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About niki

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. niki

    Dedicated server question

    Thanx Suma!
  2. niki

    Dedicated server question

    What you cant see above is the name of the player. here is: It has something to do with the underscores I think
  3. niki

    Dedicated server question

    Hi there! When I startup my dedicated server I notice a SERVER player to be the first to connect - witch is pretty meaningful. I was wondering about this - can I use that player for scripting? Is there any way to access the SERVERÂ conditions or attributes? Can I check if the SERVER is a local object or not (instead of creating the server game logic)? (The SERVER player has 2 underscores infront and behind)
  4. Hi there! The CamCreate command somehow disables the AI for spawned units. Instead you should create a 'real' gunner in the editor and use MoveInGunner when he should fire + SetPos when he should be removed from the gunner seat. You could place him somewhere remote, so nobody accidently will see or kill him ...
  5. niki

    Help with groups

    Hi! The Alive command is according to the official commandreference NOT capable of running on a group, only a soldier, vehicle or building. So you have to check each truck specifically, like this: ((!Alive truck1) && (!Alive truck2) && (!Alive truck3) && (!Alive truck4)) Thats all I can think of right now ... hope it helps!
  6. Hi all! My new mission in multiplayer somtimes fails to run script activated by init-field of the players. Does anyone have had this problem? In the init-field of all players are: [this] exec "equip.sqs" The script gives the player a new loadout ... and works fine in single player, but not in multiplayer ... anyone?
  7. niki

    AI dropping LGB´s

    Hi! Yeah! OFPEC made an unofficial commandreference guide. You can find it here: OFPEC Comref
  8. Hi nordin_dk! Hint: When you use the chat command, the playername is revealed! I don't know if that works but maybe it could bring you closer to a solution??!? Example: wplr1 GlobalChat "I'm in the blue corner" - where wplr1 is the objectID handle for the unit Happy editing - from one dane to another
  9. Hi! All scripts are running on the game host as far as I know. The result of a single script should be unique, because you can't have multiple results of a script distributed to every client - that would make multiplayer-mode impossible to handle! Summary: Scripts are running on the game host. ... so your random number would be generated by the server!
  10. niki

    When making a mission

    Hi! Some help: 0. Remember to switch to Advanced mode in OFP Editor 1. Create a mission and place a soldier (Black Op) on the map 2. Save the mission as test 3. Alt-Tab out of OFP and start windows explorer 4. Go to the directory <OFP_installation_dir>\user\<yourname>\mission\test 5. Right-click white-space select 'new' textdocument 6. Rename to equip.txt 7. doubleclick equip.txt (this should bring up notepad) 8. Write the following: _plr = _this select 0 RemoveAllWeapons _plr _plr AddMagazine "G36aMag" _plr AddMagazine "G36aMag" _plr AddMagazine "G36aMag" _plr AddMagazine "LAWLauncher" _plr AddMagazine "LAWLauncher" _plr AddMagazine "LAWLauncher" _plr AddWeapon "G36a" _plr AddWeapon "LAWLauncher" _plr AddWeapon "Binocular" 9. Save and exit 10. Rename equip.txt to equip.sqs 11. Alt-tab back to OFP 12. Edit the soldier you added in step 1. 13. In the init-field write: [this] exec "equip.sqs" 14. Hit preview ... and ... WOW! Hope you get it!!! The script should first remove all weapons from the player and then equip him with Binoculars, a G36 and a LAW + the corresponding ammo. When you create missions you can call that script for every soldier you want to have this configuration by adding the line in step 13. If what I wrote doesn't work (I'm don't have my OFP scripting library with me) email me ...
  11. Hi! Help wanted! A neat feature in my new script would be to obtain the Object ID from a launched missile from a player or AI controlled character. Is there anyway this can be done? I can do a camcreate command and then obtain the object handle of the missile, but what if I wanted the object handle of a missile that has been fired by a character? Allso - is it possible (with scripting) to use the ingame missile guidance system on a rocket spawned with camcreate? The only solution (as I see it) is to have an AI character target a vehicle and then command a DoFire. Is there another way? Someone made a guided missile script at OFPEC, but that is NOT an option. Its slow and takes up my CPU-time and the resolution for changing the missiles position is far too low - I guess it has something to do with the CPU-time given for executing scripts - that's why I want the ingame missile lock. (Don't get me wrong! The missile script is a very clever script, and I admire the person who took his time and wrote it!) Anyone?