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About lOCOTE45

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  1. lOCOTE45

    Release of the Blindo FIAT 6614 by PedagneMOD

    First off a very great addon on. i been waiting to see if anyone would ever make it. but i only have one error. i think it might be a conflict with another addon but not sure. anyhow i was wandering if anyone elese has had issues with the seating arrangement. in the rear all seem to be standing with feet going through the floor and heads through the top, the driver same but he also faces to the left.
  2. lOCOTE45

    US Night camo soldiers

    wow somebody picked up this uniform. with all the desert uniforms floating around i was wandering when someone was gonna start them. well as far as vest with these parkas, that would be a no go for realism. i use to wear these when i was a infantry scout with the good ole 101st. we had no such vest at all back then. infact by the time the vest came out this night camo parka was ditched long time ago. pretty much all we wore over it was a LCE set up with 4 3mag pouches, 2 saw pouches, 1 radio, and 2 canteens, first aide pouche, NOD pouche, some had a 9mm holster minus one of the other pouches. as far as for the standard soldier layout it was pretty much 2 3mag pouches, 2 canteens, first aide pouch, bayonet, maybe a 9mm houlster, or flashlight. so you have to understand its a vintage pattern that did fail as mentioned above. the only soldiers who had double up equipment (on the LCE) were your 11b scouts, pathfinders, rangers, 19d, etc...not your standard soldier. the layout in ammo for a standard soldier is only 210 rounds or 7 mags so the other stuff was not called for. and most soldiers would rather have less on the LCE as it dug into your sides more when walking for long halls. hope this helps.