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Everything posted by mcnorth

  1. I recently installed the Atari US version and did a some editing. With the Euro version my exported pbo files were in the missions folder of the program folder. With the US version they aren't there. does anyone know where the editor puts them? I can't even find them with a search. So far the only way I've been able to get ahold of them is to use the email option. Also. Is there a patch 1.07 out? I see reference to it in the forums but it's not on the download page.
  2. mcnorth

    Where are my exported missions?

    Thanks Bratty. I've been to the user my documents arma folder and still no luck. I know it exists somewhere because it shows up when I go to play single missions outside of the editor. I'll try the patch. Thanks for the tip on that.
  3. mcnorth

    Problem with misson AI

    Do each of the helos do what they're supposed to if the others are deleted? Helos are a funny thing. If there are too many in a given area they won't perform properly. Test them individually. You may have to space them out a bit.
  4. mcnorth

    Armed Assault Mission Database

    I'm getting a 404 error from the mission submission form. Do you have to register and sign in before using?
  5. Go to this thread at OFPEC. http://www.ofpec.com/index.p....29146.0 There's a sample mission I posted that simulates a helicopter shootdown which may suit your needs. It doesn't rely on any ai units shooting, but instead uses a simple little script that plays a boom boom noise then the chopper goes down in flames. For a cut scene it should be fine.
  6. The easy way is to use Chris' OFP Script editor. This tool has a briefing wizard that will quickly throw together your briefing. After the fact you can open and edit it if you wish. http://www.ofpec.com/OFPResources/tools/CHOFPSE_310.zip
  7. mcnorth

    groundstarting helos

    Helos are very frustrating. I've spent about 6 or 7 hours this week working with a group of helos for an intro. Just when everything works fine with one or two, I add the rest and the works goes in the sh*tter. I've come to the conclusion that each helo needs a certain amount of space for it to function as laid out. (whether scripted or not) I'm not addressing your specific issue because I'm away from the system with ArmA at the moment and don't have the details handy. If you want me to share my findings with you in more detail let me know and I'll be glad to reply more.
  8. Hey man! You're ahead of me. I haven't even been able to find a search function on this board.
  9. mcnorth

    Co-Op Project (Invitation)

    I can't believe there isn't hundreds of replies to this thread. A weekly shoot em up in co-op? Who could resist? Regrettably I'm on the wrong side of the planet so times would probably conflict. Also still waiting for the US release. Ugh!
  10. mcnorth

    Onmapsingleclick and a spawn question

    I think those curly braces with OnMapSingleClick are a thing of the past. I think you now have to use quotes. Check the wiki to be sure. I don't mean the ones used when clearing the array, (if that's the right terminology) as in OnMapSingleClick{}, but the other ones.
  11. If you're interested in scripting head over to OFPEC here http://www.ofpec.com/ed_depot/tutes.php and download Devilchaser's Mission/scripting Guide. It's under mission editing about half way down the list. There's a document in the download that touches on scripting in an elementary way and walks you through some examples. It's not the end all but it will throw a lot of light on the subject if you're just starting out.
  12. Does anyone know if there is a downlable command reference available anywhere. I've been to the Biki which is a great and necessary resource but I find something that I can print and set on the desk far more helpful. Thanks
  13. Thanks Dark Angel. I appreciate the offer but I was really looking for something I could print and put in a notebook. I've resorted to putting the Biki in a pdf document that I'll gladly share with everyone when complete.
  14. mcnorth

    Too difficult even on Easy Setting ?

    This is an interesting thread with some suggestions I didn't know about. Thanks guys! I have to say I agree with the Captain about some of the super ai abilities. It makes no sense to me how you can shoot a tank with an AT weapon from an obscured position and the crew can bounce out and bring weapons to bear on you before you can switch to your M4. Or approaching a target with bushes hiding your approach and they still know you're there and kill you in nano seconds. Or detonating a satchel charge gives away your position or, on a lessor scale, one shot. It would make far more sense for an enemy patrol to lay down area fire than instantly know exactly where you are in those weeds. I guess after the long wait I was hoping for something a little better.
  15. mcnorth

    What do you *HOPE* will be in ArmA?

    And wide screen support!!! I hope users with wide screen monitors have a broader field of view. Same direct online play option. Where you set up a game, share your IP address and your pals can join. That was so much better than Ubi crappola where you get the "Unknown error has occurred", no support and throw your game away. Cost doesn't matter if it's as gripping and functional as the last one.
  16. mcnorth

    What do you *HOPE* will be in ArmA?

    I'm still hoping that the use of cover and suppressing fire is better implemented. Has this been covered? Admittedly I didn't read all 58 pages of this thread.
  17. mcnorth


    Very good question!!! They're probably buried away in a pbo somewhere. You could always de-pbo all the files in your data folder until you find em, but why?
  18. mcnorth

    Music in-game

    The following is something I got from someone else when I was struggling with music in game. The excerpt from the Description.ext is from one of mine. You'll need a converter that will convert from .wav to .ogg. I like DBPower amp. You can get it here. http://www.dbpoweramp.com/ You may also need the ogg plugin. Music can be very touchy the first time around like so many things in OFP. If you follow the instructions below and don't get any music try adjusting the volume in the Description.ext. how to add music to your ofp missions: 1. get the song in .wav format 2. convert the song to .ogg format using an ogg converter(.ogg is also known as vorbis). Encoding must be Constant Bit Rate Bit Rate can vary. 56K seems to be good quality without taking alot of disk space. Channels must be set to mono (at least for .ogg files used for sound. .ogg files used for music can be in stereo) Frequency must be set to 44100 Hz Preserve ID tags is checked Volume Normalization is not checked (actually..not sure if this matters) 3. make a folder in ofp/users/ yourname/ missions/ mission name/ and call it music 4. put the .ogg file(s) in it (music folder) 5. Take the description.ext file and replace the songs listed with your songs. 6. go into the trigger in the editor for your mission and choose the song, and its in your mission. 7. Below here is what a description.ext file looks like. This mission says that there will be no respawn and four songs will be available to add to your mission from this. Just copy the below in notepad or wordpad and save it as Description.ext. By the way if you want your mission to have respawn change the respawn= value to a 2 I believe. As far as the show compass, show notepad values the 1 simply means yes as opposed to a 0 meaning no. So if you don't want those objects to show in the briefing change their values to 0 now. Don't forget to save this to your users/ your mission folder right by your mission.sqm. When you go into the editor to save this badboy choose as user mission ( so you can always edit it again in this newest form) and save it again as mpmissions so its ready to go on the net WITH music! The following configures description.ext for one song named JB007. If you need to up the volume put 50, 100 or whatever after db+ class CfgMusic { tracks[]= {JB007}; class JB007 { name = "JB007"; sound[] = {\music\JB007.ogg, db+0, 1.0}; }; }; Good luck!
  19. What do you want to limit the respawn to? Minimum number of guys triggers respawn? If so I think you could use a trigger that counts the guys alive and when they are below a certain number your trigger fires a respawn script. (you could also randomize the time in the trigger. In your script you could use the location of just about anything for a reference point (I like game logics for that) and randomize the x and y placement up to your maximum limit. You'll probably want to use 2 random numbers for each axis, the first to decide to add or subtract. For example. First random number from 0 to 2. If less than 1 subtract from the x axis, if greater than 1 add to the x axis. Second random number from 0 to 100 used to offset the x axis. Now your placement will be within 200 of the reference point. Then do the same thing for the y axis. If the trigger is set to repeatedly it could go on forever making a richly populated map, but then you could put a counter in the script that would limit it to a maximum number of respawns. If I had more time I'd do a sample for you but right now it's a little late for that.
  20. Put a flag in your loop, like ? flag: exit In the on activation field of you trigger put, "flag = true" (no quotes) Now when your loop runs it will check to see if the variable "flag" is true or false (1 or 0, on or off, true or false, all that boolean stuff) If it's true it will exit the script. If it's false it will continue to loop When west is detected by your trigger "flag" will be set to true and the next time your loop checks, it will exit. You may want to set "flag" to false in your init.sqs just to be safe, but then again it probably won't matter. Do you have any slow down delays in your loop? Like ~1 to delay for a second before looping.
  21. Do you mean as in with a map click? Let's say that you as squad leader hit "m" to bring up your map, then click "Order Tank Move" on your radio, then click the spot on the map where you want them to go? Or do you mean go to a pre placed marker position? Either one is possible.
  22. mcnorth

    Images in a mission

    Why .paa? .jpg works fine and I know a little about that. First take your screen shot and save it in .jpg format. Its dimensions have to be in powers of 2 which is hard to do when taking a screen shot. You'll probably have to open it in an editing program (I use photoshop) and crop it to something like 512 x 256 or 1024 x 512. It also helps to draw a little white border around it which will eliminate jaged edges when it appears in your overview. Save it to your mission folder. The picture itself is placed with the file overview.html. If you're using a briefing and overview generator (3rd party program) open the overview.html (use your browser, click view source or you can use Word or any other html editor) after it has been created and make sure it didn't put a path in. The part that places the picture in the overview should look like this. <p align="center"><img src="MyPic.jpg" width="128" height="64"></p> Just for clarity that entire overview.html for this example is, <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1250"> <meta name="GENERATOR" content="VB"> <title>Overview</title> </head> <body bgcolor="#FFFFFF"> <br> <h2 align="center"><a name="Main">Mission Name</a></h2> <p align="center"><img src="MyPic.jpg" width="128" height="64"></p> <BR> <p> Overview description goes here <br> </p> </body> </html> Notice that the dimensions in the overview.html don't have to (and usually shouldn't) match the size of the actual picture. There is some really good info on this at www.ofpec.com but they seem to be down at the moment. mcnorth
  23. mcnorth

    Waypoints dont show

    You don't have to export it. Just play in single player (cadet mode) for a few seconds before editing. (You can play any mission, it doesn't have to be the one your going to edit) End your single player mission, go back to the main menu and open the editor. Open the mission you want to work on and now when you preview you'll be able to see the waypoints. If you want to be able to edit a mission that has been exported you have to convert it from the .pbo format then put the resulting folder in your operationflashpoint\users\yourname\missions folder. For that you need a tool. I prefer PBO Decryptor. You can get it here. http://www.opflashpoint.org/mappingtools.php
  24. mcnorth

    Missing addon can't load the "cutscene"

    Good tip from theavonlady. Where did you get that picture! Bear in mind that the resistance campaign missions do list some some add ons. They are, Bizon trabant (probably trab.pbo) BMP2 6G30 brdm or is it bdrm? laserguided su25 ah64 (may be Ah6v2.pbo) ch47d hunter
  25. mcnorth

    Waypoints dont show

    I don't know about all the rest but where waypoints are concerned play a single player mission before you go into the editor. You don't have to finish it, just start, kill a guy and abort. Then go to the editor and you should see your waypoints. You are in cadet mode aren't you? This is just a weird thing about flashpoint.