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About maodiver

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  1. maodiver


    who would want to go to the actual Koguyev...I am talking Tenriffe.
  2. maodiver


    So who is going to call their travel agent and set up an OpFlash tour of the three (four?) islands? We all could get an incredible paintball re-enaction of some of the battles. Any ideas? Seriously, I wish I could afford to get there to get incredible realism into the game when I play. That would be excellent.
  3. maodiver

    Strategy guide

    Is there anywhere to download the strategy guide that came with the recent upgrade? I don't really need to buy the boxed set, but would like to see the guide. I am not really trying to be a cheap bastard, or a "communist" as some here may call me. Just wonderin'.
  4. maodiver


    I thought "All Quiet on the Western Front" was about the most realistic portrayal of war that I have ever seen. The old (1930's) b&w is best, but the newer one is great too, if only for the Ernest Borgnine.
  5. maodiver

    How many pipebombs

    you're right...that would be pretty evil..... *me thinking -- "haha, got the flag, they never going to catch me!!!" BOOM. ROTFLMAO