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Everything posted by mamonchi-to

  1. mamonchi-to

    Falklands mod progress

    why it was sunk its a question not for this topic but still its a good question and i dont know the answer... so less move on!
  2. mamonchi-to

    Falklands mod progress

    the truck it is very good do you need some material about vehicles or you got it cover?? meaby i can suply you with photos and otter thecnical stuff of the argentina's vehicles... i think you are right today is the aniverse of the sinking of belgrano. the human loss in that ship were half of the total of argentinians cassualtys
  3. mamonchi-to

    Falklands mod progress

    what about a new video of the mod??
  4. mamonchi-to

    Falklands mod progress

    i have a video for you people! it is the argentina's army prety cool!!! http://www.ejercito.mil.ar/video.mpg
  5. mamonchi-to

    Falklands mod progress

    i say that because in argentina we dont get the bbc. only via direct tv or something like that
  6. mamonchi-to

    Falklands mod progress

    on tv or internet??
  7. mamonchi-to

    Falklands mod progress

    today april 2 is the 24 aniverse of the invasion to the malvinas islands and we hope that this dont hapen againg. les remember our heroes who fught there and died.
  8. mamonchi-to

    Falklands mod progress

    yes the voice is a thing that is better to leave to the end someday soon i going to show my e-mail adress so you can contact me. thanks CBFASI
  9. mamonchi-to

    Falklands mod progress

    that's right! againg: yeeeeeeeeeeesssss... or no?
  10. mamonchi-to

    Falklands mod progress

    yes or no!!!!!!!!!!!??
  11. mamonchi-to

    Falklands mod progress

    me iam from argentina i can help you people! not spanish not brazilians argentinians!! Â i dont care for the circunstances i dont have any problems wiht any country for that war it is hard for us but now argentina and uk are in peace so i dont have any problems. do you?? if you say no, its ok it is your mod i just ofering my services (sorry for my bad english, i talk better than i write )
  12. mamonchi-to

    Falklands mod progress

    ok then. argentina units are going to have "spanish" voices??? sorry if these questions are already answered
  13. mamonchi-to

    Falklands mod progress

    argentina units are on east side because you want to use otthers addons from the flashpoint comunity whit yours?? iam sorry but you guys can clear that out for me please?? i dont realy understand
  14. mamonchi-to

    Falklands mod progress

  15. mamonchi-to

    Falklands mod progress

    ok ash iam sorry that wasnt my intentions so les just forgettit. oh nice work whit the chinook!
  16. mamonchi-to

    Falklands mod progress

    ok i was just asking i dont want to start something bad too. but someones need to think about what are they saying about argentinians because theres no need to dissrespect anybody
  17. mamonchi-to

    Falklands mod progress

    i want to ask the flk team what do you people think abaut argentina???