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Everything posted by lucaswv

  1. :mad: I get the message "Connecting Failed" when trying to connect to any internet game on the long list shown. I have retail version patched to 1.4. and yes I have turned off firewall etc...
  2. Command options are greyed out :confused:, such as "go prone" or "alert" etc..... why can't these be used. I though it was because I was early in the campaign, but I'm now on Manhatten. Please help.
  3. lucaswv

    Connecting failed

    no answer to this one eh? :(
  4. lucaswv

    Command Options Greyed Out!

    OK ty, I will try this shortly, however It's a pity you can't select all with the space bar and then give an order to all of them at same time :(