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Everything posted by lawkim

  1. lawkim

    What PC should I get?

    I want to play ArmA pretty bad. I even got the game. I just don't have the rig for it. I want to buy a pc from Costco. (I chose Costco cuz I am short on money) I was wondering which out of these nine computers at Costco would be a good comp for playing ArmA. Ofcourse I want full option and stuff but I don't know much about computers. What do you recommend? Are there any good deals or info on getting a nice computer for ArmA for a little money? I know some of them don't even come with Nvidia Graphics card or such. How much are they? I know I sound clueless but I want you to help me please. Thank you! Here is the link http://www.costco.com/Common....topnav=
  2. lawkim

    What PC should I get?

    Thanks guys! Very good Advices I am going to buy an ok system and buy a ram and a graphix card. I think that's a very good recommendation Just in general tho, what are the processor speed, ram, graphics card recommendations on ArmA? I guess 6600 is good for the processor 2 gb ram would be good and 256mb Nvidia 8600 GTS video would be awesome. How good will the game run under this setting?
  3. lawkim

    What PC should I get?

    Wow Thanks Puma. So Costco is not the cheapest? I guess going to Bestbuy is out of question then :b I want to spend about a grand on getting a new computer (hopefully with a new screen as well) but I don't know which or how I should go at it. I want a good fast gaming rig for this one. I already have my laptop for other stuff. How can I build my own computer. Will it be really cheaper with more goodies? Are there any website with deals and discounts? Thanks again guys! My gurus!
  4. lawkim

    MI 24A HIND

    Hey I might have stumbled onto something here. MI-24A When you see one of the pictures, you can see the chasis(?) of the inside the cockpit of the Mi-24A Would this help? well good luck! Can't wait till piloting in one of these bad boys. p.s. oh yeah, one of the readings I got from the kind PDF-files Gedis provided, Hind-B is actually an earlier version of Hind-A since Hind proto-type was later known to the Western world after they found about the Hind-A.
  5. lawkim

    MI 24A HIND

    Hi, I looked for some Hind-A pics. I was trying but I couldn't find any pics inside the cockpit I linked some of the exterior pics of the hind tho. I hope I was of any help. Hind-A01 Hind-A02 BTW, While I was trying to find some pictures of Hind-A I found this amazing looking monster. Does anyone know if there is any add-on out there for this beautiful Super-Hind? Super-Hind01 Super-hind02 Enjoy!
  6. Hello guys! Thanks to AfrographX, Fischkopp and Panzergrenadier3, I have completed Marine One Helicopter as well as VIP face pack. Here is the Face Pack made by me And Here is the Marine One made by AfrographX, Fischkopp. Reskinned by Me. HMX-1 Pilot for the Marine One was skinned by Panzergrenadier3 which is based on Bas_pilots. Thanks also to Panzergrenadier for compiling the addon for me. Marine One is not the exact copy of the real thing But it's close enough to fulfill your assasination or protection needs Enjoy! Here are the links Marine One Helicopter and Pilot Marine One Heli The Face Pack VIP Face Pack Any Mirror would be greatly appreciated
  7. lawkim

    Marine One Heli and VIP Face Pack

    The secret Service guys are just the old MIB units I reskinned with bullet proof vests. as soon as I get a permission from the real developer, I will release it As for the VIP pack, I am trying to include more faces. Any ideas?
  8. Hello there~!:b I enjoy the modding community so much that I decided to give some back. I want to release two addons I made for my own use. One is Marine One heicopter. I reskinned AFR's CH53. With his permission, I will release the addon. I could not model the inside however since I don't know how to model. Â I only know how to skin. The other addon is the VIP face pack. I realized that OFP community lacked VIP faces so I decided to make them. As soon as I include more faces I will release the face pack. Â If you want any other VIPs or faces for me to add, please let me know. Meanwhile enjoy the screenshots~ Had to resize the pictres. thought they were too small
  9. lawkim

    Marine One Heli and VIP Face Pack

    Sorry for double posting but here is the list of the face pack. I will include more VIPs in the future:) Enjoy! Roh Moo Hyun: The President of Republic of Korea Putin: The President of Russia Koizumi: Prime Minister of Japan George Bush: Prez of USA Fu Zin-TAo: Chairman of China Kim Jong Il: North Korean Dictator Hitler: German Dictator during WW2 Jacques Chirac: the President of the French Republic Saddam : Former Iraqui Dictator Mahmud Ahmadinedschad: Prez of Iran Zeon Doo Hwan: Former South Korean Prez Dick Cheney: VIce Prez of USA Tony Blair: Prime Minister of England Gerhard Schröder: Former Chancellor of Germany Edit: Gerhard is not a chancellor no more.
  10. lawkim

    Marine One and VIP Pack

    Thank you AfrographX and Fischkopp. I will release the addons now on the Addons: Complete forum. The face pack and the Marine One. of course your names as well as Panzergrenadier's name will be in the credit. thanks for all your support!
  11. lawkim

    Marine One and VIP Pack

    I have made more faces They still need to be fixed a little more so the side of the face and the frontal face match color-wise. Here is a screenshot for your enjoyment while I work on them a little more. The work on the Marine One is done with a great help from Panzergrenadier (It is now complete with proper pilots! and I would really like to release it but I just can't seem to able to reach Major Gandhi for an approval. Any ideas? edit: oh, Putin's chin is fixed. Â I just had an old picture up here. More faces
  12. lawkim

    Marine One and VIP Pack

    The only political view I have. The North Korean Dictator must die! Anyhoo... Here is a sampler if you guys want it. It's the VIP face pack. It only has 7 faces. you know how to use it. Just put in any addon folder (It won't overwrite anything) Inside the editor type: this setface "v1" the faces range from "v1" to "v7" for now. I will include more in the future. As for the helicopter. Â It is Major Gandhi's amazing work and I asked for his permission to post it online. Thank you all for your interest http://www.uploading.com/files/M7M2SDE6/VIP_Faces.pbo.html PS. Thanks for the links of Merlin, Panzergrenadier. I will look into them. Edit: had to revise some bad grammars. EditEdit: Thanks for the new link Blackdog~
  13. lawkim

    Marine One and VIP Pack

    I fixed Putin's chin. It does not look too weird I know the real marine one looks different from my skin but I like mine better If you guys would really like it, I will try to copy the real marine one paint scheme with the new Malin helicopter. Can I find a Marlin helicopter I can use to reskin for Marine One? By the way this is the new Putin How do you guys like it now? Oh yeah, and I will try to change hitler so it looks more human like. It looks weird because it is from a painting. It is very hard to find Hitler in a color photo. Let alone a phote where he looks staight into the camera. Thanks for your help I really appreciate them^^
  14. lawkim

    Marine One and VIP Pack

    Those body guard guys are just a reskinned from the MIB units. If you want it, I can release it with the other addons.
  15. lawkim

    Marine One and VIP Pack

    Haha I did not realize how gimpy he looked. I will fix it that he will look more human. Thanks for the pointers. anymore vips you guys would like to assasinate or protect?
  16. lawkim

    Another scifi thing

    I would love to help you with photoshop texturing. Those are nice looking units! I want to texture them so they would look like the units from battlefield2149
  17. lawkim

    Another scifi thing

    I would love to help you with photoshop texturing. Those are nice looking units! I want to texture them so they would look like the units from battlefield2149