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Everything posted by lukemax

  1. Hi all Ive got Big City back and its ready for release 2 versians BIG-10-20 addons needed Small-2-4 addons needed But i need somewhere to host it ive sent an E-Mail or Flashpoint.org and Info.cz so lets hope they do that tommorow i will release a Mass Airport which is 60% complete and the day after i will release a Port which is now 40% complete I hope this will spawn a whole new wave of people misson makeing! making airports ETC! These are made with Misson Editor Thanks Luke
  2. lukemax

    Big city realeased!

    Were still working on it applying textures
  3. lukemax

    Big city realeased!

    Were still working on it applying textures
  4. lukemax

    Big city realeased!

    im a misson maker for USOF MOD and incharge of Starship Troopers MOD
  5. lukemax

    Big city realeased!

    im a misson maker for USOF MOD and incharge of Starship Troopers MOD
  6. lukemax

    Big city realeased!

    At leaset ive done something what have you done? Nothing as i thought
  7. lukemax

    Big city realeased!

    At leaset ive done something what have you done? Nothing as i thought
  8. Hi do you know if anyone is makeing any Airport stuff i remember Col Klinks radar but do you know where i can find others?
  9. lukemax

    Big city realeased!

    Where in this Thread have i said its an ADDON
  10. lukemax

    Big city realeased!

    Where in this Thread have i said its an ADDON
  11. lukemax

    Big city realeased!

    if the gamezone link does not work try this then look it should be at the bottem if not try page at and look there if its not there page 9 and so on but it should be 7-8 http://ofp.gamezone.cz/index.php?sekce=news&archiv=true&page=7
  12. lukemax

    Big city realeased!

    if the gamezone link does not work try this then look it should be at the bottem if not try page at and look there if its not there page 9 and so on but it should be 7-8 http://ofp.gamezone.cz/index.php?sekce=news&archiv=true&page=7
  13. lukemax

    Big city realeased!

    These addons are needed ftp://www.gamezone.cz/ofpd/unofaddons/ags_cckit1v2.exe
  14. lukemax

    Big city realeased!

    These addons are needed ftp://www.gamezone.cz/ofpd/unofaddons/ags_cckit1v2.exe
  15. lukemax

    Big city realeased!

    Small-2-4 addons needed
  16. lukemax

    Big city realeased!

    Small-2-4 addons needed
  17. lukemax

    Flashpoint addon awards

    well its a very easy choce ME na only kidding i think DKM MODS commanche rocked the OFP world or Tales of wars LSD or even COL KLINK he just is great,they are the real winners!
  18. lukemax

    Flashpoint addon awards

    well its a very easy choce ME na only kidding i think DKM MODS commanche rocked the OFP world or Tales of wars LSD or even COL KLINK he just is great,they are the real winners!
  19. lukemax

    Any airport addons?

    I want someone to make a Brige but it to be really long so you can have a Straight Moterway across Nogava which im working on now i will release it (If it works in about 2 days) Also im making a mass airport post some screens soon! Luke
  20. lukemax

    Sky city released

    Sky city is released at the moment its got an airport dock and a flat base its got a few bulidings on it its only a beta! You need these addons! 1.Everon cartel MODS base's {I dont know what there called} 2.Agent james's bulidings 3.gunslingers addon pack My next project is a Massive city VERY BIG CITYa sort of GTA3 city! released in 1 week worth the wait good snipering leval and stuff! E-Mail me if you want the file or if you would like to host it E-Mail me! Thnaks Luke
  21. Where can i get a C&C like Script to buy stuff? I know one is lying around somewhere but where?
  22. lukemax

    Sky city released

    Hey i just made an editor extra You dont have to download it!
  23. when i made a texture it just was so costly a time to apply it! it was made on 1 computer sent to the other then i didnt work sent back remade ETC...........