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Posts posted by negative

  1. wow-i found some units at operation flashpoint editing center-but there downloads are too slow. Im gettin like 1.37 kb persecond-but i have a cable connection. Also-if they're all in one pack-id like to know. Id also like to know if these are separate units or conversions-thnks

    ---here they are---

    -woodland marines

    BIB UN forces

    Foxhound's Austrailian Inf./SAS addon

    Austrian army units

    German army units

    OMON forces for soviet army

    spetznatz type 2

    Arctic Armor pack

  2. wow-i found some units at operation flashpoint editing center-but there downloads are too slow. Im gettin like 1.37 kb persecond-but i have a cable connection. Also-if they're all in one pack-id like to know. Id also like to know if these are separate units or conversions-thnks

    ---here they are---

    -woodland marines

    BIB UN forces

    Foxhound's Austrailian Inf./SAS addon

    Austrian army units

    German army units

    OMON forces for soviet army

    spetznatz type 2

    Arctic Armor pack

  3. hello,

    ive been off the internet since Sept. 15th. I have seen somehting called a snow island? where can i get this. Also what addons-weapons,mission edotor packs ect-should i download. I have the new 1.30 pathc. thanks

