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About mej023

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. mej023

    Your Best Shot

    Wow The Architect! Nice shooting. I go through a couple of clips for one squad! I can barely see the enemy (through normal sights) at 500 meters. Up above, I said lucky because the goal was to clear the island of enemy and he was the last one! Speaking of sniper rifles - there is one that comes with the LSR Delta's that is so freakin powerful it is unbelievable. It must be a 50 caliber. When I have the speakers turned up that thing cracks so loud my dogs start whimpering! You can kill a guy by shooting him in the leg!
  2. mej023

    Your Best Shot

    Best shot for me was playing around with DAC on Everon. I was at the airport near the gas tank. I could hear enemy armor coming so I moved down to the building with the guard shack. I had one LAW. Shortly, I see a BMP moving behind the trees up to the left. It was probably 300 meters or so. I shot as the BMP moved out of site behind some trees. I hit it as the explosion was huge!! I remember thinking that damn that was a huge explosion (as compared to normal). Later, I moved down and noticed that I had hit the BMP and it had exploded right next to another BMP which exploded seconds later. Now for lucky - I had created a scenario on New Saraguao and had cleaned out a base of enemy spetznaz. I was standing in the middle of their base when I realized that there was one enemy who had popped smoke and ran. I had forgot about him. Suddenly, I did a 180 and there he was, 30 meters behind me and he had just dropped to his knee and was aiming a RPG at me. I fired (thank God for burst mode) at the same time he did and the next thing I know I am flying through the air. Death cam showed his riddled body though!!
  3. mej023

    Most Amazing Kills

    Dang! Beat me by over 300 meters. In a CTI yesterday, I took out a T72 at 485 meters with a LAW. I was really surprised!
  4. Would someone point me to a tutorial, example mission or explain here how I can set up a mission so that when AI or my own guys get wounded they scream (you know, those blood curdling screams that make you cringe)? I have some scream .ogg files already, I just need to know how to add them to my missions. I know this has been done before but I could not find the answer through the search function. Thanks.
  5. Excellent! I did figure out how to use a trigger to add this to my action menu. I will try out the radio command as that seems like a very elegant solution. General Barron - thanks for the suggestion (it was what I was doing) and will do when playing other missions. For my personal missions, I wanted the menu option in game so I did not have to break my immersion.
  6. Well, I figured out how to set the view distance by adding an action list item. I would still like to figure out a simple way to accomplish the same thing using triggers or something. The trigger would have to add an item to the action menu (View Up) which when selected would activate the ViewUp.sqs script. Same thing for View Down. Can this be done?
  7. I have been searching and cannot find this script. My current computer is not powerful enough to have view distance set high all the time so I run it at a default 900 meters. During recon, when I use my binoculars, I would like a Action Menu item that would let me set my view distance to 2000 meters (and a way to change it back to 900 when I am done). Also, along the same lines...is there a script that would allow me to add a Save Game command on the action menu? I imagine that a lot of people have these scripts but I cannot find them on any of the forums. I appreciate any help.
  8. I did a brief search for variations of the Steal The Car mission but did not find anything. I was wondering if any of you have any new versions of this mission. I created one of my own. I added a sidekick for myself and I changed all the probablilities for enemies to 100%. I also set all the ai levels to 100%. I then added four Spetz-Natz who board a helicopter at the airport and parachute into the city during the fight. Oh yeah, I added a fuel truck to blow up too and an ammo crate in the white house behind the church (yeah, that is a little overkill). I also parked a hummvee next to the church so I can play some CD Music (using Y2K3). on edit... I also took out the barking dog! My variation is fun but I want more. Does anyone have any other variations?
  9. I did a brief search for variations of the Steal The Car mission but did not find anything. I was wondering if any of you have any new versions of this mission. I created one of my own. I added a sidekick for myself and I changed all the probablilities for enemies to 100%. I also set all the ai levels to 100%. I then added four Spetz-Natz who board a helicopter at the airport and parachute into the city during the fight. Oh yeah, I added a fuel truck to blow up too and an ammo crate in the white house behind the church (yeah, that is a little overkill). I also parked a hummvee next to the church so I can play some CD Music (using Y2K3). on edit... I also took out the barking dog! My variation is fun but I want more. Does anyone have any other variations?
  10. mej023

    Ofp moments in gameplay

    Now that sounds like an intense experience! You actually saw the bombs coming down?! OFP...what a wild ride! The ai script you mentioned sounds like something I would be interested in. Is it a common one or did you homebrew it? Would it be possible to get a copy of it?
  11. mej023

    Ofp moments in gameplay

    I was playing as a Special Forces unit. Me and another unit (ai controlled) were attacking a squad of Russian Spetz-Natz who were providing protection for a meeting of high level enemy commanders in Larche, Malden. We approached Larche from the East at dusk during a heavy thunderstorm. Intel informed me that there was another squad of Spetz-Natz in the forests in the hills to the West of Larche that were on the way to backup the squad in town. A friendly squad of Airborne Rangers were North of Larche and were expected to stop the Spetz-Natz in the hills. As we approached the edge of town, I heard the whoop-whoop of a Blackhawk providing CAS to the rangers to the north. I also heard the ripping sound of a Shilka south of Larche, firing at the Blackhawk. As I peered around the corner of a house, I see a BMP parked in the center of town with a few Spetz-Natz standing guard. Suddenly, out of nowhere, the Blackhawk had been shot down and crashed full speed into the house I was crouched behind, creating a tremendous explosion. I fully expected the usual "You are dead" routine. Like Avon lady, I jumped out of my chair a few inches! I wish this game wasn't so freakin addictive!!