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Everything posted by lukemax

  1. lukemax

    Roger young!

    PS ive sent pics to CZ and ORG but there not putting them up!
  2. lukemax

    Roger young!

    What we are doing is we will use setpos to 2000 when you start the misson you drop from the spceship to earth when you get to 1000 feet in gos to day time! and you land on the planet ETC!
  3. lukemax


    Can someone give me the address of a mod which was makeing a eurofighter i think they where german
  4. Sky city is released at the moment its got an airport dock and a flat base its got a few bulidings on it its only a beta! You need these addons! 1.Everon cartel MODS base's {I dont know what there called} 2.Agent james's bulidings 3.gunslingers addon pack My next project is a Massive city VERY BIG CITYa sort of GTA3 city! released in 1 week worth the wait good snipering leval and stuff! E-Mail me if you want the file or if you would like to host it E-Mail me! Thnaks Luke
  5. Wing commander 3! Two fighters for download!!! Well kinda if you want them E-Mail me at Ralph.steel@btinternet.com I will send them to you! They are a bit big And untextured they are objects if you want them e-mail me you can have the P3D versian or PBO up to you! If you want the texture picture just say! Luke
  6. lukemax

    Two fighters for download!

    Or ican send you a 3DS versian!
  7. lukemax

    M1918a2 bar

  8. lukemax

    Modern usmc marpat

    Yeah fanststic!
  9. lukemax

    Spies like us

  10. lukemax

    Multi models?

    Whats the pint in makeing 3-4 of the same thing for MODSlike breesb is makeing a commanshe chopper DKM are and BAS cant one MOD makeone and then other MODS just re tex it and use it for there own instead of moddelers makeing the same thing in one big go! 1.everyone was makeing a massive plane 2.everyone was makeing a ship 3.makeing the commanshe helicopter somehow i think mods shuld work with other mods and help each other out!
  11. lukemax

    Osprey would be nice

    How mant polys can OFP hold?
  12. Could someone make a very simple tarmated road piece for the roads like black with white lines in the middle! Thanks Luke
  13. lukemax

    Osprey would be nice

    all models i think have to have polys under 2000? DOnt they? Luke
  14. Hey all we have got a dropship ingame at the moment needs a little Twweaking and the Pilot,Gunner and Ride in back views have to be done and textured anyonw who helps us can be given the gun or (unfinshed) Dropship! Also we need Moddelers,Textures and WRP editors and people who can make config! E-Mail me at Ralph.steel@btinternet.com or my ICQ is 177002158 Thanks Luke
  15. lukemax

    Floating city?

    the beta is findhed if anyone would like to host the file e-mali me !
  16. lukemax

    Floating city?

    Tales of war MOd made a LSD i had the idea of makeing a BIGGER ship but this time a spaceship? that with setpos will be in the air and then you just drop down towards the planet with the dropship weve halfway throw what do you thinK? Ive already made a MASSIVE space station for the air at 2000 feet that you can walk around made from the everon cartels shipe thing! If anyone is interested E-Mail me at Ralph.steel@btinternet.com Thanks Luke
  17. lukemax


  18. lukemax


    This looks like a cool site they are makeing services cars! http://www.esatclear.ie/~bweire/jmg.htm At the moment they are akeing a Ford Crown Police Car there a video of it two! Luke
  19. lukemax

    Starship troopers  mod!

    Both Movies=Normal Book=Special Luke
  20. lukemax

    Starship troopers  mod!

    Ive sent Flashpoint.org and OFP.CZ the pics but they havent posted them yet i sent a dropship dor download!
  21. lukemax

    Floating city?

    I will try that!
  22. lukemax

    Floating city?

    If anyone could help with config i will send you the file for configing! and if anyone knows how to put a MS3D file to P3D E-Mail me we have a Morita!
  23. lukemax

    Floating city?

    Well as soon as i have the dropship working in game i will release the city its mostly all done!
  24. lukemax

    Starship troopers  mod!

    So far we have a finshed dropship thow its untexterd and config needs doing up and a Morita which needs doing up!