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Everything posted by lukemax

  1. lukemax


    Hi has a Brigde been released just ANYTHING a brigde not from OFP Resistance. DId some oen release a WW2 Arnham bridge. i have been searching for 1/2 hour for a Bridge do does anyone know where i can get 1?
  2. lukemax

    Better tanks

    Hi What fetures in scrpits are avalible to a tank i mean with all these scrpits going into Planes,Troops what about the tank! All ive seen is a few animations is there anything better?
  3. lukemax

    New cars

    Here is my new Car pack its modified Mechanic cars Here is the download link: ftp://www.gamezone.cz/ofpd/unofaddons2/Cars_lukemax.rar Here is the list of things that is changed/added: Added Refuel/Armor bars new sound Inproved Handling A few config changes Made to look better Police car and more cars soon PS:Look at the car on the Left! Thanks Luke
  4. lukemax

    New cars

    All chaged into WRP EDIT its on Nogova but i dont know if i am allowed to release it!
  5. lukemax

    Colonnial governor's residence

    OFPCZ seems to host people Philcommando get hosted!
  6. lukemax

    Resistance install problem

    Hi I try to install OFP Resistance but about 30 seconds though the install it comes up with: D:\FlashpointResistance\res\campaigens\Resistance.PBO I have played OFP Resistance on my machine before so what is the problem? Luke
  7. SPEC OP 9 released his weapon, USP Socom! It looks really great. You can download it from our site, just click on the link below! :-) Download link: ftp://www.gamezone.cz/ofpd/unofaddons2/spec_op_9_USP_Socom.zip Luke
  8. lukemax

    Regular us infantry

    I think this addon Is GREAT More Germen WW2 addons thoe cos Germany in WW2 WAS GReat altough thoes B-17's where brill even if they did comit So many war crimes!
  9. lukemax

    Resistance install problem

    Sorry It comes up with could not exract D:\FlashpointResistance\res\campaigens\Resistance.PBO Then i click ok Them it the installation bombs out then says "This profgram has not been installed propley and will not work" Luke
  10. lukemax

    Small requests

    I agree Uncle_Sam is a spamer and will post ANYTHING to get is post count high he must of joined the forum about a week ago!
  11. lukemax

    More of this!

    HI I think that less HUGE planes should be made and more of these ones should: Its made by COL.Klink And if he reads this could he E-mail me at Luke.steel@btinternet.com As i a willing to help finnish it off! Thanks Luke
  12. lukemax

    New cars

    I have chaged it to 2 wheels at front and 2 wheels at back! Also i like it pointe
  13. lukemax

    New cars

    Ive goit the LIMO with 4 wheels like a normal car.
  14. There are New churchill pictures Luke
  15. lukemax

    New cars

    Here is a second pack It has ALOT more then this Poilce car from Scanger Here is a close picture http://ofp.gamezone.cz/news/pics/lukemaxmore.jpg
  16. lukemax

    New cars

    At the moment im working on: Police car LincolnLS Limo Tahoe And the Island is a Edited Nogova witys citys. Im not shaw if im allowed to release it Luke
  17. Hi Does anyone know where i could find the Nogova Police addon Thanks Luke
  18. lukemax

    Nogova poilce addon?

    Itt has a Poilce car,Boat and plane in Nogova police colurs. And a Helicopter (I think)
  19. lukemax

    New cars

    What BMW? Black and white 1 or Red1? or Blue1?
  20. lukemax

    New cars

    No i Didn't because Mechanics GONE Bt i got permisson from Scanger to tweak the police car
  21. lukemax

    New cars

    i need to know what you guys want next! What kinda cars?
  22. lukemax

    More of this!

    HI I think that less HUGE planes should be made and more of these ones should:
  23. lukemax

    Best script

    I like all scrpits!
  24. lukemax

    Best script

    I like all scrpits!
  25. lukemax

    More of this!

    Opps Sorry!