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About monty67t

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    Master Sergeant

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  1. monty67t

    BlackOps and desert mercs

    Are you saying we can't post our opinions? That's pretty damn stupid. What the hell is the point of having a forum if you can't post your opinion?
  2. monty67t

    BlackOps and desert mercs

    Did I say anything about releasing it? I've ripped apart and customized tons of addons along with about half of this community. You must not know much about addons. I don't have to know how to model, I have people to do it for me. :) EDIT: LMAO, you only have 8 post and just joined this community so obviously you don't know much about what I'm talking about.
  3. monty67t

    BlackOps and desert mercs

    I was just trying to help the dude out. I'll just rip it all apart and make it the way I want after he releases it.
  4. monty67t

    BlackOps and desert mercs

    Nice reaction to critisism. Its your addon, if you don't want it to be accurate then thats on you. This community continues to get worse and worse.
  5. monty67t

    BlackOps and desert mercs

    You gotta get rid of those berets. Nobody wears those in the field, only in garrison.
  6. monty67t

    ArmA2 Project Reality

    Another pointless thread filled with garbage. I should have known better than to think this community could handle the discussion. You can't have a discussion with people who know everything and you can polish a turd as much as you want, it's still a turd.
  7. monty67t

    ArmA2 Project Reality

    Kind of like in ArmA when you select to heal in the action menu and you are magically all better. How is that not arcadey? Furthermore, in OFP-DR, once you get shot, you never get back to full health. You can stop the bleeding and stuff, but it's not like ArmA where you get shot and then magically heal yourself back to brand new condition.
  8. monty67t

    ArmA2 Project Reality

    @InFireBaptize Have you played OFP-DR? Didn't think so. So your assumption that it is arcadish is complete bullshit. @NoRailGunner That is correct, I would mean myself and WE would mean the team I work with. As for my sources inside Codemasters, I don't have to reveal anything to you, you are no one. @pufu If I shoot a humvee in the door enough times with an M240 it burst into flames. That is fact. The same goes for helicopters, RED BARRELS, and pretty much everything else in the ArmA world. I've seen entire buildings go down from small arms fire. As for your second comment about the medical bag. I have no idea what you mean, try to type it in better english. @Hund What are you talking about? Can you tell me emotions by text? I'm not angry about anything. I find all the assumptions and ridiculous comments be people who think they know everything and don't know anything extremely funny.
  9. monty67t

    ArmA2 Project Reality

    This is getting funny. I love reading posts by the ArmA fanboys who are so obsessed with it. Don't get me wrong, the original OFP, ArmA, and ArmA2 are great. However, OFP-DR will have the ability to be more realistic than any BIS game simply because of the engine. Right now in ArmA2 if you shoot a humvee in the door enough times it will blow up, lol. IS THAT REALISTIC? There are modding tools that will be available for OFP-DR. I don't care what the community manager posts in the forums, we have other sources, but you can believe whatever you want. Back on topic. Project Reality did wonders for BF2. As stated previously, if you've never played it and are making assumptions then you are just a fool. As said by a great a great commander "Assumption is the mother of all f**k ups".
  10. monty67t

    ArmA2 Project Reality

    You will have to talk to STALKERGB about that. He has all the details.
  11. monty67t

    ArmA2 Project Reality

    I started this thread because I thought the community would be able to discuss it like gentlemen. Personally, I think the more mods the better. I think its good for the community. The guys at PR did a tremendous job with BF2 just like the ACE guys did a tremendous job with ArmA. You guys should really stop making so many assumptions. If you haven't played PR then how can you have an educated opinion about it? Just like above when Eble posted that there are no modding tools for OFP-DR, that is completely false. Please know what you are talking about before you make your posts. THINK before you type!
  12. monty67t

    ArmA2 Project Reality

    @thepiespy Yes, I do not personally know anyone from PR, but one of their developers tried to get some of our guys to join them on an ArmA2 project. Is there something hard to understand about that?
  13. monty67t

    ArmA2 Project Reality

    Are you going to feel stupid when they officially announce it? I have no idea what the exact plans are but I do know they are planning on working on a project for ArmA2. Those words came straight from one of their developers. I've been asked not to give any details so I won't, but they are definitely planning something. I know this because they tried to recruit some of our people at CSP.
  14. monty67t

    ArmA2 Project Reality

    I agree. There is only so much you can squeeze out of an engine and I think the guys at ACE will do a great job at getting everything you can out of this game. I'm not sure what their plans are exactly, but one of their developers did say they are making an ArmA2 mod. I don't personally know anyone from PR and I don't know how solid all of this is. I'm receiving it all second hand and you know how that can be.