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About mark

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    Private First Class
  1. okay i have played some more and added people thinking that they might join my team but no joy. There seems to be great potential here but even a look through google reviels very little if any info....
  2. Okay having played all the OFPs and ARMA games I have now discovered arma2 hs a sp mission wizard (I get there in the end). Currently I just have arrowhead and the BAF addon installed. when i go to the wizard I see two types of mission a get from a-b and a very cool wizard where you get random objectives. In regard to the latter I have worked out how to change insertion points, but can you change who is in your team or what chopper inserts you. I wanted to use the new brit units you see. everytime it starts at the moment i am a german SF team. I know how to add extra units, ie I added jackals at the landing site to use. I did a search on the forum for the wizard, didnt find the answers. Are there more templates avaliable for the wizard other than the 2 i have?
  3. mark

    From Hell Mission 6

    I have cleared the town of hostiles and all other objectives are complete never seen an apache come.
  4. mark

    From Hell Mission 6

    yeh all towns are clear, the only task left is the resuce. Hoped that Arrowhead wouldnt have game stopping bugs like the ARMA2 obviously whishful thinking
  5. I found the pilot but the objective has completed I talked to him and everything! Is there something else i need to do i have assulted the airbase and cleared the towns....
  6. cheers for the help :-) If i wanted to play an MP3 of my voice sayhing an order that also activated instea dof playing the radio noise is that easy to do?
  7. I have been struggling through making a mission its quite fun learning all the stuff but have hit a brick wal with something. How can i get text to apear ont he scrren as if it was sent by a radio like from a HQ unit. I can get text on the screen with a trigger like plain text int he centre of the screen but not on a radio like you get in the offical missions. Sure its really simple but googled it but havent found a guide for this prob. Cheers in advance.
  8. mark

    A genuine question

    i disagree i buy this as a game not an editor they ahve undone the great work in OFP. I tried multiplayer and it is rather complex not very easy to get into, and to be honest when i was younger i got very into the OFP editor and scripting but i havent got time now. I want a decent length and playable campaign
  9. mark

    A genuine question

    surely the publisher must think hang on this game is making both the devloper and publisher look bad. If i bought a car and its engine didnt work id send it back! Actually if i took this game to UK trading standards and said its not fit for purpose you pro could get your money back. I feel bad for the developers they must have loved the game as obvious work and long nights have gone into it and all the work is spolit by the unplayablitity.
  10. A genuine question, People have half joked about the bugs and lack of testing. But without being sarcastic what testing did Bohemia carryout? I can udnerstand techniqual issues like graphics as there are a huge number of varibles, but basic stuff like no responsive AI etc (See all the threads on the offical misisons page) is just weird. I did a whole module on testing as part of my uni course and it actually boggles my mind how stuff like this was missed. there must have been an internal beta test? perhaps Bohemia could shed some light and also some assurances that in future titles there will be a better system.
  11. really this games AI is sub par in this day and age. However to be fair there are a lot of variables. They are dumb as though and do not act like real soldiers. they need a LOT of baby sitting which detracts from the game play.
  12. has anyone noticed this, When i click save the screen changes slightly basically the colour increases and seems more vibrant and less washed out. As soon as save is done it changes back. If anyone has witnessed this do you know how to constanly have these graphic settings fiddled with the video settings and im on max but no joy?
  13. mark

    Bitter Chill-help!!

    made has any one followed NAPA and on the prvious mission not helped the priest
  14. mark

    Bitter Chill-help!!

    yeh the devs dropped the ball with the instant kill thing you cant have a objective to get to a position and then not allow you to do it. If it was scripted correctly the waypoint would change to where the NAPA contacts are. At present the 'objective' is actually a route to failure and unfortunately players are not psychic. Once again what a shame this game wasnt tested properly simple things like this would ahve been found and then fixed early on. if ARMA 2 had been released without bugs it would ahve scored much higher on reviews and recived more sales. Whata waste/.... ---------- Post added at 04:14 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:21 PM ---------- well i reloaded and this tiem followed the NAPA they eventually got to a house ne of novy stova and there were 2 x scouts there. However you cant talk to them and you cant talk to leader of the NAPA group, bug???? So reloaded and this time chose to be extracted by chopper, radioed it and it doesnt arrive waited over 10mins and nothing...... Do i have to replay the previous level and give the arms to the priest for this level to work (wouldnt surprise me...)???
  15. mark

    Bitter Chill-help!!

    So hang on when the NAPA guys say to go to the priest in gorka and the 2 guys in nova you arent meant to drive yourself there? Do you follow the NAPA gys to a car as they never said that in the dialogue. In fact as i didnt help the priest in the earlier misison they said they cant be of more help......!!!! What do i do as i said above i got to the two villages but there are no people only russians!