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About minardiau

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  1. minardiau


    As some of you may now be aware. Opflashpoint.org has been down for a number of days. After many years of grateful hosting our host has now decided to pull the plug. Although admittedly the site has been relatively quite for some time apart from a few dedicated members who have remained close friends we have been working on a few things behind the scenes to deliver another excellent website to fans of OFP/ArmA and games in general. As for the future we are still working on some things that I can't really go into as I'm not the final decision maker but "Teh ORG!" is not dead we are just having some annual leave and sorting things out for MKII which will be bigger, better and more obnoxious then MKI would ever hope to be. In the meantime we should have a forum back up hopefully later this week or at some point next week. Regards, Minardiau Opflaspoint.org,
  2. minardiau


    opflash.org could host it/provide a mirror. email me the details allan79@tpg.com.au and I'll see what we can do for you.
  3. minardiau

    Y2K3 Version 7.3

    Cheers bud .
  4. minardiau

    Y2K3 Version 7.3

    Ok a few problems. On a few missions I get missing scripts And how the hell are you supposed to shoot down choppers with your Strela when they have countermeasures?
  5. minardiau

    Flashpoint Community Hardware Specs.

    Everyone say they have a P100 with 16 megs of RAM, 30 MB HDD and a SB16. GFX Card is some dodgy 512k on board card. Seriously I think a online tracker is the best bet or a system that askes the user if they wish to send the information the program has gathered. I know BIS have nothing but good intentions but I am very skeptical of anything that collects personal information (even if it's just computer specs) via a program which connects to a server without the permission of the user.
  6. minardiau

    COMBAT! Addons Release!

    I must say, posting of addons from authors without permission is plain wrong. Simple. NO ifs no buts it just shouldent happen. When things get leaked, pressure is applied to the addon makers for early releases, or they simply stop making shit period.
  7. minardiau

    Y2K3 Version 7.3

    Thats not the problem Ace. I can run very large missions like the tank battle in Nogova, Battlefield in Everon from the campaigns yet the 1st mission from the campaign becomes unplayable. You could say it's doing the reverse of when you have heaps of units it experiances "speed up" hardley any units "slow down" and I mean "slow down"
  8. minardiau

    Y2K3 Version 7.3

    I must say it's a very sweet addon. My only gripe is that performance is odd. For some reason some missions play better then others when really it should be the other way round. Example. The 1st mission on Everon in the CWC the mission lags like a civ yet on some more complex missions BIS Battlefield etc the games runs pretty dam well.
  9. minardiau

    ECP version not Released!

    What was immature min ? Me posting in this forum. Haha I finally discovered there is a life outside ofp.org
  10. minardiau

    ECP version not Released!

    Typically immature