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About machineking

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. machineking

    Is Voice Over Net working in the demo?

    i had the same problem d034rk , to no avail. I tried everything. When I press caps lock i get a white square but no mic icon.
  2. machineking

    10-78 P.O.W. Escape

    First let me say, I LOVE the way the mission starts. But after I killed the firing squad the guys (esp in the tower) didn't try to kill me.
  3. machineking

    VOIP not working

    I've searched and searched. How do I allow VOIP in a game I am hosting. My friends and I all use Ventrilo, Skype & Teamspeak and they all work fine. When I host a game, we can't speak to each other using Caps Lock. I've tried everything and looked everywhere. After a dead end, I've added a server.cfg and "D:\Program Files\Bohemia Interactive\ArmA\ARMA.EXE" -nosplash -config=server.cfg my server config looks like this: hostname = "Machine - New Map - BETA"; passwordAdmin = ""; password = ""; motd[] = { "Checkpoint Impasse", "Map/Mission is English/German", "Thank you for joining" }; motdInterval = 1; voteThreshold = 0.45; reportingIP = "master.gamespy.com"; voteMissionPlayers = 3; kickduplicate = 0; equalModRequired = 1; maxPlayers = 4; verifySignatures = 1; checkfiles[] = { } I'm stumped! What am i doing wrong? I realize there isn't a off/on setting, because most people want to turn it off. But I want it on. Any advice? I'm hosting an internet game and my friends join via direct IP...all we need is ingame VOIP working.
  4. machineking

    Squad Leader Help

    I need help leading AI NPCs, and I also have a few questions. I've gotten pretty good at mounting vehicles, but in combat situations they seem to never be in a good position. 'take cover' doesn't seem to be effective. Any suggestions? Also, they never seem to run as fast as I'd like them to. How do I/Can I, make them sprint ? I also learned how to make them switch gear by having them stand really close to a crate and then Action->Gear. But what is the 'Custom' radio thing for? It always seems empty. My biggest question is how do I give my position? The AI always asks 'Where are you?' and I never knew how to give my position even if I know it. Please share some of your tips for SLing AI
  5. machineking

    The Hunt

    Wow, this sounds very similar to your mission 5133p39. Will the AI allow me to play this single player?
  6. machineking

    Tonal withdrawl :(

    dude, thats totally not true...really.
  7. machineking

    How to 'compile' a selfmade mission?

    thanks k1ng, those tools are exactly what I needed. Eliteness crash on two different computers. Thanks.
  8. machineking

    How to 'compile' a selfmade mission?

    when i use 'Export to MP' everything seems fine, why would I need to use another program to complie the pbo? I'm new at editing...what cant i do to my mission in the editor alone? I've added respawn and it tests fine, but doesnt work in multi, is it bcuz i need another program?
  9. machineking

    Arma - new file edit techniques?

    I use pbo_decryptor and it works great search for it and you should be good.
  10. Medics can heal but can Engineers do anything? Or any other class for that matter? All other classes seem to have items to make them different, but Medics have an ability. Are they they only class with an ability? Can Squad/Team Leaders do anything special???
  11. machineking

    Do you want the 'Psycho Slayer' in ArmA ?

    Yes, please convert to ArmA. Heres the description for the page: Foreword This is a total, and from scratch, remake of the mission known by the name "Find the Serialkiller v2.00" by [City Cobra]. I borrowed the basic idea, but thats all, everything else is fresh and new. So, i want to thank to [City Cobra] (or whoever has the original idea), and also to whole eVAC! team, for it was them who brought the idea of remake before me in the first place, and who were extensively and relentlessly testing the mission with me, providing me with their mental and even technical support by allowing me to test the new mission and addons on their dedicated server. Without their help, and encouraging, this mission would be never finished. Description In the basics it is same as it's predecessor - you have to either kill as many people as you can, or hunt down the killers and bring them to justice, depending on the side you choose. * Here are some new features: There can be up to 3 killers (each looking like an ordinary man/woman) * Cops must be near some vehicle with it's radio turned on, to be able to hear any messages concerning killer's evil doings. * Anyone inside a police vehicle, can see all the cops on map. They are shown as blue dots. * The AI are randomly trafficking between the villages. So watch your car (killer or cop), for if they like it they will use it (a cop can lock their cars, so even AI couldn't use them). * The positions of last five killer victims are allways marked on the map * When the killer's sanity drops to zero, he will experience occasional loses of consciousness, and will be marked on map by a big yellow dot. * The killer's "sanity" can be replenished by killings. * After the first civilian victim is killed, the cops are authorized to use helis, the BRDMs are available after two or more cops are killed. * According to killer vs. cops ratio, there are 1 or 4 police respawns. The ratio must be TWO or less cops per ONE killer, otherwise there is only one police respawn. While airborne when respawning, the current respawn can be changed to the nearest respawn point by clicking into the map. There is a "mission log" written by dslyecxi, which could give you an idea what is it like to be playing this "mission". You can find the article here (search for the 'November 5th Psycho Slayer Writeup' title). Basic rules * STARTING PARAMETERS At the start you can choose how many psycho points the Killers need to win the game. Cops can win the game if they kill and imprison all the Killers. * PSYCHO POINTS - can be earned by Killers for killing a civilian or cop (not counting the AI security guards). The number of points earned depends on the way the unit was killed: o 1 point when Killer or Cop shoot a Civilian. So the Cops wants to be carefull and not to shoot Civilians, because that would only help the Killers. o 0.25 point for any non-direct way of killing a Civilian. That means when you run him over by a vehicle, or even when he crashes his own car, etc. The point is earned when ANYONE kills a Civilian this way, even if the 'killer' was some other Civilian, or Cop. o 0.1 point when the Killer shoot a Cop * COP'S START The Cops starts with an AK-47, but can rearm themselves by the crates at the airport or any other police base. * KILLER'S START The Killers starts on remote island, with no weapons. They must arm themselves at the crates, and then click into the map where they want to be parachuted. When out of ammo, the Killer have only two options to rearm: o get the weapon and ammo from killed Cop o sneak into a Police base and rearm at the crates (a difficult one) * RESPAWN Cops will respawn on a parachute over the west airport, and depending on how many killers/cops are playing, they will be able to switch their position to other respawn by clicking into map (the nearest respawn to the click position will be choosen). Killers will respawn right into jail (next paragraph). * PRISON When a Killer dies, he is taken to the prison. When all the Killers are captured, the Cops won, and the game ends. Any free Killer can help other Killers to escape from the prison, he just needs something to destroy the fence, and lot of luck. * GAME OVER Game is over when Killer reach the specified number of psycho points, or when they are all captured. * KILLER'S SANITY Every killer has his own "sanity", watch it carefully! When your sanity drops to zero, you will start to lose consciousness, and you will be marked on the police maps! You can replenish your sanity by killing people or cops. You can check your sanity from the action menu. * LOCKING VEHICLES The Cops are able to lock police vehicles, and there is a good reason for that! Anyone, who is inside any police vehicle, can see the cops marked on the map as a blue dots! So ALLWAYS LOCK YOUR VEHICLE! You better lock the vehicle immediately after getting in or out of it. When Killer steals a police vehicle, he will get a big advantage, because he will be able to see where the Cops are, and how to avoid them! * POLICE RADIO The Cops have the option to turn on/off a police radio while near or inside of any police vehicle. ALLWAYS TURN ON YOUR RADIO - it will inform you about all the accidents or murders, and where it took place. You must be near (or inside) the vehicle, with it's radio turned on, to be able to hear the radio messages. * POLICE ANTENNA The police vehicle's radios will be working on the east side of island (to the right of Davle) only if the Police Antenna near Lipany remains intact. When Killers destroy the antenna, the Cops won't be able to receive any radio messages when present on this side of island. The Antenna can be repaired with the help of a repair truck, which can be found on the Police base at the west airport. The antenna can be destroyed and repaired multiple times without limit. * POLICE DISPATCHER The police radio dispatcher is essential for all the police vehicle radios to work. When someone kills the dispatcher, then the cops won't get any info about the location of the next murder sites, until they replace the dead dispatcher. The dispatcher can be replaced by any cop player himself, or by civilian AI by using the "Force cooperation" action and ordering him to go inside the tent. * USE THE MAP The map will provide help for both the Cops and Killers. The Cop's map will keep track or the last five murder sites - use this information and try to guess the next Killer's move. The Killer's map shows all civilians - potential victims - marked by green dots. Only a Killer can see where the civilians are. * "STOP THE SUSPECT" ACTION The Cop can order a civilian to stop, by using this action, to check his papers (actually, there are no papers, you just need to get to at least 4m close to the civilian, then it will be revealed whether it is a Killer or just a honorable citizen. When you manage to reveal the Killer this way, he will be shown on the Cop's maps, no matter what he do, for duration of 1 minute. This is a very useful option - you can order any moving vehicle to stop, and you can decide who it is by judging the unit's action - whether he will pull over and stop, or HOW he pull over and stop, etc. Smart Killer will try to behave like the AI, but even the AI won't stop everytime - there is a slight chance the AI won't listen to you. o When you are on foot, the AI are reacting to your shout order only to the distance of 100 meters. o When you are in any police car, the max. distance is 150 meters. o When you are in the police chopper, the max. distance is 300 meters. * NUMBER OF KILLERS There can be up to three Killers. But be reasonable - if there are playing only about 5 players on the police side, then one Killer should be sufficient challenge. It sounds awsome!!
  12. machineking

    The Lost world Mod - jarrasic park

    I'd really like to do some voice acting for this MOD. I know the black guy lasted 10 mins in the movie but if youre interested in my services PM me.
  13. machineking

    Carwars 2

    When will you release another version? I came back to Flashpoint after 4 years to play your MOD it is GREAT!!! I need to learn scripting though...I have the Uber guide ...
  14. machineking

    CarWars released by Hitcher

    How can I allow the car to let me recruit men outside of the Mod itself..only because I want to use a different map. Please assist.
  15. machineking

    Carwars 2

    Can someone tell me extactly how I would use this Mod on a different map. I would imagine I would only need the recruiting script, but Im not sure where to get it since there is no mission.sqm