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Everything posted by macand

  1. I installed the game over a freshly installed Windows me on a PIII 1,100 Mhz, Dimm Ram 512M, Matrox g450 Video card, Sys chipset onboard audio. Â Even though the system runs a scsi card with Zip, Plextor Cd rom and burner, I installed and ran the program from the Ide cd drive. Â The PC has only the operating system plus Winzip installed and all the windows me upgrade patches from microsoft. Well, everytime i try to run Flashpoint after the striped logo I get the following message: >Operationflashpoint caused an error in Kernel32.dll >Operationflashpoint will be closed >try rebooting etc. etc. I'm trying to figure out if there might be some hardware incompatibility but cannot figure out what. Everything else works just fine. If anyone has any idea please let me know. (Edited by macand at 3:17 pm on Dec. 4, 2001)
  2. I went the hard way, reformatted and installed just win me, the basic drivers (SiS + Matrox) and then opflash. It worked. Apparently the problem lies on the Scsi Acard which runs perfectly but must have something not liked by opflash. Once I managed to have opflash working I started installing the winME updates, one by one and rerunning the game each time. Now WinME is completely updated and opflash is running perfectly, without even the patch. I will eventually install all my software back saving the configuration each time. Weird enough, this problem was only experienced with opflash, all the rest of the software, games included was running perfectly. Thanks everyone.