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Everything posted by maverick(USMC)

  1. maverick(USMC)

    Army Stryker vehicle

    I have a great respect for the men and women who make or help develope addons and this post is not to be seen as a post that is saying something contrary to such persons. I have lately noticed that most of that addons that have been made recently are "re-makes" of other addons. I have yet to see of someone starting to make the Army's STRYKER assault vehicle. Is there anyone that knows of an addon that has this?
  2. maverick(USMC)

    Army Stryker vehicle

    I just seen a SWISS MOD made by some people and I looked at the Mowag Pirahna equiped w/ a MG and in their MOD there is one with a TOW lancher. That vehicle looks alot like the STRYKER so it can be done. It has the fixed position stuff you gents were speaking about. Â http://ofp.info/swissmod/ You should find it here.....
  3. I have search high and low for this answer and I just dont get it. Where is this init. field thing that is so much talked about. I have looked on a mission editing book that I down loaded, And it still didn't teel me where this is located. So is there someone who can relieve me from this torment. Ive searched on search engine and it doesn't say anything. Please help.
  4. maverick(USMC)

    I hate asking these questions...but

    Thank you so very much you guys are the best. Now if only I can find a mission briefing program that works and I'll be just as happy
  5. maverick(USMC)

    I hate asking these questions...but

    Hmm thats strange my mission editor doesn't possess this function. I wonder why? I only have the following. SIDE SKILL CLASS CONTROL UNIT HEALTH/ARMOR AZIMUT FUEL AMMUNITION Do I have the wrong OPFP or somthing? Is there a way to have this upgraded to my OPFP?
  6. maverick(USMC)

    Army Stryker vehicle

    So in other word the people who constructed the LAV-25 cant make one with out the turrent on the top?
  7. Hello all, I am a very new member to the mission editing. I want to know, is there anyone who knows all of the information to the mission editor? I dont know how to use script, because I need the indepth information on how to do it. If there is anyone who can help me with this, it would be greatly appreciated. For example: I want my delta members to get in the mh-6 little bird and then I want the little bird to take off after the members have gotten inside. Using the mission editor waypoint menu that is provided by the game, how do I make this happen? I tried to look in the past comments but to no avail I did not see anything.
  8. maverick(USMC)

    Mission Editor using the waypoint menu

    Oh sorry, didnt see that in the other post. Is it possible to put this in the begining of scripting on this forum? I thank you.
  9. maverick(USMC)

    Army Stryker vehicle

    I tried a search but to no avail, I apologize if I am causing new things to be bung up again. If so can this post be deleted. I wanted to comment on something though. Is it possible that Sigma make the same vehicle but without a turrent on the top? maybe they can put some type of machine gun turrent instead? Prehaps a TOW missle launcher the way the HMMV was done and call it a stryker. The vehicle that sigma has done looks more like the STRYKER than anything else. I just dont want the cannon on the top. Any thoughts on this?
  10. maverick(USMC)

    Mission Editor using the waypoint menu

    I thank you for your help. That is why myfirst post stated that I wanted to know if there was a site that had all of the listings of how to do this. IS there there one place?
  11. maverick(USMC)

    Mission Editor using the waypoint menu

    Yeah, I tried doing that but it doesnt tell me what Im actually asking for. Thats actually the first place I went to. I dont know where Id put any of that stuff in the the waypoint menu. As a matter of a fact what is the init. line?
  12. maverick(USMC)

    Army Stryker vehicle

    No, The Stryker is the Army's vehicle. An LAV is what the Marines use. It is totally different. Where that version of the LAV has a turrent on the top like a tank does, the STYKER doesn't.I should know Im an ex-Marine.
  13. maverick(USMC)

    Addon troubles

    I tried to download BAS Delta/Ranger addom v.1.55 and for some apparent reason before I started the Operation Flashpoint disk a message came up and stated that Addon 'bas_dera J' requires addon "JAM_Magazines' So I searched for andaddon called JAM. Well I found JAM2 and thought that I'd be able to go crazy with a Blackhawk down mission that Ive been working on for 3 months. So once again I made the necessary adjustments and placed the addon in its proper area. Well, Another message came up before the disk began to start, it stated that Addon JAM_Magazines requires version 1.9 of application Now Im not the smartest man, so can someone please tell we what can I do to play as these wonderfully made characters.
  14. maverick(USMC)

    Addon troubles

  15. maverick(USMC)

    Addon troubles

    Thanks for answering such a silly question. Just to make sure that Im doing it all right, I have OPF GOTY edition. Is it the patch that Im suppose to download?
  16. I was cruising through a site about modes and came across this screenshot of a special forces checkpoint. I wanted to know does any one know of the area where I can download this map? http://www.opflashpoint.org/images/screenshots/1806-Genesis.jpg
  17. maverick(USMC)

    Special Forces Checkpoint MOD

    Ive owned this game for at least 2 years abd just got the internet 9 moths ago.
  18. maverick(USMC)

    Special Forces Checkpoint MOD

    Thanks bro. I have no problem with that, hey Im new to thins and if I want to role with the big dawgs I gotta know how to bark the right way.
  19. maverick(USMC)

    Special Forces Checkpoint MOD

    Your 100% right, I am kinda new to this MOD stuff. I was totaly unaware of how to do that. I just didnt want to go overboard, especially when I am not 100% sure of myself. Even now I dont know what I should do. The name of the author is Genesis. Hopefully he sees this post.
  20. maverick(USMC)

    How to become Admin

    okay people I have tried to find out how to become admin while playing a multiplayer game on the game spy network. I have followed the directions that are provided by this website but to no avail. Am I doing something wrong? Thank you. P.S. This is exactly what Im typing....... My first try: # vote admin maverick(DeltaForce) My second try # vote admin (maverick(DeltaForce)) but no matter how I try, nothin works. Thank you for your help.