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Everything posted by marik

  1. marik

    How to require client 1.90 on server?

    Can you explain how this new command is the solution?
  2. marik

    How to require client 1.90 on server?

    Still nothing on how to require 1.90 or greater?
  3. marik


    I have not been able to get Dingers script to work at all. Has anyone?
  4. marik

    1.85 patch troubles?

    Im having the same problem Suchey is. #missions results in a blank list. Also had some crashes when it tried to start maps in the cfg file.
  5. marik

    1.55 patch, on dedicated server

    We have to agree about the standalone dedicated server being essential for true validation. I for one would like to see not only a dedicated standalone dedicated server for WIN32 but also Linux.
  6. marik

    Specific multiplayer freezing

    are you using the voiceOverNet="false"; ? I have found that causes freezing/delays take it out and it will be zippy quick.
  7. marik

    Auto-restart standaloneserver when hang-up

    BigQed, Can you explain for us what happens when the dedicated server program abends or is shutdown from inside the application if it is run as a service with FireDaemon? When I shut down the server with #shutdown, my service still shows started. No OFP server restarts for me automagically either. Isnt the actual program that is defined to be run the FireDaemon shell, and isnt it (the shell) only it that can benefit from the recovery options available in 2000/XP? What is missing?