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Everything posted by me-forever

  1. me-forever

    How to make flight more fun!

    Alt already does that
  2. me-forever

    What would you like to see in ofp2

    'see-through' water would give a nice effect in shallow areas, instead of seeing opaque water, you'd see the sand/rock underneath also, this might get rid of those nasty edges on the shoreline that can appear in places
  3. me-forever

    What would you like to see in ofp2

    'see-through' water would give a nice effect in shallow areas, instead of seeing opaque water, you'd see the sand/rock underneath also, this might get rid of those nasty edges on the shoreline that can appear in places
  4. me-forever

    Xml broken

    port 21 is for FTP! cant see how it would have to be open for XML if it does have to open get as much security as you can(obviously) and to hell with complaints about squad xmls not showin