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About mark99

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  1. mark99

    Fade probs since 1.3

    By law you can install the program once and then make a backup, using the second copy voids it as a backup, it doesn't matter whether you use them individually, the backup must not be active in any way shape or form. I can't see why FADE would activate unless you use both of them together, if so then that's your own fault =).
  2. mark99

    Dedicated Server what Dedicated Server

    Yes I'm in agreement; the new 'Dedicated Servers' are akin to a lie. They do not work or function as a REAL dedicated server is supposed to do, it's the fundamentals of implementation and play rather than net code for me. This is a great pity because OFP is such a promising game, yet seriously restrictive and limited in MP. The Developers will listen and reply to bug reports well, but when we suggest things they just ignore you.
  3. mark99

    Vote, pro or contra Gamespy?

    Con - Gamespy Arcade Pro - GameSpy3D and The All Seeing Eye
  4. mark99

    seagull mode

    Seagull mode doesn't even work, I've never seen a Seagull capable of blasting up 1,000 feet in one second or exceeding mach2 without even trying. More to the point the bloody thing doesn't know how to hover or turn. OFP is a collosal game and as such this mode is ridiculous, you can be waiting for hours for the other players to finish. Maps are so big, why not allow dead people to be transported to some sort of shooting range where they can score points or race cars? In essense.. a game within a game until all are dead and you restart?