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About mythix

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  1. mythix

    Stupid aircraft and armor.

    it's just funny that the KA50 works and the Mi17 doesn't. Maybe the Mi is designated as transport, not attack?
  2. mythix

    Stupid aircraft and armor.

    By the way, the KA50 appears to work fine
  3. mythix

    Stupid aircraft and armor.

    He's right. Stick an M1A1 on the runway in the North West of Sahrani. Get an Mi17 to overfly, use any speed you like, open fire, fire-at-will, give him a move waypoint or seek and destroy, promote him up to a colonel if you like, whatever, and he just doesn't fire. The M1A1 fires at the chopper but not vice versa. I'm sure there's a reasonable explanation for this but i've just set up something similar in OFP and it works fine... As for this 'reveal' stuff...i'm hoping we don't have to resort to scripting to make a helicopter see a great big tank standing on a runway in perfect weather? Anyone got a foolproof plan for us fools? Â
  4. mythix

    Climbing ladders

    Utterly brilliant. I've discovered the "watch" feature in the process too. It turns out that the ladder in question doesn't allow that for some reason, but others do. Cheers, Ian
  5. mythix

    Climbing ladders

    Hi all, One of the best things about ArmA is that there is a lot more scope for getting onto the rooftops, especially in urban environments. I can't seem to get any of my squad to climb the ladders and get up there though. Am I missing something, or is it impossible? Thanks in advance, Ian. p.s There should be more wacky bananas in this forum!