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Everything posted by meveld

  1. I feel really stupid asking this cause it sounds so easy. I've got a group of two people grouped together into group aP. When I run this script with a radio code I keep getting an error ------------------------------------------------------------ _i = count units group aP; exit ----------------------------------------------- the script used to be a lot longer but this is the part that keeps screwing up, it keep saying 'expected object' when it messes up. Could someone please tell me what the problem is, I'm ready to pull my hair out here. I'm trying to get the game to recognize the group, sounds so easy.
  2. meveld

    Really irritated newbie

    Thanks for all your help but in the hint it keeps saying 'there are <null>' Â Sorry for the tone of my initial post, I had just spent an hour trying to get it to work and I was really frustrated.
  3. meveld

    Really irritated newbie

    I wanted to write a mission using the new script commands in Resistance that let you carry over soldiers from previous missions. This is the only way I could figure to do it. BIS uses that command alot in their scripts.
  4. meveld

    Load times are really long?

    I think the long load times are because of the main screen animations(if you notice it doesn't lag on the Malden anims but does on the Nogova), once they release some patches that should get better. Personally, I thought they should have included a new command to make your guys collect all the weapons automatically. It gets kind of mind numbing telling each man to pick up each weapon and put it in the truck
  5. meveld

    Campaign idea

    Sounds really cool, I could offer a little help.
  6. meveld


    I need to know if there is an internal file where the serial # is stored. I got resistance a few days ago, and installed it the same day. But a few days later I threw out my manual (forgot I'd need the serial # to reinstall).
  7. meveld

    Resistance's north american release date changed

    If you still haven't got it, just order from Codemasters
  8. meveld


    How do I get rid of permanent muzzle flash on one of the unit mods I have. I've read you can just open the PBO in Wordpad and add a few lines but I can't get it to work. Thanks
  9. meveld


    Could anyone give me some info on how to conduct a woods cleanup. For instance what formation is best?
  10. meveld

    Anyone have a logitech mouse and play ofp?

    I have a Logitech Optical mouse, when I first got it I had some problems with OFP. I just uninstalled the drivers, and let Windows install the generic mouse driver. Don't seem to have any problems anymore.