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Everything posted by marshmanguy

  1. marshmanguy

    Darken - where do i find it

    First of all i SEARCHED okay, but none of em really answered my question. I wanna download the new resistance music, but in particular "Darken", and I've already looked for it. Like I looked ALL OVER the aussie site that u get the original songs from the links on the ofp network. I searched here, but all people tell me is i gotta extract this and switch that and this isn't the right format, so is there newhere where i cant download it. And if i can't I guess I'll just have to learn the technical crap n stuff.....so where can i d/l it?
  2. marshmanguy

    Darken - where do i find it

    yo, PDS, leave her alone man. Thats THE best FAW for OFP, the others ive seen r completely useless and dont hav nething outside of troubleshooting and even not much of that AND the M.O.M. thing kicks a**, i only go there to get missions cuz i kno they good and WOW it takes like 2 clicks to go to the site where she told u.
  3. marshmanguy

    2 records made today

    i HATE thos annoying little *censored* *censored* *censored* *censored* *censored* *censored* *censored* *censored* *censored* immature *censored**censored* guys. they can ruin ne game. base raping or watever ARG
  4. marshmanguy

    2 records made today

    i HATE thos annoying little *censored* *censored* *censored* *censored* *censored* *censored* *censored* *censored* *censored* immature *censored**censored* guys. they can ruin ne game. base raping or watever ARG
  5. marshmanguy

    Everon evac

    Go to a soldier near a tree (hes dead) and take his binocs and law and head towards provins (if u r too dumb to find out where to go on the map, i cant help u), once at provins, u can either go way to the right and around the bmp to the car and drive with all due speed towards the evac point or u can attempt to take out the men and the bmp. i noticed that u said u couldnt hit them, if u cant shoot straight, once again, i cannot help u. Once in the UAZ, drive to the south to the far left of the road, drive right beside the forest until it ends for a short way and theres a little dirt road then another forest, cross this small expanse quickly due to a machine gunner and a soldier that r there and move to the next forest, ditch ur UAZ there and head into the forst, now unless ur game messed up (like mine once) the evac point should hav been changed. go toward this evac point which is in the same forest. cutscene. now ur in a tent. soon as u see the russkies pull out their guns run out of the tent, they shouldnt fire on u. pick up a gun if u feel the need or just leave. end of mission
  6. marshmanguy

    Darken - where do i find it

    ..................................that might make sense to some people, unfortunately im not one of them. but i noticed that pbo snuck in there and i dont want to do all that techie stuff if i can avoid it. i was hoping some could tell me where to download it.
  7. I hav this program for it but i dont kno how to use it and wat r some alternate ways as well
  8. marshmanguy

    Falklands addons

    I hav indications that some very cool Falklands addons are out (other than the LSD cuz thats really obvious that thats out) like that tank apc type thing thats grn (the name eludes me for the moment) and the huey with the moveable doors. Are these out and if so where?
  9. marshmanguy

    Breaking news

    Well u look for urself. First look at the ofp comparison on pg six with the man, then look at this pic found on the same page http://www.aeronautics.ru/img002/chechnyamil30.jpg
  10. marshmanguy

    Breaking news

    Well u look for urself. First look at the ofp comparison on pg six with the man, then look at this pic found on the same page http://www.aeronautics.ru/img002/chechnyamil30.jpg
  11. marshmanguy

    Breaking news

    Yo nice work, buuuutttt i THINK u made it a BIT bigger than actual cuz if u look on pg 5 someone posted a pic of it in real life (it had snow and a line of troops comin out) well i ya look at that pic with the men beside it then look at the one with the man standing beside it of the OFP version......well look......it just kinda looks like the OFP one is ALOT bigger than real
  12. marshmanguy

    Breaking news

    Yo nice work, buuuutttt i THINK u made it a BIT bigger than actual cuz if u look on pg 5 someone posted a pic of it in real life (it had snow and a line of troops comin out) well i ya look at that pic with the men beside it then look at the one with the man standing beside it of the OFP version......well look......it just kinda looks like the OFP one is ALOT bigger than real
  13. marshmanguy

    Request for a vehicle

    If anyone has seen the movie Peacemaker with George Clononey, well u kno the choppers in that, the one that they chase the truck with. Well could someone make that with a mg and ffar. And at the endish area when it shows that NYPD heli somene could make that for the nogova police department. Unfortunately I dont kno the name and cant find a pic.
  14. marshmanguy

    Request for a vehicle

    thats the one now can someone make it?
  15. marshmanguy

    Request for a vehicle

    but again can neone make it? i kno there r some very talented addon makers out there
  16. marshmanguy

    Request for a vehicle

    No the NYPD one i was talking about is a Sikorsky
  17. marshmanguy

    Resistance music

    Where do i download or can i download the res. seventh music?
  18. marshmanguy

    Request for a vehicle

    Well now that we got that down could someone make it?
  19. marshmanguy

    Where do i put bunkers?

    Those things u can download that are like prepared bunkers and groups of buildings and stuff, well, where do i put those and how do i get them in the mission editor? if you dont kno wat im talking bout check here for an example http://ofp.gamezone.cz/index.php?sekce=editorextra
  20. marshmanguy

    We need one of these!

    yo nice but u should probably stop puttin ur pics in a seperate reply thingy or the admins ill get mad
  21. marshmanguy

    New ingame ship screenshots

    This is kinda like the aircraft carrier thing that was going to come in Independance Lost which i hav no idea wat heppened to. but....... BLOODY GOOD JOB OLD BOY JUST SPLEDID WORK and maybe someone else (hes far to busy with this) could trouble themselves with making a hovercraft, not a large one, just about the size of a 5t (only wider) that just carries men
  22. marshmanguy

    What happened to independance lost?

    I just stumbled upon the Independance lost campaign thing in Avno's faq and was wondering if its out or watever or where i could get more info?
  23. marshmanguy

    New resistance mission

    GREAT JOB! I think you should look at the possibility of extending this into a campaign. Try to put only people who REALLY helped in the credits, I mean "Friends and Family" comon
  24. In the old OFP editing Depot there was a camera scripting tutorial that i never got around to looking at now I need it. Where is it or a similar one?
  25. marshmanguy

    Ofp r mission #3 -steal tanks

    I went with whichever plan was the one with no help. I walked through the forest on a direct path to the waypoint. I watched my right for that 2 man patrol and lay down and waited for the 2 guys down below. Whne they were near the one crew guy iilled all 3 of em. It seems that AI are deaf since res. cuz i find that they dont hear ak47 shots but neway i went over to take care of that other patrol (easy) then got in the t80 and blasted the guys coming from the castle. I called up the other men and told em to get in stuff. Then i went between a gap in the forests down a really steep hill to avoid the reinforcements and badda boom.