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Everything posted by mrukas

  1. mrukas

    Opf sci-fi tread

    the mission is good.... maybe i should create new thread with the mod news instead?
  2. mrukas

    Opf sci-fi tread

    as long as we are talking about Sci-fi stuff in this thread i have some stuff: Army of Undead mod is working on the weapon pack now and it will be out soon if we get a little help from a texturer(s). here are some pics of the weapons: the BartonGB40 PSG-7 PSG-7shorty PSG-7a more pics at W.I.P section at our site click here as you might see on the site McDougall is makin a Katana that will have some awsome swing animations. our site will soon be moved to location with hopefully better bandwith(better host) and last... we are recruiting texturers. so if u feel chosen, contact: will_mcdougall5000@hotmail.com or PM me
  3. mrukas

    Opf sci-fi tread

    PRESENTING THE NEW PHILLIPS "HOOVERTANK"! PROTECT YOUR HOME WHILE KEEPING IT CLEAN AT THE SAME TIME!! Here's what a few of our satisfied customers had to say about it : - "I'd like to see those bastard thieving gits come back here now that I have my Phillips Hoovertank!" -"The other day I was hoovering the front room,when a nasty looking individual knocked at the door.One look at him and I knew he was trouble, so I got my Phillips Hoovertank,opened the door and blasted him to kingdom come.THANKYOU Phillips!" So WHAT are you waiting for? Call quick and get your PHILLIPS HOOVERTANK while stocks last! PHILLIPS HOOVERTANK--- Bringing home defence to a new level! any link to that?
  4. mrukas

    Opf sci-fi tread

    hoover tank would kick ass.... like a T-80 rebuilded into a hoovertank
  5. mrukas

    Opf sci-fi tread

    im checking his site now and... here it is dont know what it does(if it can walk) but it looks huge. here are pics i found:
  6. mrukas


    check here for info about the LVT... since theres info about many LVT's check like close to the bottom of page
  7. mrukas

    Opf sci-fi tread

    i think martin made or was makin a mechwarrior...
  8. mrukas

    Opf sci-fi tread

    i remember franze but not the other 2 guys
  9. mrukas

    Opf sci-fi tread

    define "some people"... who are makin sci-fi addons?
  10. mrukas

    Tactical binocular

    guess not
  11. saw this at ofp.info! Island Ichkeria (Chechnya) by Dsinfo !!! some pics of it: pic1 pic2 pic3 pic4 <---- look at that beutiful valley! pic5 pic6 here is link from ofp.info.. wait... no, it's here it looks really good the valley is neat place for battles
  12. mrukas

    Mh-6 littlebirds

    Amen. shalom... now that is what i would have said if it was true. what is greatest is the car and the motorcycle... such as STT's klr 250 and mehanics cars i knew it! Â i should be a psycic or wallstreet-trader or whathowever it is spelled. and as for the TOW little birds... i bet they will kick ass
  13. mrukas

    Finnish defence forces mod 1.0 released!

    i just deleted 200 megs of addons to make room for this...
  14. mrukas

    Request: stinger with "tone"...

    i think it sounds like a cool idea... but i dont understand.... does it go hot... hotter... hot hot hot when it gets closer to target?
  15. sry about that, but for me the word cocktease could be missunderstood
  16. im ok with dribbling cuz of this kinda addon, but it affecting your shlong???
  17. thats just nasty btw, the textures looks kinda funky(2D'ish)
  18. Look here http://www.fas.org/man/dod-101/sys/ac/row/jaguar-solo_1024.jpg and thats the second ... even though its the same plane i just saw in ofp
  19. well spank me hard and call me george, thats the first plane ive seen with missiles above the wing
  20. mrukas

    How good are you at foreign languages?

    my contribution: hello in different languages: hej: swedish hallo: norweigan salut: french oi: aussie ni how: chinese conichihua: japanese, but i know its spelled wrong hola: spanish gutten tag: german click click: african shortened this reply up since this day has sucked ass and it made no sense
  21. mrukas

    Do we need female soldier?

    hmmm, maybe they should look like that chick on jackals sig, the one in camo and helmet...
  22. mrukas

    Ruger mini 14 custom released!

    isnt this the rifle that crazy brunett killing people with sniper in the movie: the 51'st state?
  23. mrukas

    High detail helicoptor!

    hmmm, who is this "him" person your talking about? and why was he sleeping?
  24. mrukas

    High detail helicoptor!

    Hehe yea strange Maybe he finished them awhile ago and decided to not show us the pics. or maybe he hasnt finished them and has fetish for almost finished models with texture
  25. mrukas

    Asahmi beta 0.75

    hmmm, well, for next version u should make a really urbanized city, but only one! plus you should have just a little more grass textures, not too much but little more, i like the thingy, you could make a little mud looky texture part of the island for cool rally variations. remember the city! make the place using baracken addon a little more dense and keep that neat distant industrial part, its nice...