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Everything posted by mikewho

  1. mikewho

    Sound distorting

    I had a SBL! 5.1 and I had that sound dissortion problem. The vehicles' sounds were sometime crackling. But I just had to turn the camera out and in and my sound was OK. When other vehicles sounds were corrupted I just had to turn the game menu on and off and all the sounds were OK. Now few words about cheap 3D audio cards having this problem. It's NOT the SBL! problem they are just bad in 3D audio. I had one with 5.1 audio recently (between SBL! and SBL!A, for 1 day) and I know what I'm saying . So when you have some cheap card... you can do nothing about the way they sound, and in my opinion it's not the OFP sound engine... There are only two solutions to fix the audio bug which worked on my computer: 1) If you have WinME, WinXP (I guess Win2k too, but haven't tried...) go back in time and try Win98SE. On newest hardware there may be some problems but the sound works (in my case 100%, no bugs at SBL!5.1). I had a boot menager installed so I could choose between two systems: an "OFP Only" (just a 2.5GB part), and Normal. 2) (If you have SBL! go to nearest PC H/W store and buy a SBL!Audigy. On my system this solution worked: no sound bug, new better sound quality and Advanced HD! (Guys from Creative hearing this? ) MikeL This is my MP3HS page [Polish only... ] My Webpage MP3HS mikewho@go2.pl