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About longskater

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    Private First Class


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  • Biography
    I am 40 years old and I am in to BIS In a big way I love the OFP & ArmA family
  1. longskater

    ZGM Mapmaking Tutorial

    Many thanks for your work Will you be taking it futher like how to finish it and pack so it can used in game to make missions on I have been working on the north easten part of afghanistan and there is no roads maps or forests just hamlets and small villages on mountains sides and I can wait to get it in to game again many thanks for a really easy to follow tut I am going to pick a more urban location and start again
  2. longskater

    3D Editor Completion

    Hi all first of Kudos BIS amazing this game just keep getting better and better I have followed you from OFP Cold war crisis, Red Hammer, and the Resistance days and since I purchaced ArmA2 I have been in to the mission editor, after finding the 3D Real time editor in game the hidden one I cant stop using it It is just amazing It is so powerfull as a tool I just cant believe they have not finished this yet. So my suggestion is Finish the 3D editor and bring it up to date with the content ,What I mean by that is the Pre made base templates could do with updating so all faction have item templates and not just ArmA2. I have been using it to Make my mission Base Template and then I use the mission.sqf file to spawn the base at the start of the game, This tool so needs to be finished please BIS finish the 3D editor Many thanks for you on going suppoprt to the cause
  3. longskater

    Mr Murray Editor Guide

    this is my holy bible Cant wait for the release of an updated version kudos
  4. You rock dude and so do everyone else that got us to this point I have a massive air base on Fallujah v1.0 and in the editor 2D there is nothing apart from one man then when i preview everything that i placed in 3D editior is there this is awsome break through Kudis for who ever work this out first I am Running ArmA2 + OA + BAF + PMC and they are all there for me to place in the 3D editor. I am going to make a Video and upload it to you tube with in a week or 2 just let me work it out a bit better so the video will actually teach those who have not got it working to at least get to the stage I am at wich is not very far at mo just geting object placed at ground level not i need to learn how to place them on a different level like a roof top or something. Ill keep this post updated again many thanks
  5. I to Would love to see this working better I think the whole BIS community would It seems to sort of work but like you say the elevation is lost
  6. Many thanks I just could not get the normal one to populate the island I have had a quick try of your package and I must say kudos I set up a few markets in the OA map and it is very very good Ill be keeping an eye open for any of the other modules you start tweaking I already have the Animals you released again many thanks for your hard work in this project Been playing around with it and it fill almost every house that is amazing but is there any way to get more them on the streets and not so many in the houses or do they move out of the houses if left long enough Ill just have to try more testing, are the any of the other commands working with this module like BIS_alice_mainscope setvariable ["civilianCount","round (%1 / 10)"]; BIS_silvie_mainscope setvariable ["vehicleRarity",["skodaRed",10,"skodaBlue",0.8]]; and this sort of thing or is this writen from the ground up ?
  7. what are you editing the mission.sqm file with ? I use ArmAEdit now with the patch for ArmA2 http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=1455 http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=8354 it may be that when you are opening it up and saving it with what ever you are using it is not saving the content on the right lines and there fore breaking the code if you get my drift also another great tool for editing is this http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=4847 i know it is for ArmA but it is still a source of information for beginners like you and me I hope his helps
  8. longskater

    visitor 4

    $400 is that all for VBS2 that is amazing shame no one else would have it or i think i might move on to it
  9. Hi is there anyway to make a BFT for arma2. I have never requested a addon before am i ment to show pictures of one any feed back so i can get this rolling would be great many thanks in advance
  10. longskater

    Server And AddOns

    Many Thanks Kudos
  11. longskater

    RAF Chinook

    Is there a server key for this addon ?
  12. longskater

    Server And AddOns

    Hi I am New to all this and can someone please explain why some addons with server keys work on the deadicated server i have rented and some addons with out server keys dont work and stop my server starting. is there any way to make a key and sign them my self somehow I wish to use http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=78695 mod in my map but cant get the server to run if i add this to it :mad: and it is not just this addon anything that has no key any help much apreciated
  13. Hi I love arma2 I use G7 2000dpi(anything higher i find get gitterish) G15 Blue Back Light(Has 36 programable G Keys) and Tracker IR5(Amazing bring a hole new level to the game) but this is only for infantry. Heli and planes I use My G25 wheel(only pedals) For the tail rotor Planes they operate the tail so as to straff then i use my X52 Throttle housing only For Lift(helis) or Thruster(Planes) G7 For pitch and roll(for both Helis Planes) Tracker IR5 Head Movement(With Mandos This Really is where i spen 90% of my gamming time I love it Viechals G25 Pedals (left Pedal= Slow , Middle Pedal=Stop , Right pedal=Fast Foward) G7 Turn left+Right Tracker IR5 Head Movement like i said I love this game. It is not the best way to play if you want to be the best at this game but if you are looking for game immersion and that connection to the game that you do not find with a mouse and keyboard then each of my toys have paid for them selfs 10 fold I also know that these Toys come with a price and they are not affordable to everyone and i am not trying to boast I just trying to relay how good this game is if your lucky enought to be able to game with these toys but with all that aside I still could not do with out my mouse and keyboard. I hope you find something that you feel comfortable with ;)