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Everything posted by lockie1976

  1. lockie1976

    Formal Complaint

    I know here like ANY other forum the mods have to put up with alot of shit, but unlike alot of other forums the mods here have developed a serious elitist attitude. I have experienced (but seen more towards others) some rude and very unprofessional behaviour (which I'm guilty of but then I'm not a role model here like the mods are... sorry SHOULD be. I've been banned for breaking 'forum rules' but have seen mods break there own rules, being down right rude... its like NYC 'Zero tolerance' enforced by corrupt cops. I'm not pointing my finger at all the mods but there are a handful that need a smack otherwise how can you (the mods) enforce rules that your fellow mods sometimes choose to ignore... and/or out right break. The worst effect of this is I see senior members picking up this attitude of elitism. I've seen and being victim to 'senior' members flaming ppl for asking questions ffs but when the original poster gives an equally rude reply to the flamers they get banned and the rude flaming 'senior' member is still posting the next day, its F*^&ing BS and it scares alot of new comers away, that I know. I'd say more but I'll end my rant here.... standing by for attacks and the eventual closing of this thread. PS I Love ArmA2, I f&%king love it... my problem is with these forums and the elitist attitude of mods and how its spreading to senior members... soon you''ll all be able to swim around in your ego's.
  2. lockie1976

    Any news from b.i.???

    :S Hate is a strong word, you can hate me if you like :)... but I try to love everyone even though I can be an absolute bitch... just ask the moderators :D
  3. lockie1976

    Any news from b.i.???

    Well the old days of the 'customer is always right' are gone.... you'll struggle to get better support from another company, the game is hugely complex blah blah blah etc etc etc but its all true... if EA had made this game you would have cut your wrists by now cause 1.02 would be ALL you'd get and if you'd asked for more you'd be told to fuck off.... 2nd... ITS CALLED BUYER BEWARE.... didn't you read reviews or forums? you knew or should know what BI's initial releases are like, so get over it and wait.
  4. lockie1976

    A way to remove profanity II

    +1 for a good guess :) -2 for stating the obvious :rolleyes:
  5. lockie1976

    Any news from b.i.???

    It will be ready when its ready... ffs some of you are impatient, you whine like children... 'muuuuumy I want it nooooow' nag nag nag.
  6. lockie1976

    Vehicles in-game speed experience

    +1 And please BI make the mouse usable, I do steer with my KB but use the mouse to correct any under/over steer but as it is atm the mouse is useless. Please fix this. edit: Mountain bikes.... they go faster than the Renault, they go faster than any other vehicle up hills, haven't tested it in the editor but from what I've see its completely backward... push-bike faster that vehicles??? WTF
  7. lockie1976

    A way to remove profanity II

    People swear and putting walls up everywhere can be a dangerous thing. Oh gosh I'm bleeding... Oh gosh that hurts... doesn't sound 'realistic' to me +10 ABSOLUTELY... do not waste ANY time fixing this when there are far more important things to fix................
  8. Since both of these threads where closed, this is not cross posting Is there any way you guys at BI could select the best of the best user addons (I'm only thinking weapons and vehicles) and with permission from the creator release them with patches??? There are some amazing user made vehicles and weapons out there but like all before them they rarely get used by the mainstream OFP/ArmA player. Something like... with each major patch, BI select what they think are the best 2 or 3 addons for the time period between each major patch and release the addons as official with the upcoming major patch and so on. Best being... - Falls in line with the ArmA2 standard/feel - To serve a real purpose/to be of actual use in the ArmA2 world (not just a hummer with a different GPMG on it or another variant of a G36) - Looks, plays and controls like its authentic - User friendly Maybe BI could slightly edit them to conform to BI standards If there is a copyright issue, I'm sure they could rebuild the model, shouldn't take long since they would have the blueprint and it would only be 1 or 2 per major patch
  9. It would be nice to see a response from the boys upstairs... especially about the "Distance blurring for infantry that kneel or lay down" its a major flaw imo and makes the ghillie suit completely useless.
  10. Nice patch but it seem to be one step forward two steps back, and if 1.08 is the final patch, you better hope Codemasters screw up OFP2 cause if they dont' and its what ArmA should be, say good bye to your customer base and the people that make the ArmA community so great.... As the general feeling around the community in Australia at least is that if Codemasters gets OFP2 right, the community will walk and I don't think we'll be returning for ArmA2 or whatever it might be called......
  11. lockie1976

    ArmA Update 1.08 International and US, New update

    OK... nice people who missed my point,Its a post that in the vain hope that BI may just get enough negitive feed back... may... (as I'm sure they lightly scan forums) so they don't stop supporting this software like has been stated "1.08 Final" but that plans gone to shit cause like flies on shit... blah blah blah
  12. lockie1976

    ArmA Update 1.08 International and US, New update

    Nah, that would be you. LOL... I'll email you so tissues, are you a New Zealander?... I didn't know there was a Brisbane in NZ?..... hmmm 'note to self, check atlas'...
  13. lockie1976

    ArmA Update 1.08 International and US, New update

    Yes, of course they are.... Has this got something to do with numbers....
  14. lockie1976

    ArmA Update 1.08 International and US, New update

    Yes, of course they are....
  15. lockie1976

    Expansion: Arma: Queen's Gambit

    sv5000 ppl want the tools so ppl like you can play the excellent user made maps created by using the tools..... and its true we do hand over money and thats meant ensures support for the product.... especially when it was released the way it was....
  16. lockie1976

    Expansion: Arma: Queen's Gambit

    WTF, good campaign.... OFP campaigns were great, ArmA campaigns sux dead dogs dicks and we need a game thats not broken before we get expansions . Has BI already run out of money.... I think ArmA if not done properly will be the beginning of the for BI as ppl will not return for ArmA 2 (or whatever) if they have a bad experience with ArmA, especially if Codemasters gets OFP2 right...... hmmmm... we'll see I guess. love this smiley
  17. lockie1976

    ArmA is just ... awesome!

    Yeah loved OFP and I LOVE ArmA, I know its designed mainly for MP but the SP campaign kinda sucked compared to the OFP SP campaigns which was so well done so I guess its all balanced out.... Like OFP I can see myself playing this game for years to come...
  18. lockie1976

    1.08 Troubleshooting thread.

    Couldn't be bothered to see if this had been posted or not so I'll put it here anyway but the Flush command (to flush vram) works well. Press Left shift + numpad minus then type flush, the game should be able to do this automatically but hey its BI............
  19. By the time ArmA get to say 1.3 or so It will be pretty much bug free, but simple things like the parabug (falling out of your parachute) should of been addressed by now. I can understand peoples frustration for game bugs that with over a gig of patching still hasn't been fixed but like the previous guys have said it takes time and if you want it to be done properly then be patient.
  20. lockie1976

    Stop Camping.....arghhh!

    yeah we had a guy that use to whine about us camping in tanks, then one game he decided to get behind us camping, creep up and lay satchels got me twice till I worked out what was going on... point is spend the time to rout us out instead of typing about how campers suck...
  21. lockie1976

    Removing Account?

    Anyone know how I remove my account here, the server admins haven't replied to my messages so I thought I'd ask here Thx guys
  22. lockie1976

    Removing Account?

    I want to visit the site just want an account here... DH
  23. lockie1976

    Hacks & Cheating..

    Deamon or Matt not sure which one.... but one of them is Wesker from the TKC community..... lamer <span style='color:red'>Link removed by Moderator.</span> bottom of page 1
  24. lockie1976

    1.08 Release

    The 1.08 patch will be released Monday EST (Eastern Australia). I love this smiley