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Everything posted by mric

  1. mric

    Linux server beta

    for information it starts on debian 4 (upgraded from sarge to gold 4)
  2. mric

    Linux server beta

    What if you run your server but it does not seem to read server.cfg ? Taht is your server title is the hostname of the computer and no description is given, nor password or max players number. It seems if server.cfg is not in $HOME it is not read. Here follows the explanation. I created a new user account, say "arma" into /home/arma but i did not put ArmA stuf into /home/arma I put it into /home/arma/arma-server so in there I have the binaries /home/arma/arma-server/server , and all folders from my Windows game /home/arma/arma-server/addons ; /home/arma/arma-server/campaigns etc... all my *.cfg files and profiles are also in /home/arma/arma-server/ obviously i have /home/arma/arma-server/server.cfg but when I run /home/arma/arma-server/server or /home/arma/arma-server/server -config server.cfg the game does not use server.cfg file the solution, create a soft link : > cd /home/arma/arma-server/ > ln -s server.cfg ../server.cfg