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About littlesarv

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  1. littlesarv

    Player looking for Squad/Clan

    Hello, Well, I'm looking for a realism clan/squad/unit. I'd like it to be based off the U.S Marines, U.S Army, or U.S Navy. I don't care how many members you have. If you have 1 member but have the right idea I'll join. I'm 17, turning 18 in November. I live in the PST time zone, California. You can contact me via email: [email protected] or xfire: Littlesarv or pm here
  2. littlesarv

    Sons of Liberty Now Recruiting

    We have our own dedicated ArmA Server!!! Name: Sons of Liberty Recruiting
  3. littlesarv

    Sons of Liberty Now Recruiting

    we just updated our website, come check it out
  4. littlesarv

    ArmA Squad Directory

    Squad name - Sons Of Liberty Squad acronym - SoL Squad location - International Leaders located in the U.S. Squad webpage - http://solclan.co.nr/ Squad contact - [email protected] Squad status - Actively Recruiting
  5. Welcome! The Sons of Liberty offers a very exciting and fun experience to the realism side of the game for ArmA. In the Sons of Liberty we work on a realism unit base. Which encompasses ranks, promotions, and awards. Our operations are similar to the real United States Military with real-time training to sharpen your skills both individually and as a team. What we offer as a Unit! Fun, inviting atmosphere The drive to improve Player Dedication High Quality training Dedicated Command Staff Where to Go!!! http://solclan.co.nr/ When you’re ready to join head over to the forums and post a join application.  Once you've sent your application a recruiter will respond within 48 hrs Have a Question? That’s alright; we are here to make you learning experience an enjoyable one. If you have any questions what so ever, we ask that you register on our forums, and post a topic in the General Boards. Once that is done, we will respond to your post, usually within a 24 hour time period.