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mr blonde

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About mr blonde

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  1. mr blonde

    windows xp

    hi guys, ive installed windows xp on my pc and it has done something weird to opf.....the game loads up and the flash screens are ok but when i get to the menu bit(campaign,mission,multi player etc) the graphics are all white/grey....no real shapes that i can make out as the camera pans round....same when i start the game...just a white/grey screen!!!! i went to the windows site and downloaded the 3dfx update but its still the same....any ideas cheers david
  2. mr blonde

    red hammer fault?

    hi guys...and merry christmas to you all. now your help please.on red hammer im on the mission where you find the tank driver and his damaged tank.you have to go to get the repair truck and take it back to repair the tank...you know which one i mean?. well ive liberated the repair truck,got the tank driver and freed the prisoner who comes under your control,but as im going back to the tank there is an explosion and i lose control of the prisoner.he just stands in the middle of the road and does nothing!!!.this only leaves me and the driver to go and destroy the enemy tanks,as soon as we see them they destroy me before i can get into the gunners seat.is it a bug or am i missing something??? please help! thanks david.
  3. mr blonde

    downloaded vehicles

    hi, ive downloaded extra vehicles,even installed red hammer.my question is,where do you use/find the new planes,helicopters etc i know they are not in the campaign game or the single missions...so where do i go to try them out?? thanks as usual
  4. mr blonde

    Dragunov Scope

    does all the writing not get in the way of the aiming??? :-)
  5. mr blonde


    a cry for help to all the ofp experts. can anyone give me some pointers for the scud mission?.im guessing the hill has something to do with it?but as soon as i get near,the spetz natz do me in!!!! come on,give me some ideas!! ps.....how many missions is there on the campaign game? thanks as usual mr blonde
  6. mr blonde

    im soooo stuck.......

    hi, i need some help,on the campaign game,the mission where you play a pilot for the first time,you have ejected and have been captured....well....how do you escape?...i run out the tent,turn right through arch,get the ak47,run over the road and lie down in the bushs,shoot a few people....then what? i stay there for ages but as soon as i move BANG im dead,even if i cant see anyone around!....oh...and i still cant see the stars i need to navigate by.....but i should be heading south right? thanks for any help mr blonde