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About misslock

  • Rank
    Lance Corporal
  1. I would be grateful to know where i can get normandy map ww2 skins weapons and mg42 higgens boat and drop off planes thank you
  2. misslock

    Very hard editing

    thanks guys i figured out it's probally not possible because a. so many people will be appearing it will lagg bad and i don't know a thing about respawning so i probally won't be going anywhere :P
  3. this is probally a answer from a very good scripture but i have 5 to 10 drop off planes i want them to fly over dropping parauchutes which have men or models? of men so when they touch the floor they disapear and the planes will appear back where they were at first and do this over and over again for 3 times thank you
  4. Where are the screenshots?? Sorry, but i cannot believe that. Also, let's say RED, all the other mapmakers and me were wrong all those 2 1/2 years, where we thought that OFP's group limit is 12 men and cannot be overruled even by a JOIN waypoint. How the hell did your screen lookalike? I mean: imagine that soldier info bar at the bottom of the screen - did you then have 30 bottom soldier info bar's?? One more thing: did you only use a join waypoint, or did you at least syncronize the join waypoint with a join&lead waypoint, to tell the group, where to join? ~S~ CD When i only had ofp (no expansions) i tried join and it does work (i had about 70 units )if you have no patchs and crap
  5. misslock

    Opening campaign files!

    never mind i forgot to search and found an old topic that helped me please close this topic
  6. Any programs to open campaign maps and other single player ones used to have the file but forgot where it came from thank you
  7. misslock

    Pertti´s omaha map

    oh dorry about that and thx for the url
  8. i need a url for it thank you
  9. misslock


    i got an error message can't remember what it was but don't get it any more and whats a CTD? ah i don't think i have 1.94 i'll get it now thx again
  10. misslock


    i uninstalled it from the places i shoulden't and installed it to the good places but i'm still being forced back into desktop after it says the following happens after inffected or something like that any idea what to do now? thx again
  11. misslock


    i ddin't get an error message it just goes into windows oh and thank you very much!!!!! Â and btw i had already tryed installing it to all the don'ts i uninstalled it from there will it matter now?
  12. misslock

    Cessna takeoff problem

    never mind i just edited this
  13. misslock


    I got the new version of skye and installed it into my mission files i loaded it up and all i can see is sea and a few cars then i die i then got the map and installed everything to world yhen tryed it just crashes to desktop then it worked once but it was all sea again! what am i doing wrong or am i extracting it to the wrong place?