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About manofwar

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  1. manofwar

    getting objective done

    Thx for your reply but what I need is what to put in the condition field to make the objective done when all enemy are dead or flee
  2. Hi guys I'm making a mission where I need to set up the objective done when everyone is dead and of course the mission end anyone knows how to do it?
  3. manofwar


    Hi guys I have a problem I have this script by trini scourge to attach the cam to a plane: useCamera = true _camera = "camera" camCreate getPos cobraone _camera cameraEffect ["internal","front"] _camera camSetTarget cobraone _camera camSetFov 0.7 _camera camCommit 0 #loop _camera camSetRelPos [0, 9, -0.5] _camera camCommit 0 ? useCamera : goto "loop" camdestroy _camera _camera cameraeffect ["terminate", "back"] and I want to create another cam after that one but the cam remain on the plane and doesn't go ahead like I want can someone help? thx
  4. manofwar

    take off

    Hi guys how to make a plane take off? thx
  5. manofwar


    yes thx I think the same:)but is it possible to copy and paste the coordinate?Or you have to write them down thx
  6. manofwar


    I'm sorry I didn't write what I wanted to know well but what you said is exactly what I'm looking for but how to refresh it because after a while it disappear and how to use the command modelToWorld ? Thx anyway
  7. manofwar


    Hi to everyone because I'm new of the editor and totally unknown of all the commands and scripts I would know how I get the coordinate of xyz anyone knows? Thx