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Everything posted by mrfloyd

  1. mrfloyd

    Out of ideas

    Year is 2008, Cold war never ended, half Europe lies in ruins, in devasted Paris you and your team, SSSR specnaz, have to destroy some kind of base with fuel wich lies in hands of faschist regime of FrenchEngland union, after that u discover something very dark, somekind of new weapon developed by mighty Ireland and blablabla!!! Move away from middle east, iraq , afgan setting, my head isfull of that, btw u have that shit every night on news , right! Imagination is limitless!!!!
  2. Why o why ever since OFP, then Arma and now Arma2 while flying with chopers or planes i dont hear hits from bullets, flak or whatever is firing on me??? Arma is simulation and im not military expert, but somehow i believe that 23mm grenade sould make some kind of noise if hits my A-10!! All i hear is beep beep - armour low! Ever since OFP i have decent hardware, SB Live! and now Audigy, different OS - Win98 and now Win7, but problem remains! Is that feature by design or ???
  3. mrfloyd

    sound of hits while flying!

    This comment wasnt necessary! My ears are just fine, i do have 20 years of experience playing fps and simulations, so im not some 12 year old whining kid but still not to old to be deaf! ;) Lots of my buddies noticed while sniping from bush , a T72 is able to "sneak" just behind you and blow you point blank! You cant say that BI games dont have issues with sound!
  4. hi all, first of all let me say that im great fan of  OFP,ARMA and hopefully ARMA2. My suggestion goes in this dirrection-> 1.I would like to see no DRM protection because it will be broken in few days and it really pisses of us legal users, put CD key protection for on line gaming an no securom,sarforce bulls...t. 2. Some good anti cheat protection. 3. It would be great if integrated with Steam , maybe use steamworks because your server browser sux in both games, ofp and arma, it was such a pain when joining to servers with different mods running!, and steam offers great backup tools, and i can easily play on diferent PCs, home and on work! 4. Hopefully COOP campaign is going to be really campaign, not just  multiplayer mod where u choose missions, same like singleplayer just with buddies! 5. when possible:Arma2 family pack buy for example 5 licences and pay 3 or 4! 6. Install game without cdkey , game will work for 3 days with no online gaming! try to be more user friendly and no user restrictive! thx
  5. Why no cdkey? It gives no problems for the people who buy it (unlike some other copy protections), and at least it keeps the people away who know nothing about circumventing copy protections. (The large masses) You havent understood me, when u install game w/o cdkey, game has limited funcionality for ex, wont work online and works only for 3 days after that it locks, some kind trial mode, so i can go to my friend and install him game so he can try it and later buy it.
  6. mrfloyd

    GPS Zoom

    maybe im dummy ,but i need some help! recently i saw some movies on youtube, while flying on A10 or Harrier those guys can zoom in/out GPS (toggle GPS), looked in my config but cant find it! googled and found crap! so, pls hlp!
  7. mrfloyd

    GPS Zoom

  8. hi, i believe that im in right subforum! Wonders me how can i while im on foot (infantry) cal for close support from air if i have teammate which is pilot, is there some way to throw a smoke or give him some mark where hi will shoot!? I play mostly coop, have tried flying with A10 and AV8, but its really pain to navigate where are buddies stuck! all suggestions are welcomed!
  9. mrfloyd

    Call for support from air!

    Ok, understood&many thx! ps. does laser desig. works when pilot is not in my squad, many missions have pilots separ. in other squad?
  10. mrfloyd

    Voice over net

    i heave bind , left default casp lock for push to talk funct, but i missed that : play on server wich have that enabled,hmm, ill try that! patch is 1.12b! thx for help!
  11. mrfloyd

    Voice over net

    If I understood corectly if i press Caps lock, everyone should hear me when speaking on globalchanel, mic is working fine, even Teamspeak works, am i doing something wrong!!!? Manual didnt help me much!
  12. mrfloyd

    Sound and Audio

    hi , don know if somebody already mentioned it, but it would be nice when playing Russian side, hopefully there will be Russians as opponents, not some opfor-bluefor , to hear russian language or at least english with russian accent! I hate those mechanical voices in ofp and arma too!
  13. mrfloyd

    Ai thread

    Hi, dont know if someone else said this, but here it goes: i want amies vs ssssr, not some bluefor vs island militia voices of squad also needs improvements, not copy/paste from OFP, and finaly but most important is AI , both enemy and squad, they too often experiance BSO or goes to stanby mode
  14. mrfloyd

    ArmA on Steam

    I'm sorry but I think I'm missing something here. What is so beautifull about buying a cd and then going online to create an account instead of just inserting the cd key? Again, I must be missing something here to. What can be more simple than putting your cd in your pc and typing your cd key to reinstall? I must have reinstall OFP dozens of time and mostly on computers without internet connection. I doubt I could have done that with Steam. Hey, you are completely free to be in love with Steam (whatever makes you click...) and I agree that more ways to deliver the game is good but since I never play online, I fail to see what I'll gain using Steam instead of my cd key... Cheers Look, in my country (Croatia) Arma retail kosts 50€ thanks to greedy retailers, and on Steam 30$, once u installed with steam , thats it, if you reinstall your OS dont need also to reinstall games on steam! Just login to steam and thats it (maybe just to update steam platofrm , couple of megs) and it also works offline, dont need to be online full time. This saturday i was on LAN party, on conn to internet, and was playing DOD Source (from steam) just fine and also 10 more ppl!
  15. mrfloyd

    plane question!

    hi all! is there any mission (user made) in wich is possible to fly with Harrier,A10 or something else? thx
  16. mrfloyd

    ArmA on Steam

    Only 1 flop! Im in Europe and i cant buy it! Is there any kind of way to buy it !? I bougt several games via Steam, and that is the bright future for PC gaming!