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Everything posted by mr.Flea

  1. mr.Flea

    Eden oh Eden

    1 session All Layers generated woods generated too version 1
  2. mr.Flea

    Eden oh Eden

    some new WIP Sat (1:8) and other (but older) april 2008
  3. mr.Flea

    BinPBO PE

    "Binarize" - touch_off
  4. mr.Flea

    Eden oh Eden

    <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">class Legend { picture="ca\SampleMap\Source\mapLegend.png"; class Colors { sand[]={{255,255,0},{128,128,0}}; high_trava[]={{255,0,255}}; trava[]={{0,255,0},{0,128,0}}; woods[]={}; beton[]={{100,100,100},{0,0,255}}; skala[]={{255,0,0}}; pole[]={{0,0,0},{99,55,0}}; }; };
  5. Set 3-dimensional object's  vector [_OBJECT,[_Ox,_Oy,_Oz]]call compile preprocessfile "setdir3d.sqf" <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">#define OX 0 #define OY 1 #define OZ 2 private["_x","_y","_z","_a","_t_sin","_t_cos","_dir","_up"]; _a = _this select 1; _t_sin = sin -(_a select OX); _t_cos = cos -(_a select OX); _x = [ [_t_cos,_t_sin,0], [-_t_sin,_t_cos,0], [0,0,1] ]; _t_sin = sin (_a select OY); _t_cos = cos (_a select OY); _y = [ [1,0,0], [0,_t_cos,_t_sin], [0,-_t_sin,_t_cos] ]; _t_sin = sin (_a select OZ); _t_cos = cos (_a select OZ); _z = [ [_t_cos,0,-_t_sin], [0,1,0], [_t_sin,0,_t_cos] ]; #define M1(X,Y) ((_x select X) select Y) #define M2(X,Y) ((_y select X) select Y) #define ROL [\ [\ M2(0,0) * M1(0,0)+ M2(0,1)* M1(1,0)+ M2(0,2)* M1(2,0),\ M2(0,0) * M1(0,1)+ M2(0,1)* M1(1,1)+ M2(0,2)* M1(2,1),\ M2(0,0) * M1(0,2)+ M2(0,1)* M1(1,2)+ M2(0,2)* M1(2,2)\ ],\ [\ M2(1,0)* M1(0,0)+ M2(1,1)* M1(1,0)+ M2(1,2)* M1(2,0),\ M2(1,0)* M1(0,1)+ M2(1,1)* M1(1,1)+ M2(1,2)* M1(2,1),\ M2(1,0)* M1(0,2)+ M2(1,1)* M1(1,2)+ M2(1,2)* M1(2,2)\ ],\ [\ M2(2,0)* M1(0,0)+ M2(2,1)* M1(1,0)+ M2(2,2)* M1(2,0),\ M2(2,0)* M1(0,1)+ M2(2,1)* M1(1,1)+ M2(2,2)* M1(2,1),\ M2(2,0)* M1(0,2)+ M2(2,1)* M1(1,2)+ M2(2,2)* M1(2,2)\ ]\ ] _a = ROL; #undef M1 #undef M2 #define M1(X,Y) ((_a select X) select Y) #define M2(X,Y) ((_z select X) select Y) _a = ROL; #undef ROL #define ROL [\ M1(1,0) * VY + M1(2,0) * VZ,\ M1(1,1) * VY + M1(2,1) * VZ,\ M1(1,2) * VY + M1(2,2) * VZ\ ] #define VY 1 #define VZ 0 _dir = ROL; #undef VY #undef VZ #define VY 0 #define VZ 1 _up = ROL; (_this select 0) SetVectorDir _dir; (_this select 0) SetVectorUp _up; [_up,_dir] Set 2-dimensional object's  vector [_object[_Ox,_Oz]] call compile preprocessfile "setdir2d.sqf" <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> private["_a","_b","_dir","_up"]; _a = _this select 1 select 0; _b = _this select 1 select 0; _dir = [ sin _a * cos _b, cos _a * cos _b, sin _b ]; _b = _b + 90; _up = [ sin _a * cos _b, cos _a * cos _b, sin _b ]; (_this select 0) SetVectorDir _dir; (_this select 0) SetVectorUp _up; [_up,_dir] PS The function will work correctly only if given object do not collide with other objects (groound,water, buildings etc)
  6. mr.Flea

    Eden oh Eden

    with handmade tools & visitor 3 scripts Â
  7. mr.Flea

    Eden oh Eden

    2 session working roads Session 3 Layers version 2(last) EDEN_MASK_LCO.PNG
  8. http://www.flashpoint1985.com/cgi-bin/ikonboard311/ikonboard.cgi?act=ST&f=71&t=63348&st=
  9. mr.Flea

    Spy satellite script

  10. While it only the viewer, one of these days will be completely the worker
  11. mr.Flea


    _axel = "Mi17" createvehicle _someposition ? Local _axel AND NOT IsNull player: hint "This is a Server" ? Local _axel AND IsNull player : hint "This is a Dedicaded Server" ? Not Local _axel  : hint "This is a Client" deletevehicle _axel exit Any problems?
  12. mr.Flea

    phantom texture

    Hex Edit? Why? There is a way more civilized http://www.flashpoint1985.com/cgi-bin....t=63919
  13. bxbx   my tool for manual decode some ftp://www.armedassault.info/_hosted/rau/flea/deparse.rar for example start programm open file `sara.wrp` write to Bytes read - 4194304 (2048*2048) offset bytes - 1163387 Out data size - 4194304 (2048*2048) out file - c:\dump.raw press `Dump It...` And Open c:\dump.raw in photoshop as Width 2048 Height 2048, 1 chanel 1 byte and you will see Sahrani AS IS
  14. mr.Flea

    Smoke unaffected by distance?

    Trouble in drop model. Its easy to fix
  15. Download dasn't start in Opera because of ASP
  16. mr.Flea

    Force Land

    heli setfuel 0
  17. Top Gun(not dead link)
  18. Flying projection <a href="ftp://www.armedassault.info/_hosted/rau/flea/ play.rar" target="_blank">Top Gun (42 kb)</a> Â
  19. mr.Flea

    .CPP To .BIN

    Just open your eyes http://community.bistudio.com/wiki....Editing
  20. mr.Flea

    Zasleh Texture problem

    My English is bad. I cant wrote how to help you in English
  21. mr.Flea

    Zasleh Texture problem

    now thats in the exporter for photoshop, but when i do it its damnwell same problem....?? resize to 128x65, then after export ->texture size 128x64
  22. mr.Flea

    Simple random script

    wrong try _x = floor random 3 call compile format["wp=plat%1 addwaypoint [position ven1,20]",_x] call compile format["[plat%1,1] setwaypointtype ""move""",_x] call compile format["plat%1 setcurrentwaypoint [plat%1,1]",_x]
  23. mr.Flea

    FSM Editor
