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Everything posted by lukemax

  1. I made this simple misson for OFP of how to bulid an aircraft carrier 1.Download the addons LSD,Bike-ramp and skyhwk of FALKLANDS WAR then with set pos put the bike ramp at the end of the LSD put the skyhawk just behind the main block then you can apply the afterburners and take off but you cant land the setpos for everything is 7 If you cant be bothered to do this download the addons then e-mail me for the misson if you want to put up screenshots for me i will send them to you! Hey this isnt Fantastic but it will be okay till the first Carrier is released! Luke
  2. lukemax

    Cannot open object!

    Hi i made a model but when i put it ingame it was to small so i clicked on the box with three arrows around it made it 10 thimes bigger put it ingame again and it says cannot open file warrior/warrior.P3D Any ideas?
  3. Hi We need someone to animate this bug to make it walk ETC an good scriptor or animator Take a look! http://www.imgstudio.com/photo-s....kemax02 E-Mail me at Ralph.steel@btinternet.com Thanks Lukemax
  4. Where can i get a C&C like Script to buy stuff? I know one is lying around somewhere but where?
  5. lukemax

    More starship troopers pics!

    Shut up you stink at lease im DISPLAYING WORK!
  6. lukemax

    More starship troopers pics!

    We will make the Movie but the higher ranks IE Special Forces and squad leaders will have Power suits! we will begin work on Power suits soon! Luke
  7. lukemax

    More starship troopers pics!

    I made a Map anyway i think its better that you dont reply in my post and i wont in yours that way we cant argue your always trying to put me down well i think i should stop no more Abuse to each other! Clear Everyone out there remember this!
  8. lukemax

    More starship troopers pics!

    Thanks that something i have alot of enthusiasm and imagination. Lukemax
  9. lukemax

    More starship troopers pics!

    Thanks but i did not make it!
  10. lukemax

    More starship troopers pics!

    How is this Pointless you really need to be nicer after all at least im doing things IE.. putting a MOD together makeing Maps what have you done 0 as i thought! Lukemax
  11. ho ive done the model and textures just need a simple scrpit (Unarmed) Thanks Luke
  12. How many addons are lying on peoples Hard drives I mean there was a Mercava-Battle tank from lost breothers a helicopter from someone else! a Eurofighter from some german site! A FOKKER THAT COL KLINK WS GOING TO RELEASE WHICH WAS GOING TO BE GOOD! Whay havent they released them they look good! i cant remember the address!
  13. lukemax

    Look at this!

    DAM Falklands war work fast hats of to COL KLINK! Here take a look! http://www.flashpoint.ru/news/images/newharrier2.jpg Lukemax
  14. Ive just been playing C&C Genrals and wouldnt a MOD for it fit quite good into OFP i mean some models are even there a new kinda American troop buy Code Blue,F117 Nighthawk,B52 and so would it be good? What do you think is it a go or no go? Plus i think alot of people or maybe not will be interested Are you? Lukemax
  15. lukemax

    New c&c genarals mod?

    RTS mod stuff. ?
  16. lukemax

    New c&c genarals mod?

    Thats like normal C&C this is genarals the latest versian! fits better with OFP more realistic to todays army's!
  17. lukemax

    New c&c genarals mod?

    1.Starship Troopers 2.i didnt say this was a MOD i clearly said What do you think?
  18. lukemax

    Big city realeased!

    Hi all Ive got Big City back and its ready for release 2 versians BIG-10-20 addons needed Small-2-4 addons needed But i need somewhere to host it ive sent an E-Mail or Flashpoint.org and Info.cz so lets hope they do that tommorow i will release a Mass Airport which is 60% complete and the day after i will release a Port which is now 40% complete I hope this will spawn a whole new wave of people misson makeing! making airports ETC! These are made with Misson Editor Thanks Luke
  19. Here are more pics from the Starship Troopers MOD: http://www.imgstudio.com/photo-s....kemax01 We still need members anybody really if youre good or bad your in we need moddelers most! E-Mail me at Ralph.steel@btinternet.com Also in the pic is a fighter that isnt from Starship Troopers but which im working on personally i need help on it so e-mail me! Thanks Luke
  20. lukemax

    Starship troopers pics

    We need a texture artist!
  21. lukemax

    Starship troopers pics

    What do you all think?
  22. lukemax

    Radio tower!

    Sorry Martin
  23. lukemax


    Ive made textures on 3DS but when i transfer from 3DS to P3D i cant get my textures? Any help?