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Everything posted by mortyfero

  1. mortyfero

    ODOL explorer

    Dunnot understand well but can try to answer. I think you want to look inside data3d.pbo with Odol_explorer. 1) You cannot, because Odol_explorer open only ODOL p3d models, instead original Ofp model are all MLOD p3d model. To look them you have to use Oxygen and Oxygen viewers (O2) 2) To use ODOL_explorer: Example: I want to look all the weapon models of RHS_WEAPON.pbo. In my pc RHS_WEAPON.pbo is inside a directory named OFP_WORKPLACE. Un-pbo the weapon pack. Open Odol_explorer. Select "data dir". Double click on OFP_WORKPLACE. Click Ok. Hope is enough clear Regards
  2. mortyfero

    Texture swap utility

    hi man .. I'm an expert using it .. Her how to make a texture change-path .. (sorry for bad english) .. 1) Create a directory where you want to put the new weapon/object (i.e. MY_WEAPONS) 2) Create a subdirectory inside "MY_WEAPONS" where to put all the textures (i.e. AKTEXT) --> nb: this subdirectory is required to prevent your primary directory to be a mess with model and texture everywhere 3) Open the program .. easy .. 4) Click on "file" and select "open .p3d" and select the model you want to change texture path. now in the texture list you can find all the texture required by the model (so you can move them in AKTEXT) 5) Go to the white line named "Texture folder" and write: MY_WEAPONS\AKTEXT\ Â 6) Select the first texture from the "texture list", push the button at the right of the grey line "replacement" and select the texture from AKTEXT. 7) Repeat point nr. 7 for every texture 8) Save the model where you want 9) Use ODOL-EXPLORER to see if all the textures are right placed. n.b.1: You can change texture only of the ODOL models. For MLOD models you have to use TxTPathSwap n.b.2: In "texture list" you can find some data\texturename . This are original Ofp texture, don't replace. n.b.3: EXTREMELY IMPORTANT : CLOSE AND RE-OPEN THE PROGRAM FOR EVERY MODEL , otherwise you'll have error like "overflow".. Enjoy
  3. mortyfero

    Couple of fast questions

    1) Find, it's LOD problem .. 3)find how to manage textures
  4. Hi I'm trying to modify some weapon model with Oxigen. It is the first time i try to work with model. 1)I see changes work for 3rd view but not for first peson view, why? What have I to do? 2)How do I create a muzzle flash like SLX (a flash every 3 shots)? 3)Wich software is needed to modify .paa and. pac ? Thanks buddies
  5. mortyfero

    Fallout Mod, anyone?

    Nice man.. What is the progress situation?
  6. mortyfero

    hi i am noob

    Take care .. WGL is a more realistic oriented mod (simply love it ).. FDF is more arcade .. both very good for co-op .. If you want the best models install FFUR or MCM with SLX ..
  7. mortyfero

    GRAA Modpack 3.0

    Can't wait for your soldier's model .. simple awesome ..
  8. I think this is the best and more realistic mod EVER MADE .. except for the recoils (too bad for the ai) and the lack of silenced pistols .. Is there a possibilty to see a new patch with a recoil version for single player mode and some silenced pistols.. Thanks
  9. mortyfero

    Up,Down, Crouch

    I got this big trouble.. When a soldier see an enemy he go immediatly DOWN (Lying). When my men are in COMBAT mode the go immediately DOWN. The question is.. I would like them to stay 50% down and 50% crouch, and shot 50% from the gound and 50% in crouched. How can I do? Where have I to modify the Config.bin? Sorry for my bad english, I hope you understand .. Thanks to all.. Morty
  10. mortyfero

    Tonal Special Forces

    Thanks a lot man.. I like your avatar.. remind me the game "diablo".. Bye
  11. mortyfero

    Tonal Special Forces

    Ups.. Can someone to explain in few lines some zombie pack game logic? -gravitation point -resurrection daemon -lock speed 1x Thanks
  12. mortyfero


    Hi all I've created a small medkit that is not working because.. I'm not able to launch the "medkitscript.sqs" when the weapon "medkit" is fired. To be more clear I add the config file. It's like an ordinary weapon "usare" with ordinary mag "medkit" and I want that when i fire it [] exec "medkit.sqs" How can I do? Thanks
  13. mortyfero

    Falklands Mod 1.0 Released

    I like it very much But: Mirage need 3 matra missiles to kill the hercules .. ?? Btw.. simply wonderfull..
  14. mortyfero

    Up,Down, Crouch

    No answer?? Thanks the same..