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About legowarz

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  1. While having an easy way to get custom characters working in game is great, more would be nice. How about the ability to give custom animations to addon characters. This doesn't mean... action.. do this.. I mean, like custom run animations, etc.. Yes this could get tedius, but some people like to do it, I know I would. How you do your skinning, I'm sure we'll adapt, would you use Biped or something like that.. I'm sure we'll adapt, but give us some control! Just think of the variety of mods you would get, from mechanical (bots), to animals, to perhaps legomen ;) -joesiv
  2. Does anyone know what adjusts the aim on the characters. No this isn't another post "my aim is off" ... well ok maybe it is... but my aim is off! But not on standard stuff, just on the custom characters we've made, and only off by a bit. How do I adjust them, is it by manually moving the proxies? (pain in the rear) ... or? btw. the aim is off in all view, gun view 1st/3rd person, it shoots too low and left. any suggestions? -joesiv
  3. legowarz


    I found that, having them directly above each other kicked up a fuss (using a constrained axis duplication) however moving one slightly off axis, it'd work fine.. prolly a divide/0 problem internally with thes ame x/y locations -joesiv
  4. legowarz

    Ati radeon issues resolved?

    Hi, I know there have been posts before about it, and countless posts on rage3d, but I'm still wondering if there were any updates, or if it's a moot issue, about the Radeon (catalyst) drivers, and Resistance and Hardware T&L I'm using Cat 3.4, Dx9,0 and Resistance 1.91.. and I'm still having issues with T&L here is a pic.. I've had worse, but this is the only one I was successful to take a pic of Essentially, the curruption is mainly on textures, from sky/mood/land/almost everything is sporatically affected. Even the laptop menu is effected occaionally... the Chat dialog, etc... what you're seeing is one of the two problems i've experienced, the other one is extremly blurry textures (intermittant) but I don't have a pic of that... so are these issues that are gonna stay, or are they still being looked at? (by you or ati) -joesiv
  5. legowarz

    Custom picture (icon) prob

    does this not change the picture that appears in the breifing?
  6. legowarz

    Custom picture (icon) prob

    I'm having this same problem. The pic icons worked fine with 1.46, but when I converted over to Resistance, it messed them all up and I haven't been able to figure out how to replace both images. Does anyone have any ideas on how this is done? Thanks! bradman
  7. legowarz

    Dedicated server - cpu usage

    hi, if you're running an MP, system (like me) you could try setting an affinity, it helps me. set the OFP_server.exe to CPU1 only, and the flashpoint game to say, CPU0 only. Â This way, the server gets a whole processor to its self you can set afinitys, but going to your task manager (ctrl+shit+esc) going to "processes" right clicking on a process, and select "set Affinity" Â then just uncheck one of the processors, to force either or. you could also try bumping up it's priority hope that helps -joesiv edit: do any of you guyz know how to list dedicated servers in gamespy (1.46 or 1.91)? OR, to get 1.91 dedicated servers to work with custom addons(!!, this would be GREATLY appreciated! www.legowarz.com
  8. legowarz

    Lego warz beta demo

    hey guyzz....glad you're diggin the beta for a our mod (yes it IS beta ). Â We're OFP fans who love Lego like you and havin a fun time makin it! We have learned a thing or two about some of the problems people are having with the bombtruck, CTD, and Yellowscreen of death . Â All of these problems are accounted to the fact that we made the mod for 1.46 and didn't test in Resistance. Â Everything should run fine in 1.46 so give that a try! Thanks for the comments, beta 1.1 is gonna be sweet! bradman
  9. legowarz

    Custom weapon crashes on respawn

    I finally solved the problem!!! I coudln't reduce 2 modes down to 1 (and the sniper one just didnt' work...if someone knows why please tell ) .... anyhow, my work around involved creating 2 modes for the sniper...but giving them both the same characteristics. Â Here's the working code: </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">// Basic def. #define TEast 0 #define TWest 1 #define TGuerrila 2 #define TCivilian 3 #define TSideUnknown 4 #define TEnemy 5 #define TFriendly 6 #define TLogic 7 #define true 1 #define false 0 // type scope #define private 0 #define protected 1 #define public 2 class CfgPatches { class LegoWarz_weapons { units[]={}; weapons[]={LEGOWARZ_sni, LEGOWARZ_smg}; requiredVersion=1.00000; }; }; class CfgModels { class Default{}; class Weapon: Default{}; class LEGOWARZ_smg : Weapon{}; class LEGOWARZ_sni : Weapon{}; }; class CfgAmmo { class default {}; class BulletSingle: default {}; class BulletSniper: BulletSingle {}; class SniAmmo: BulletSniper {}; class SMGAmmo: BulletSniper{}; }; class CfgWeapons { class Default {}; class MGun: Default {}; class Riffle: MGun {}; class M16: Riffle {}; class LEGOWARZ_sni: M16 { model="\LEGOWARZ_weapons\LEGOWARZ_sniper"; modelOptics="\LEGOWARZ_weapons\optic_sniper.p3d"; displayName="LegoWarz Sni"; displayNameMagazine="Sniper Mag"; magazines[]={"LEGOWARZ_sni"}; //ammo=BulletSingleW; picture="\LEGOWARZ_weapons\sniper.paa"; count=5; opticsZoomMin=0.04; opticsZoomMax=0.12; distanceZoomMin=400; distanceZoomMax=80; modes[] = {Single, Burst}; class Single { ammo = BulletSniper; multiplier=1; burst=1; displayName="LW Sniper"; dispersion=0.00003; sound[]={\LEGOWARZ_weapons\sniper.wav,1,1}; soundContinuous=false; reloadTime=0.5; ffCount=1; recoil=sniperSingle; autoFire = false; aiRateOfFire=5.0; // delay between shots at given distance aiRateOfFireDistance=500; // at shorter distance delay goes lineary to zero useAction = false; useActionTitle = ""; }; class Burst { ammo = BulletSniper; multiplier=1; burst=1; displayName="LW Sniper"; dispersion=0.00003; sound[]={\LEGOWARZ_weapons\sniper.wav,1,1}; soundContinuous=false; reloadTime=0.5; ffCount=1; recoil=sniperSingle; autoFire = false; aiRateOfFire=5.0; // delay between shots at given distance aiRateOfFireDistance=500; // at shorter distance delay goes lineary to zero useAction = false; useActionTitle = ""; }; }; class LEGOWARZ_smg: M16 { model="\LEGOWARZ_weapons\LEGOWARZ_smg"; modelOptics="\LEGOWARZ_weapons\optic_smg.p3d"; displayName="LegoWarz SMG"; displayNameMagazine="SMG Mag"; magazines[]={"LEGOWARZ_smg"}; ammo=BulletBurst; picture="\LEGOWARZ_weapons\smg.paa"; modes[] = {Single, Burst}; class Single { ammo = BulletSingleW; multiplier=1; burst=1; displayName="LW SMG Single"; dispersion=0.0002; sound[]={\LEGOWARZ_weapons\smg.wav,1,1}; soundContinuous=false; reloadTime=0.15; ffCount=1; recoil=riffleSingle; autoFire = false; aiRateOfFire=5.0; // delay between shots at given distance aiRateOfFireDistance=500; // at shorter distance delay goes lineary to zero useAction = false; useActionTitle = ""; }; class Burst { ammo = BulletBurstW; multiplier=1; burst=3; displayName="LW SMG Burst"; dispersion=0.0004; sound[]={\LEGOWARZ_weapons\smg_burst.wav,1,1}; //sound[]={"",db0,1}; soundContinuous=false; reloadTime=0.1; ffCount=3; recoil=riffleBurst3; autoFire = false; aiRateOfFire=5.0; // delay between shots at given distance aiRateOfFireDistance=500; // at shorter distance delay goes lineary to zero useAction = false; useActionTitle = ""; }; }; }; class CfgNonAIVehicles { class ProxyWeapon {}; class ProxyLEGOWARZ_sni : ProxyWeapon {}; class ProxyLEGOWARZ_smg : ProxyWeapon {}; };<span id='postcolor'>
  10. Ok, i've spend hours and hours trying to debug this problem!! I'm about to go nuts, so before I do that, I thought about asking for help  I've made a custom weapon based off of the sniper rifle.  I've also implimented a script that reloads the player's weapons after they die.  Now, for some odd reason...after their second respawn, operation flashpoint dies! Just shuts off! no dialogue box or anything! Here's the cpp file I made.  It was strange because it didn't die when i respawned with m16, but did evertime with the sniper.  So i switched to m16 with the sniper and having the same probelm if i try to switch to one mode (single, snipermode, whatever).  Here's the code: </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> // Basic def. #define TEast 0 #define TWest 1 #define TGuerrila 2 #define TCivilian 3 #define TSideUnknown 4 #define TEnemy 5 #define TFriendly 6 #define TLogic 7 #define true 1 #define false 0 // type scope #define private 0 #define protected 1 #define public 2 class CfgPatches {  class LegoWarz_weapons  {    units[]={};    weapons[]={LEGOWARZ_sniper, LEGOWARZ_smg};    requiredVersion=1.00000;  }; }; class CfgModels {  class Default{};  class Weapon: Default{};  class LEGOWARZ_smg : Weapon{};  class LEGOWARZ_sniper : Weapon{}; }; class CfgAmmo {  class default {};  class BulletSingle: default {};  class BulletSniper: BulletSingle {};  class SniperAmmo: BulletSniper {};  class SMGAmmo: BulletSniper{}; }; class CfgWeapons {  class Default {};  class MGun: Default {};  class Riffle: MGun {};   class M16: Riffle {};   class LEGOWARZ_sniper: M16  {    model="\LEGOWARZ_weapons\LEGOWARZ_sniper";    modelOptics="\LEGOWARZ_weapons\optic_sniper.p3d";    displayName="LegoWarz Sniper";    displayNameMagazine="Sniper Mag";    magazines[]={"LEGOWARZ_sniper"};    //ammo=BulletSingleW;    picture="\LEGOWARZ_weapons\sniper.paa";    opticsZoomMin=0.04;    opticsZoomMax=0.12;    distanceZoomMin=400;    distanceZoomMax=80;    modes[] = {Snipemode};    class Snipemode    {     ammo = BulletSniper;     multiplier=1;     burst=1;     displayName="LegoWarz Sniper";     dispersion=0.00003;     sound[]={"LEGOWARZ_sniper\sniper",db0,1};     soundContinuous=false;     reloadTime=0.15;     ffCount=1;     recoil=riffleSniper;     autoFire = false;     aiRateOfFire=5.0; // delay between shots at given distance     aiRateOfFireDistance=500; // at shorter distance delay goes lineary to zero     useAction = false;     useActionTitle = "";    };     };  class LEGOWARZ_smg: M16  {    model="\LEGOWARZ_weapons\LEGOWARZ_smg";    modelOptics="\LEGOWARZ_weapons\optic_smg.p3d";    displayName="LegoWarz SMG";    displayNameMagazine="SMG Mag";    magazines[]={"LEGOWARZ_smg"};    ammo=BulletBurst;    picture="\LEGOWARZ_weapons\smg.paa";      }; }; class CfgNonAIVehicles {  class ProxyWeapon {};  class ProxyLEGOWARZ_sniper : ProxyWeapon {};  class ProxyLEGOWARZ_smg : ProxyWeapon {}; }; <span id='postcolor'> If anyone's familiar with this, thanks for the help!!!