 figures, instead of hollywood actors or sports players.
  4. nopulse

    Illuminati and the government?

    Free Mason page #1 Free Mason page #2 MJ12 Don't get me started on consipracies lol. Â I have some of the best web pages bookmarked about a lot of conspiracies Its people like me that the government fears But your right, the MJ12 are a "shadow goverment" that over see's a lot of top secret projects etc. Â If I'm not mistaken, they were formed when the Roswell inccident happened. Â They needed a "special" group of people to govern certain above top secret things. I had bookmarked a really good web site called "wake up america" that actually update its page with new conspiracies etc. But the web page has mysteriously disappeared. I'm finding a lot of "conspiracy" web pages to be disappearing, wonder if its a coincidence.
  5. nopulse

    Funny / scary

    No one will truly know if Oswald actually killed JFK. IMHO I think he was "silenced" before he could say anything that might make people think otherwise. I know I will get flak for this, but I believe JFK was conspired to be murdered by the government. Its just not possible for Oswald to shoot that many bullets into JFK in the amount of time he had. Especially since it was a bolt rifle he used. I don't know anyone that could shoot, reload and fire that many shots that fast.
  6. nopulse

    Illuminati and the government?

    don't forget about the free masons either. Another secret soceity for the wealthy "elite" class.
  7. nopulse

    The Iraq Thread

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (5thSFG.CNUTZ @ Jan. 17 2003,12:25)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Everyone should question the government of all nations. Â I would say they are all corrupt in some degree. Â However, that doesn't change what Saddam has done and could do.<span id='postcolor'> I agree CNUTZ, all governments are corrupt in some degree. Power + Money = Greed!
  8. nopulse

    The Iraq Thread

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Albert Schweizer @ Jan. 17 2003,11:13)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Dont forget that basically ALL of Bushs team has a history in the oil business, even Mrs Rice has an Oil Tanker named after her. I will update you later on that cause I am busy right now. I will present their OIL-CVs to you. And guess what. Iraq is considered as the country with the second biggest oil-resources in the region after Saudi Arabia. So no american would have to be afraid of having to sell his silly SUV. Saddam is in a kind of very extremely vexed situation right now. While Mr. Blix is searching arround in his country the americans are getting ready. Is the war is gonna come anyway then Saddam is wasting time. He should get his army ready but that is kind of tough if th UN-inspectors are keeping their eyes open. If we think about it as a strategy then it works damn well. Saddam cant move a single finger right now, while the enemy is growing stronger.<span id='postcolor'> Couldn't have said it any better  Anyone that thinks this isn't about OIL is blind! Sure the U.S has oil resources, but those are used for reserves incase of a "war".  Most of the oil/gas that is used in the cars etc in America comes from the middle east. What disgusts me is how a lot of people think its "cool" to go war and are all gun ho about it.  Especially 15yr olds.  Its the ones that are not going to be in the war that disgust me.  Because they sit back and think its cool to watch the war on CNN from their homes. I mean its easy to say lets go to war etc when your not going to be actively in it, but to have bullets flying past you, i think you would have a different view.
  9. nopulse

    The Iraq Thread

    CNUTZ, I'm not bashing America or an anti-American etc. Â I love America, and the people. Â I just think the governement is corrupt and lies to the American people about a lot of things. And I feel really bad for the U.S soldiers that might die over in Iraq. Â In the gulf war, one of the ammunition depots caught on fire. Â And in the ammunition depot were tank shells. Â And everyone knows that tank shells have Uranium in them. Â And when the U.S and Canadian soldiers were putting out the fire, they were not told about the Uranium they were exposed to. Â A lot of U.S soldiers developed cancer because they were not wearing the proper protective clothing and wear exposed the lethal doses of uranium! Â ANd I'm not making this up, it was on one of those documentary shows. Â And to this day, both the U.S and Canadian governments lie about the soldiers being exposed to uranium. It sickens me how little anyone cares about soldiers, especially their own government! Â I mean they are putting their lives on the line to secure our freedom and to protect us. Â I hate how the government thinks they are expendable! Its easy for those military advisers up in the White House or Canadian Parlament to basically send soldiers to die. Â I mean ofter all, they are not risking theirs lives, they are not the ones going to die! Someone made a comment about Bin Laden and Saddam are two seperate issues, but its funny how you never hear anything about Bin Laden any more. Â It's like they are focusing more attention on Saddam because they have no clue where Bin Laden is, and don't want the U.S citizens to get upset over they fact that they couldn't find him. Â Its like hey, look in this hand (and you don't see whats in the other hand). Â Misdirection! I know I'm going to get flammed for this one, but..... How much can you trust a government that conspired to kill its own President, JFK. Â I mean come on, you honestly believe Oswall could shoot that fast and have hit the president that many times? Â Or that one bullet could magically hit the president that many times? Â There were so many factors on that day. Â Why would they kill JFK? Â Because the miltary advisors didn't like the fact that he was "soft". Â That and the fact that JFK wanted to "restructure" the FBI and they dind't want that. I mean JFK avoided a war with the Cubians/Russians during the Cubian Missle Crisis and they were afraid the same would happen during VietNam. Â To this day, if JFK was still alive, I bet the war in VietNam could have been avoided. Â And possibly even the Gulf war. Thats why IMHO a lot of this stuff you hear is propaganda. Call me a conspiracy freak or looney tune etc. Â Whatever! Â I'm just opened minded to a lot of things, and don't believe things I hear because so and so said so. If you really want to stop terrorism, someone must bring the war to them. In the movie Swordfish, John Travolta said it perfectly: "they bomb a church, we bomb 10" "they hijack a plane, we take out an airport" "they execute american tourists, we tactically nuke an entire city" "our job is to make terrorism so horrific, that it becomes unthinkable to attack Americans" Thats how you stop terrorism. I mean how else do you rationalize with people that have no reguard for their own lives, let alone others and suicide bomb tourists and innocent people? Hell their families praise them for doing so and they think that their God will praise them for suicide bombing people.
  10. nopulse

    The Iraq Thread

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (FSPilot @ Jan. 17 2003,01:36)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Bullets don't stop  bullets.<span id='postcolor'> Oh, I see... Its ok if "America" to have nuclear or biological weapons to "protect" its country, but not any other country. Honestly, IMHO its all propaganda.  All we here is one side of the story. UN is nothing more than the U.S's tool used to "snoop" around in other countries. Does the UN inspect America? Nope!
  11. nopulse

    The Iraq Thread

    Iraq isn't the only country that has biological or nuclear weapons in the middle east. With the budget America has, I'm pretty sure they have biologoical and nuclear weapons to "protect" America. LOL all you need is about 5 M1A2's to take over Canada. Wouldn't take much. I say go ahead, sooner or later America will dominate globally! NWO
  12. nopulse

    The Iraq Thread

    What disgusts me is that American soldiers are going to war and lose their lives over OIL! Can anyone blame Iraq for getting a bit upset about the U.S or UN poking their noses around in Iraq? I mean think about it, if your neighbor or some stranger walks into your backyard and starts snooping around and demands to see what you have, I think you would be a bit upset too. Does the U.S openly tell countries like Iraq the top secret weapons that the SkunkWorks project are developing over in Nevada? Or how many nukes they have? Of course not! I mean come on, the U.S has nukes, don't tell me the actually dismantled all of them. Is Iraq that much a threat? Has Saddam even used any chemical or biological weapons? If he was that much of a threat as the media and propaganda has hyped him to be, then he would have already cast the first stone, so to speak! People were afraid of Russia when it was a big super power back during the cold war. I'm afraid of America! They are the scarest super power in the world.... "Imagine a boot stepping on a human face forever" - George Orwell -
  13. What are the best web sites for downloading Addons/Mods etc? Is there a site that has a lot of real good face skinz? So far these are some of the best ones I've found: http://www.concept-5.com/ballistic/ http://ofp.gamezone.cz/ http://www.opflashpoint.org/ http://www.arcx.ar.cx/ http://www.volny.cz/marfy_maac/index_english.htm http://ofp.gamezone.cz/_hosted/mehanic/News.htm Anyone else have any more?
  14. How would I go about editing the textures/colours of units, buildings and vehciles? I don't want to do anything fancy or anything, just maybe change the colour of a vehicle etc. How would I go about doing that? What programs would I need, other than a paint program, and are there any good tutorials on how to edit texures on vehicles, buildings and units? Any help would be greatly appreciated
  15. I was just wondering if anyone has made any of the following for OFP: Area 51 UFO's Aliens (grey aliens) APC from the movie Aliens SR-71 Blackbird Stealth Bomber SR-71 Blackbird Littlebird with miniguns Mercedes cars Nuclear missle, complete with mushroom cloud Honda with ground effects kit
  16. nopulse

    Has anyone made.....

    thx Those models at Ballistic Studios are amazing
  17. nopulse

    Where in the **** is the linux server port?

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Tex [uSMC] @ Oct. 04 2002,00:49)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Wow, you brought the whole family over Ed. Next time keep 'em at home  <span id='postcolor'> We're just trying to help Ed out.  I mean he hosts the fastest game servers on the net, and he hosts them for free! So a lot of us are greatful to Ed and try to help support him when we can You have to look at it at Ed's point of view. He has invested his OWN time and his OWN money to provide a multiple OC3 lines for an OFP server at FragHaus. I dont' know about you, but I don't have no where near the amount of money and resources that Ed has to shell out that kind of money for putting an OFP server on multiple OC3 lines. And there are a lot of other servers out there that people run themselves with their own money like Ed does. Hate to see them shutdown their OFP servers, but I can't blame them if they do. Why shell out your own money on a Server for a game that is no longer going to be supported! Everyone knows MS based servers are not that reliable compared to the security and reliability that Linux provides.
  18. nopulse

    Where in the **** is the linux server port?

    Alas I doubt BIS even cares about implementing Linux support for OFP. They are too busy making money of VBS If BIS just curbs all support for OFP than I for one will never by another BIS product. OFP is a great game. I hope BIS intends to keep it alive by implementing Linux support for it! Its kind of funny how within the first few months after OFP was released there were a lot of upgrades and patches. But ever since they anounced about making VBS for the military, no other patches for OFP have been released for a very long time!
  19. nopulse

    Can't see names in mp pool

    When I join a server, I can't see any names in the MP pool. Just the green outline of the MP pool. What causes this and how do I fix it? Any help would be greatly appreciated
  20. nopulse

    Muliplayer help!

    When I connect to a server, I can't see peoples names or text. Its just a black screen with the green outline of the pool and East and West Sides. I've never had this happen before. I haven't changed anything to OPF. Any reason why this would happen? Is the problem the server or my client? Any help would be greatly appreciated
  21. nopulse

    Help on updates 1.45 and 1.46

    Here’s the scenario: I just formatted my PC and did a fresh install of Windows XP Professional OS. I installed Operation Flashpoint (1.0). Then I installed the Gold Upgrade which upgraded it to 3.0. Now here is the dilemma, should I install the update to 1.45 and then 1.46 or should I just skip 1.45 and just install 1.46? Any help would be greatly appreciated : ) 5thSFG.No_Pulse
  22. Here’s the scenario: I just formatted my PC and did a fresh install of Windows XP Professional OS. I installed Operation Flashpoint (1.0). Then I installed the Gold Upgrade which upgraded it to 3.0. Now here is the dilemma, should I install the update to 1.45 and then 1.46 or should I just skip 1.45 and just install 1.46? Any help would be greatly appreciated : ) 5thSFG.No_Pulse
  23. nopulse

    Opf is good but....

    OPF is a wicked game, but it would be the cream of the crop, bad a$$ game ever out there if.... 1) They had more sea units like: Subs, Aircraft Carriers, Destroyers etc. 2) More air units like the commanche, F16, Stealth Bomber/Fighter, sr-71 Recon plane etc... A game that you can fight from land, sea and air would totally be in a league of its own If you had more air and sea units you could do a kamikazi into the carrier or destroyer. If you had recon plane you could do a recon to pin-point the enemies exact location and how many units there are..... It would be wicked for single player to fly the sr-71 over an enemy encampment to spy.... Or land and take off from an aircraft carrier... Command a fleet of destroyers or subs. Fire from the deck of a destroyer.... the possibilities are endless.... Just think of what multiplayer would be like. Its good now, but with more air and sea units it would be incredible and even more addicting. And BIS and codemasters would make a killing because there is nothing like it out there now with 3rd and 1st person views... I know Independence Lost has a carrier, I'm just hoping they have subs and destroyers and more air units Man if I could code a game like that.....
  24. nopulse

    Opf is good but....

    LordZach, I know its an infanrty sim, but i was saying that i would be nice to have a game with everything roled into one. OPF was such a great game because you could fly heli's and drive tanks etc than just being infantry. Fenna, I understand that in 1985 there wasn't any of those vehicles i mentioned and that the came focuses around the Cold War. I'm just staying that if they made a game that had all these types of things in the game it would be cool. That way everyone that either likes to fly, command a destroyer/sub or drive a tank can do it all in one game. Most of you are missing the point.... I'm not saying 1985 should have these. I'm saying that if they made a game that had all these types of things it would have been cool. The ultimate simulator.
  25. nopulse

    Enough is enough

    *sigh* Here we go again….. Yet another thread was made about trashing an admins credibility when the first thread apparently wasn't enough.  I thought everyone agreed that the first thread about this person was enough… Everyone said their beefs and the topic was over…  I guess not…. Firstly, People ITS JUST A GAME.  A GAME, and nothing more.  Why do people get so crazy about this game and attack people’s credibility etc.  I agree it’s an amazing game, but trashing people on public forums and starting new threads about a specific person again is just going too far.  Honestly it doesn’t solve anything.  Everyone has their own opinion and we are entitled to it.  So what does it solve by coming on here saying so and so did this and so and so did that?  Absolutely nothing…..  The person you trash reads it and gets more frustrated and then they post a counter attack about that person and then that person reads it and then they post another post and so on and so….. Its endless…..  And it solves nothing and gets no where…. Secondly, this is just my opinion but if I didn’t like they way an admin treated people on a server I played on, I would simply stop playing there.  Its that simple.  If you have a beef with an admin on a particular server simply stop playing there.  Notify the admin of the particular server and tell THEM, not everyone else.  Posting on a public forum about the admin doesn’t really get anywhere.  It just invites a fight on the public forum where everyone is slinging mud left and right.  Seriously if you don’t like the way an admin is acting on a particular server stop playing there.  There are a lot of other OPF servers on the net. Thirdly, this post is in NO way against anyone.  You have your opinions and your entitled to them. But please don’t go and post them on a public forum, it gets no where. Having said that…. Just have fun.  Its JUST A GAME  5thSFG.No_pulse