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Everything posted by muska54

  1. i really dont understand why i am getting very bad performance with : 3.4ghz p4 8800gts 640mb 2gb corsair ram for the game to be playable at about 20+ fps i must set everything to either low or very low. its on a brand new comp with a fresh install of windows xp. others are getting much better performance with lesser hardware. eg http://youtube.com/watch?v=yXOYJ7MiBBQ it says 15fps avg but looks smoother to me. i get less than this and he has fraps running.. i dont understand. all my other games run smooth as silk. anybody else have a similar computer and can post their performance?? thnx
  2. muska54

    Increased view distance, quite stunning

    loving that video.. but such smooth framerate , and 30fps without fraps on that setting! i am lucky to get 30 fps with 1.2km view on anything exept low/verylow settings. And my machine is: 3.4ghz P4 8800gts 640mb 2gb PC5300 ram hopefully theres a performance upgrade with that patch too. As a pilot i am really looking forward to it thanks
  3. muska54

    Ka-50 cannon

    how do u guys move the shivkal camera view without the whole chopper moving? i am using a mouse only . is it possible to have a binding for moving only the zoomed in view ?
  4. muska54

    AI Helicopters

    hmm when i try to move the invisible h to my position using a radio trigger it wont do it heli domove getpos player moves the helo to my position (works) h domove getpos player wont move a invisible h to my pos though. anything i am mising ? is there a way to stop the chopper, it is coming to my position, but screaming past me and off into the distance.
  5. muska54

    Shooting on the Run?

    yes , double tapping shift (default) will toggle between walk and run.
  6. muska54

    Armed Assault videos

    sory i am finding it very hard to understand what you just wrote . Ok ,the real jihad videos you talk of are not directed and acted like a film is. films were the kind of visual art i was refering to. this is also imo visual art.
  7. muska54

    Armed Assault videos

    ^ everyone is entitled to an opinion.. i dont think the video was made to be funny man.i sure as hell didnt laugh. to me it seems the exact same as making any film about war.. its visual art. its wasnt sick of spielberg to make the omaha beach scene in SPR. The carnage was shown from an american view in that movie. The arma videos show it from the other view. its more thought provoking than anything else. but a definite well made short. controversial for some but also exellent none the less.
  8. muska54

    A Fix - 16bpp Resolution

    relating to this file anyone know what changing 3D_Performance= x ; will do? i have messed around but cant really tell . A lower value should give worse performance/better gfx i expect? any devs know what this variable means? cheers
  9. muska54

    Oh Noooo Groups menu is dead ???

    yes it can only be done through the new quick command (space bar) hold space and then select units to add to the group by pressing the middle mouse button on them. then press it a second time on the last member to add ,and the menu comes up.. and "assign" is now there.. hooray. kind of tedious but works well after the groups have been assigned.
  10. muska54


    inspiron 9300 laptop 1.87ghz pentium M 1gb ram go6800 256mb ArmaMarks : 3001.23 not bad for a lappy
  11. muska54


    mate theres two things wrong with this thread, u might get in trouble.
  12. muska54

    OFP videography

    nice vid man... what map and units did u use? Edit: hehe ,watched the credits again and whadda ya know...
  13. muska54

    OFP videography

    yeah the free cam is a bit dodgy at times.. wish it could be controlled with a mouse..
  14. muska54

    OFP videography

    Heres a vid from me.. this i my first video i have made for any game.. hope you like it. any tips on movie making are appreciated guys