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About major_winters

  • Rank
    Private First Class


  • Interests
    Football (Soccer 4 all u Americans), Airsoft Skirmishing, Playing Op Flash, Paintballing, playing Guitar
  1. major_winters


    works a treat, thanks!
  2. major_winters


    I have a unit being controlled by a script that is in a loop, how do i at a certain point make the unit stop folling the script, im guessing its something to do with the 'end' line in the script. This is my code <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> #HERE this is the action i have looping ~1/8 goto "HERE" end what Im after is how to fast forward to the end line! taa
  3. major_winters


    Is there a way to make the paratroopers fall to ground quicker, instead of how they graceously float towards terra firma. Plus, I want to make my plane stay static in the same position about 200 height units above the ground, how would i go about that?! Thanks Matt
  4. major_winters

    Frag in tank

    Its gonna have to be savin private ryan again!! Being able to climb up ontop of a tank and lob a grenade in the hatch, killin every1 inside would be cool, and u could have the option to lock the hatch. Too many times have I watched a T-80 take its time thinking about how it'll kill me when I have now LAW
  5. major_winters

    Dangle from chute

    Cheers mate, works now thanks!
  6. major_winters

    Dangle from chute

    Thanks Harnu, well, kinda worked, except he took off like he had an RPG up his backside! I can only guess this because after every .01 seconds the guy gets put another 3 metres higher, so after a second hes gone up by 300 metres or so! Is there a way to disable gravity or am i gonna have to find the balance between his fall due to gravity and the script movin him up? Even then wouldnt it look like he was on a trampoline?!
  7. major_winters

    Dangle from chute

    Hi, I want to create a soldier hanging dead from his parachute being about 3 metres off the ground. I use the code: this setpos [getpos this select 0, getpos this select 1, (getpos this select 2) +3] ..in the init field of the soldier, but the guy falls to the ground from 3 metres. Â Is there anyway to display an open parachut above his head and stop him falling to the ground? Thanks
  8. Hi, I've made a mission where u have a whord of troops that if shot respawn after 10 seconds back at the spawn point. The way i have done it is to have a trigger with a check to see when the soldier is dead and if he is then to wait 10 seconds and then make him alive again using "soldier1 setdammage 0" and the spawn points location. It works fine but when the guy goes charging at the enemy MG position he easily wins. This is because the enemy MG doesnt shoot at him, I can imagine why this is because the computer still thinks its dead. How do i make it so the guy is alive and the MG repeatedly targets and shoots at him? Thanks Matt
  9. major_winters

    Indestructible c47

    Yeah ive done a similar mission with the anciet C47s, I like to see that people are making 101st airborne drops with the new Inv1944 troops! I just make em blow up just b4 the DZ, so that when u hit the ground u got an on fire C47 flyin very close over ur head and then nailing it into the ground!! also i have the field full with germans and mg42s so all shit breaks lose when ur stick hits the ground! Cant wait for the new C47, will be an absolute beauty! Matt
  10. major_winters


    Hi, was wondering whether any1 could 'quickly' make me some sand dunes!!! Similar to the trench sections already released>> should be about 1.5 metres high so that covering soldiers can hide lying up against them and shoot over the top, similar to the US Marines Near Nassirya, Iraq. (I remember a sky news clip of them taking cover and it looked weicked! These would be an absolute gem for any desert storm/operation iraqi freedom missions any1 would wanna make. Also just the same texture as the desert island map. Thanks! Matt
  11. major_winters

    Just curious

    Im just interested, does any1 know what conditions make the AI throw grenades? What makes them decide between pullin a grenade or just shoot?
  12. major_winters

    Switching weapons script

    Thanks Minty, I shall do that, infact, the guy with the m14 uses his pistol when the Somalians get close enough, the guy with the supressed m4 just keeps firing until he gets shot in the head! (Trigger)!!
  13. Hi, I wanna have a BAS Delta guy with m14aimpoint fire 2 magazines with his m14, then switch to his glock17 for a mag, then do 2 more m14 mags then 1 glock mag, then the rest his m14. Its just I want to recreate where Shuggart and Gordon 'try' to defend Durants Crash site in Blackhawk down, they're always switching from primary to pistol when their weapons are dry. Thanks Matt
  14. major_winters

    Helichopter woes

    but he said he tried that and it didnt work. the way i do it mate it to make a flighpath for the helicopter: A few hundred metres away from the LZ add a waypoint, then one a bit closer and so on and so on, in each waypoint put "this_chopper flyinheight 50", then the 1 a little closer put "this _chopper flyinheight 30", etc, i did this with little birds doing their dropping of delta guys in a blackhawk down mission and it works a treat. its a bit of a long winded way of doing it but it doesnt take long when u get into the swing of it, i dont care what all u scripters say its just how some1 can do it with relatively no experience (such as i) of scripting! Im sure Clarentavious would love to see a script which does something like what i said in 1 go! Matt
  15. major_winters

    Shilka broke

    The only reasons why they turn out in real life is 1) for parades! and 2) for the commander and gunner to be able to fire their mounted M2 and SAW respectively (on an abrams anyway) u seen the film "courage under fire?" Denzil gets out his turret and bosts a load of iraqi infantary whilst turned out on his M2